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  • 2013 Valley Hospital Application to Amend Master Plan - H-Zone

2013 Valley Hospital Application to Amend Master Plan - H-Zone

Proposed Amendment to Land Use Element of the Master Plan H-Hospital Zone –Feb 25, 2013
REVISED - Proposed Amendment to Land Use Element of the Master Plan H-Hospital Zone –Feb 28, 2014
Ridgewood Planner Report on H-Hospital Zone Amendment –Feb 28, 2014

Application and Order of Dismissal 
->Order of Dismissal - February 14, 2013 
->Application for Amendment of Master Plan for H-Zone - February 25, 2013 

Opening Statement of Jonathan E. Drill, Esq. –March 11, 2013 

Board Exhibits 
->Exhibit B-1, April 2, 2013 Notice 
->Exhibit B-2, July 16, 2013 Notice 
->Exhibit B-3, Notice, September 30, 2013 
->Exhibit B-4, Resolution 11-293 
->Exhibit B-5, 1983 Village Council Resolution 
->Exhibit B-6, Board of Education Statement, October 29, 2013 
->Exhibit B-7, G. Meth Traffic Review, November 26, 2013 
->Exhibit B-8, G. Meth Alternative 3, November 26, 2013 
->Exhibit B-9, G. Kabir Review of Documents Re Geotechnical Issues, January 29, 2014 
->Exhibit B-10, G. Kabir - Converse Consultants - Geotech Power Point, January 29, 2014 
->Exhibit B-11, Village Engineer Memo, December 20, 2013 
->Exhibit B-12, Notice, March 10, 2014 
->Exhibit B-13, Revised Proposed MP Amendment H-Zone, February 28, 2014 
->Exhibit B-14, H-Zone Revised LU Plan Amendment Redlined, February 28, 2014 
->Exhibit B-15, Perkins and Will Present, March 28, 2014 
->Exhibit B-16, G Kabir MP Review, March 31, 2014 
->Exhibit B-17, G Meth MP Review, March 31, 2014 
->Exhibit B-18, Perkins and Will Additional Information, March 31, 2014 
->Exhibit B-19, Planner's Report, March 31, 2014 
->Exhibit B-20, Planning Board Resolution from 1985, June 16, 2014 
->Exhibit B-21, Planning Board Resolution from 1983, June 16, 2014 

Transcripts of Planning Board Meetings 
->March 11, 2013 
->April 2, 2013 
->April 16, 2013 
->April 29, 2013 
->April 30, 2013 
->May 21, 2013 
->May 29, 2013 
->May 30, 2013 
->June 4, 2013 
->June 18, 2013 
->June 19, 2013 
->July 16, 2013 
->July 30, 2013 
->August 20, 2013 (rev. Oct 7) 
->September 30, 2013 
->October 22, 2013 
->October 29, 2013 
->November 26, 2013 
->January 29, 2014 
->March 10, 2014 
->March 18, 2014 
->March 31, 2014 
->May 6, 2014 
->May 20, 2014 
->June 2, 2014 
->June 9, 2014 
->June 16, 2014 
->June 17, 2014 

Supplemental Letter Brief Submitted by The Valley Hospital 
->Supplemental Letter Brief From Drill, October 7, 2013 
->Supplemental Letter Brief 2004 License, October 7, 2013 
->Supplemental Letter Brief 2012 License, October 7, 2013 
->Supplemental Letter Brief From Drill, October 21, 2013 
->Supplemental Letter Brief From Drill, October 23, 2013 
->Supplemental Letter Brief From Drill, October 25, 2013 

Concerned Residents of Ridgewood 
->Letter Brief on Behalf of CCR, September 26, 2013 
->Letter Brief on Behalf of CCR, October 15, 2013 
->Supplemental Letter Brief, October 22, 2013 
->Letter Brief, October 24, 2013 

Municipal Reports 
->Traffic Bureau Review of Valley Plan, Oct 22, 2013 

->Exhibit A-1 J Drill Opening Statement, March 11 2013 

->Exhibit A-2 Architect Evers Presentation, April 2 2013 

->Exhibit A-3 Planner Burgis Presentation, April 2 2013 

->Exhibit A-4 Geotechnical Presentation with Exhibits, April 12 2013->Exhibits Only 

->Exhibit A-6 Stroudwater valley Bed Testimony, April 29 2013 

->Exhibit A-7 2012 Inpatient Discharges Town List, April 29 2013 

->Exhibit A-8 The Valley Hospital Service Area 2012, April 29 2013 

->Exhibit A-9 Valley Hospital Traffic Impact Study - Full Report, April 30 2013 

->Exhibit A-10 Exhibits from TIS and Response to PB Expert, April 30 2013 

->Exhibit A-11 Geotechnical Presentation #2, May 21, 2013 

->Exhibit A-12 Architect Evers Presentation, May 29, 2013 

->Exhibit A-13 Architect Evers Presentation Appendex, May 29, 2013 

->Exhibit A-14 UCC and Guidelines, May 29, 2013 

->Exhibit A-15 Architect Evers Presentation, May 29, 2013 

->Exhibit A-15A Architect Evers Presentation, May 29, 2013 

->Exhibit A-15B Architect Evers Appendix AA, October 22, 2013 

->Exhibit A-16 Environmental Magari Presentation, June 4, 2013 

->Exhibit A-17 Delivery Truck Turning Template, June 4, 2013 

->Exhibit A-17A Delivery Truck Turning Template, June 19, 2013 

->Exhibit A-18 Charts Excavation, June 18, 2013 

->Exhibit A-19 Valley Upgrade Torcon Centineo Presentation, June 18, 2013 

->Exhibit A-20 Torcon Hourly Truck Chart, June 19, 2013 

->Exhibit A-21 Torcon Major Projects List Exhibit, June 19, 2013 

->Exhibit A-22 Torcon Staffing Chart, June 19, 2013 

->Exhibit A-23 Torcon Powerpoint with Activities Identified, June 19, 2013 

->Exhibit A-24 Proposed Communication Strategy, June 19, 2013 

->Exhibit A-25 Torcon Hourly Truck Traffic Narrative, July 16, 2013 

->Exhibit A-26 Torcon Yearly Truck Traffic Narrative, July 16, 2013 

->Exhibit A-28 Torcon Brookhaven Labs Project Schedule, July 16, 2013 

->Exhibit A-29 Planner Burgis Presentation, July 16, 2013 

->Exhibit A-30 Photo of Cheel Building with Snow Fence Suspended above the Roof 1, July 16, 2013 

->Exhibit A-31 Photo of Cheel Building with Snow Fence Suspended above the Roof 2, July 16, 2013 

->Exhibit A-32 Photo of Cheel Building with Snow Fence Suspended above the Roof 3, July 16, 2013 

->Exhibit A-33 Planner Burgis Presentation for July 30, 2013 

->Exhibit A-34 Aerial Photo Virtua Voorhees Hospital, July 30, 2013 

->Exhibit A-35 Certificate of Need for HUMC North Superior Court A-3155-11, October 22, 2013 

->Exhibit A-36 Letter to the Board Revising Application, March 6, 2014 

->Exhibit A-37 J. Drill Correspondence June 6, 2014, June 16, 2014 

->Exhibit A-38 J. Burgis Power Point, June 9, 2014 

->Exhibit O-1 Aerial View of Valley Hospital, September 30, 2013 

->Exhibit O-2 Photos of VH Campus from Various Locations, September 30, 2013 

->Exhibit O-3 Photos of VH neighborhood, September 30, 2013 

->Exhibit O-4 OPRA Request Payment and Delivery, October 22, 2013 

->Exhibit O-5 Letter from CEO Audrey Meyers to NJ Dept. of Health, October 22, 2013 

->Exhibit O-6 Excerpt from VC Reso 2011, October 22, 2013 

->Exhibit O-7 Excerpts from September 2011 and April 2013 Stroudwater Reports, October 22, 2013 

->Exhibit O-8 Excerpts from September 2011 and April 2013 Stroudwater Reports, October 22, 2013 

->Exhibit O-9 Excerpts from 1983 VC Resolution, October 22, 2013 

->Exhibit O-10 Excess Acute Care Hospital Beds in Bergen County, October 22, 2013 

->Exhibit O-11 Emergency Room Admissions, October 22, 2013

  • Hits: 2340


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