20231214 - CBDAC Minutes


Central Business District Advisory Committee  (CBDAC)

Meeting Minutes

Thursday, December 14, 2023 (in person)

8:30 – 10:00 a.m. Village Hall Senior Lounge


-      Attendees: Deputy Mayor Pam Perron, Trish Manzo, Stacey Tsapatsaris, Glenn Carlough, Tom Hillmann, Stephen Del Percio, Andrew McGonnell, Anastasia Bamberg, Chief of Police Forrest Lyons

-      Guests: Kathryn Schmidt, Joan Groome, Gary Kolesaire, Village Manager Keith Kazmark.

-      Meeting minutes from 11/9/23 Zoom meeting conditionally approved – need to add list of attendees to final draft.

-      Updates:

o   Village Council

§  Reappointed Trish Manzo as Guild liaison and Steve Aspero and Anastasia Bamberg as resident CBDAC members for 2-year terms through 12/31/25. Chief Lyons and Village Engineer Chris Rutishauser re-appointed for 1 year.

§  Passed ordinance allowing microbreweries and breweries in B-1, B-2, and C zones.

§  Passed ordinance banning non-human-powered vehicles in Village parks unless used by person with disability.

§  No bids received for coffee bar at train station so Council will be going out to bid again with lower asking rent.

o   Chamber of Commerce

§  Over 2000 people turned out for Downtown for the Holidays despite the rain (which was a common theme for Chamber events in 2023, unfortunately). Thanks to VoR employees for making it a success. Ornaments throughout CBD look great.

o   Ridgewood Guild

§  More color needed next year to jazz up decorations – Trish suggests red ribbons on the kissing balls. Decorations under the clock came from $2,000 in funding raised by Guild.

§  Complaints from residents that parking enforcement officer is circling to play “gotcha” once meter expires. There should be a 5- or 10-minute grace period. Huge deterrent to getting people to shop in town.

-      CSAC

o   Ongoing discussion with PSEG about lighting in CBD, which has sent VoR Engineering a list of those that are broken.

o   Gary/Chamber believe that much of the lighting is “too cold,” which is a deterrent to pedestrians and getting people to linger in the CBD.

o   This is because most of the PSEG-owned lights are low-watt LEDs. Other lights need covers to “push” the lighting down onto the street. Overall this creates a sloppy and inconsistent image at night in the CBD.

o   Tom Hillmann, Glenn Carlough, and Kathryn Schmidt will form a lighting subcommittee to take a look at the lighting in the CBD and provide recommendations to CBDAC and PSEG on next steps. Glenn or Pamela will reach out to our contact in Summit to discuss their lighting program.

o   CBDAC believes lighting is “critical” to success of CBD – tied to pedestrian safety and overall aesthetic downtown, including the blade sign ordinance (which we will discuss in detail next month). Long-term, the Committee would like to investigate installation/retrofitting of gas lamps throughout the CBD.

o   Finally, safety improvements along the Franklin Avenue corridor are in limbo after the County paved the road last fall. CSAC is soliciting input on all problem intersections in VoR (including in the CBD); email Anastasia with any recommendations for CSAC’s review.

-      Blade Sign Ordinance – Status

o   Glenn Carlough should have a draft ordinance ready for CBDAC’s review in January. Per Stacey, he will also present it to the Historic Preservation Commission first for their input.

o   Goal is “charm” blade sign must be consistent with main business signage. Flexibility will be built into the ordinance but mechanism for hanging (i.e. the hardware) should be the same throughout CBD. We may also “strongly suggest” a particular vendor.

-      Pedestrian Plaza

o   CBDAC will provide Council with recommendation for 2024 Pedestrian Plaza season at conclusion of “lessons learned” white paper.

o   Question is whether the Plaza was unique to the pandemic era and the Village is now past it.

o   Other initiatives from Destination Ridgewood get big crowds downtown, including the ethnic heritage performances. Reconsider something like “Passport to the Plaza” because it actually gets people into the stores. Consensus that Destination Ridgewood should continue during the summer of 2024.

o   CBDAC acknowledges that people want to sit outside earlier in the summer season in dining corrals. But restaurants need to be certain the corrals will continue from year-to-year in order to invest in aesthetics.

-      Vacant Storefronts

o   Number of new businesses are coming to CBD in former Racefaster, Tabboleh, MT Bank, Fastachi, and Town & Country retail spaces.

o   Note that per Stacey the vintage Town & Country Apothecary sign is NOT the original (as suggested by a resident) so unclear what will happen to it when new retailer (high-end clothing store) takes the space.

o   Big problem with why retail spaces remain vacant so long in CBD is amount of time required to get a certificate of occupancy. Village Manager Keith K. is aware & working on it; VoR has a reputation for being very slow in this context & it hurts our ability to attract quality retailers.

o   CBDAC member Andy McGonnel will update & further develop details on list of vacant storefronts prepared by Guild in March of 2020.

o   Goal would be to turn this list into a “pitch book” for CBD similar to a mall prospectus that Guild and Chamber could use when wooing potential tenants, providing details on things like square footage, parking, etc.  Pam will discuss this further with Bill Gilsenan, who may have something similar prepared already.

-      Special Improvement District Initiative

o   Council has appointed the SID Steering Committee. First meeting will be on January 16, 2024.

o   Phase 1 will take 4 to 6 months. After, the Steering Committee will provide a recommendation to the entire CBD business community on what could work (in terms of SID footprint, costs, etc.).

o   Thereafter, should the CBD want to proceed, an ordinance would be presented to the Council sometime in early 2025.

-      Other Items

o   Parking Subcommittee will kick off on January 4. (Stacey, Glenn, and Bill.)

o   CBDAC will come up with a list of 2024 priorities to focus on as a group

o   Next meeting will be on January 11, 2024 via Zoom.   


Respectfully submitted  Steven Del Percio

  • Hits: 95

20231012 - CBDAC Minutes

Central Business District Advisory Committee  (CBDAC)

Meeting Minutes (prepared by S. Del Percio)

Thursday, October 12, 2023 via Zoom 8:30 – 10:00 a.m.

Members of the Public are Welcome to Participate




-      Andy McGonnell appointed to CBDAC on 10/11. Filling Jordan’s term through end of year – would like to be appointed.


-      October 19 – Downtown New Jersey conference. $125 in Red Bank. Pam will attend.


-      Introduction of new Village Manager Keith Kazmark. Three months on the job and appreciates the great engagement across the Village’s community.


-      Glenn – sent Chris R. a letter about lamp posts in town. Some do/don’t have outlets on them. Glenn will forward email to Keith who will take it from there. This is a complicated issue b/c pole ownership in CBD isn’t consistent.


Presentation from Consultant Stu Koperweis on Special Improvement Districts  


-      Brief overview of SIDs - 100 in NJ and over 1000 in US!


-      Differences between SIDs and merchant associations: source of funding and legislation requires everyone to participate. They do not reduce municipal services.


-      Majority of Board of SID is property owners.


-      Role of a SID is to “CLAP:” coordinate; liaise; assist in planning; provide value to businesses.


-      Think of a SID as a “mall without walls.”


-      SID funds are a “special assessment” – not a tax. But billed and collected by the municipality. “Based on deliverables.” Wish list of things to accomplish – marketing, capital improvements, etc.


-      All SIDs are 501cs – usually 3s (i.e. non-profits). Municipalities typically WILL seed the SID/DMC and fund it – happens frequently. They can also provide matching grants.


-      Ridgewood Village Council passed resolution last night to proceed with Phase 1 (feasibility study).


-      Feasibility study within the steering committee recommends the BOUNDARIES of the SID.


-      In Stu’s experience there hasn’t been an erosion to local Guilds or Chambers of Commerce – if anything the SID will enhance them.


Updates      (max 5 minutes each) Council, Chamber, Guild, CSAC, Pedestrian Tunnel, SID subcommittee


-      Council (Pam P.):

o   Recent VC actions: extended dining corral dates to 10/29; approved contract to design historic renovation of pedestrian tunnel for $53K; approved contract to Stu’s company for SID feasibility study for $17K for Phase 1; passed resolution for holiday free parking! Thursday nights from 4 to 8pm 11/30, 12/14, and 12/21 (retailers will stay open late too, thanks to Guild).


o   Hubquarter: local resident Sarah P. presented to VC idea of using underutilized space in CBD for remote workers. Property owner or tenant would provide desks, WiFi, etc. and workers would sign up through an app. Sarah will present at future CBDAC meeting.  


o   VC also passed new rates for annual parking passes and defeated initiative to limit parking on a certain leg of N. Walnut and Maston.


o   Van Neste – want to prohibit scooters, motorized bikes/etc. that’s not people-powered. But some question about whether this would exclude electric wheelchairs – VC looking into it.


o   Volunteers, Guild, and Shade Tree Commission got out the old holiday kissing balls (75 of them!) took out old bulbs and are refurbishing them. Plan to hang them on E. Ridgewood Ave during holidays with snowflakes on the side streets but may swap based on feedback.


-      Chamber (Joan G.):

o   Halloween in park coming up on 10/28.


o   Tree lighting at 6:30PM on Friday, 12/1. Touch-a-truck again. Maple to Broad. 38th year!


o   Joan notes that Chamber and CBDAC are aligned on a bunch of initiatives.


o   Revisions to blade sign ordinance: Glenn wrote initial draft but 2x2’ signs are too small. Other places (Charleston, NoLA, etc.) have a lot of charm thanks to these signs – add dimension and texture to CBD. Usually bracketed and protrude perpendicular to the store’s façade. Glenn going to compare his draft language with other sign ordinances out there and will report back – future agenda item for CBDAC.


-      Pedestrian Tunnel:

o   Refurbishment will happen … when? FY24 capital budgeting underway. Probably design period to work with Connolly/Hickey. SHPO application. Then construction to follow probably in FY25. Intent is to put those costs into the FY25 capital budget request. Keith asks for some research into artistic component – how does it work with a SHPO application? Jeanne J. to schedule follow up with Keith in December.




Pedestrian Plaza/Destination Ridgewood – lessons learned.  Recommendations for next year


-      Jeanne, Kathyrn, and Pam will lead effort to to collect and synthesize CBDAC recommendations from this year to VC for next year.


Stacey Tsapatsaris reports on 19 N. Broad Street construction      


-      Construction issue with firewalls around dormers on new building replacing old Bagelicious. Reminder that if anyone in town sees something out of the ordinary, to say something.


Oktoberfest update from Stacey T.


-      Held only Sunday this year. Very successful. Kudos to Kailey at MacMurphy’s – spearheaded the whole thing. Kailey’s wedding band was phenomenal. Frank from Bee Honey did the vendors. Did very well. “Shot in the arm” for the West Side – thank you, Jeanne, from 2020, who mobilized the West Side. Guild took it over from Jeanne.  


Public Comment    

Next meeting will be on November 9, 2023 in person 

The Committee approved these minutes on November 9, 2023.

  • Hits: 101

20231109 - CBDAC Minutes

Central Business District Advisory Committee  (CBDAC)

Thursday, November 9, 2023 via Zoom 8:30 – 10:00 a.m.




Members: Philip Davis, Trish Manzo, Stacey Tsapatsaris, Glenn Carlough, Tom Hillman,                                    Rebecca Tatlock, Anastasia Bamberg, Steve Aspero, Andy McGonnell


Guests: Chief Lyons, Joan Groome, Jeanne Johnson, Kathryn Schmidt, Jeff Kay, Sara Parra                       (Presenter)


Administration:  Police Chief Lyons moved to approve the Sept 14th and Oct 12th 2023 minutes and the Committee voted in favor.


Council: Pam was unable to attend. Stacey provided council update on her behalf.


·      Following up on CBDAC’s discussion as to whether the Village uses an equitable percentage of its tax revenues to support the CBD…Sgt Ward provided the attached document to show how Police Department resources are allocated in the various parts of town.  This demonstrates that the CBD receives a significantly greater amount of Police Department resources than other parts of town.

·      Restaurants have removed their Dining corrals for the winter. 

·      The Village planted the last 37 street trees in downtown treewells

·      The Signal Division will probably hang the holiday snowflakes & balls right before Thanksgiving so that the town is ready for Black Friday. 

·      The Village CFO is recommending the Council extend the ParkMobile contract for another 3 years.  The Council will vote on this Nov. 8

·      In the biggest news…Council discussed whether to amend the Zoning ordinances to allow Microbreweries and Brew Pubs downtown.  New Jersey statute allows towns to do this and our 2022 Master Plan specifically recommends this action.  A MicroBrewery does not serve food.  A Brew Pub does serve food.  The Planning Board is scheduled to address the issue at its Tues, Nov. 7 meeting.  And the Council may vote as early as Wed. Nov. 8.

·      On Nov. 8, Council will vote on whether to lease the Taxi stand on North Broad St. to Tri-Plex Industries, a construction company for their offices. 

·      Council discussed the sustainability of cutting a new tree every year for the big holiday tree on Broad St.  It turns out the Chamber only gets trees that the owners were going to cut down anyway.  The landscapers do not solicit property owners to find a tree; rather, they ask clients who want to cut down a tree to wait until November to remove and donate it to Ridgewood.

·      The Village administration is researching how other NJ towns put up string lights and whether they are feasible here.  Also, considering larger blade signs. 

·      In closed session, the Council received an update on the litigation regarding the Town Garage on Franklin Ave.  We cannot give you the particulars of that discussion because it was in closed session.

·      The American Legion, Post 53 will conduct the annual Veterans Day Service on Saturday November 11 at 11:00 a.m. in Van Neste Square

·      String Lights – looking at whether this is viable (indicated was of interest)


Chief Lyons provided background on CBD resource statistics (report provided): 

§  During out of calls time, officers are based in CBD, usually at Van Neste Sq.

§  20.77% of time of calls is spent within the CBD (term of 1/1/18 – 06/30/23)

§  In terms of police services, CBD is a primary focus and where most people gatherings outside of routine patrol and house calls.

§  Request to see if we can break down motor vehicle/pedestrian calls v’s other calls to see how the % is within the CBD. Chief Lyon to provide for the next meeting.



§  Downtown for the holidays planned. Friday Dec 1st 6:30pm Tree lighting starting. Theme is ‘Trucks on holiday’.  Decorated trucks display.

§  In the park, will be Smores and fire pits. 2 bands planned and Mount Everest Ski shop will do a big screen showing ski movies.

§  Marching band and RHS chorus. Singers in windows. Lots happening!

§  Potentially a parade at 4pm of the trucks coming into the town.



§  Holiday planning. Starting decorating this Sunday looking to finish on Mon/Tues if not done fully on Sunday ($2k raised) including the clock, over 22 big planters to decorate. Finishing Mon/Tues if needed. Lit deer by the clock. Very festive and delighted to contribute.

§  Were able to secure the free parking on Thursday nights 4-8pm. Thursday after thanksgiving until after the holidays. (4 x Thursdays)

§  30 retailers joining in on late night Thursday shopping until 8pm. Discounts + refreshments included.

§  Looking to post on Destination Ridgewood social media to promote.

§  Looking to have a retail market (6 weeks) in the space where Bibillia was (running Fri, Sat, Sun)



§  There were concerns over lighting on Franklin and Broad. Police department sent a list of repairs needed to PSE&G and the village so pending an update on that status.

Pedestrian Tunnel:

§  Status is still on hold and moving forward. Committee is pulled together through the art foundation.

§  Tunnel is in disrepair and in need of renovation. Engineering company has been engaged to come out to report on what needs to be done. Work starts in January ’24 on what is needed. Repairs will take place in 2025.

§  Fundraising effort to start and potentially looking at a mosaic so could be longer lasting.

§  In discussion with Village manager who can help secure some public art grants (meeting next Wednesday) Maybe statues in Van Neste Square. Ideas on Facebook if the artwork could change on an agreed frequency.


SID Subcommittee:

§  Meeting scheduled for Nov 17th 1pm at Village Hall to get a further update on the SID feasibility study for which money was set aside for and underway.

§  Wanted to have an outlet available on every lampposts (new ones did not get electrical outlets included) which is now a process to get updated. Most likely to be a target of next holiday to have this solved for. Cannot go across streets with lighting but could do up and down.

§  Blade signs ordinance is still WIP. Joan Groome met with a new business (Sign up on Oak Street) in town who is providing some counselling/research. Ideally will be providing a seamless process to provide to other businesses. The attempt would be to write it in a way so there is a level of flexibility for logos, scale and shape but guidelines for consistent in design with the ‘main sign’.

§  Stacey to provide a contact for the Historic Preservation Commission to review the ordinance guidelines.


Discussion Item: Sara Parra (EFM Engaging Places) gave a presentation on her company’s Hubquarters program


Other public comment:

-          Could we bring in a directory of vacant business on the chamber or the guild?

-          Request for agenda point in January meeting from Rebecca Tatlock a refresher on master plan and also how we can be proactive to understand the vacant spaces updates in the meeting (what’s changed, what businesses are moving, what are steps that we can do in the meantime and alongside the SID feasibility process)


Next meeting will be December 14 at 8:30 a.m.in person at Village Hall  


Respectfully submitted by: Rebecca Tatlock 11.9.23




The Committee approved these final minutes on December 14, 2023

  • Hits: 60

20230713 - CBDAC Minutes

Central Business District Advisory Committee (CBDAC)


Meeting Minutes – July 13, 2023         In-person meeting 8:30 – 10:00am


Members Present: Police Chief Forest Lyons, Glenn Carlough, Pamela Perron (Village Council liaison), Jordan Kaufman (CBDAC Chair), Rebecca Tatlock, Phil Davis (Chamber liaison), Stephen Del Percio, Tom Hillmann, Steve Aspero.


Guests Present: Nina & Andy McGonnell, Cavan Sieckowski, Tony Damiano, Jeanne Johnson


Administrative Matters: Glenn moved to approve the minutes of the June 8, 2023 CBDAC meeting.  Tom seconded. The members unanimously approved the minutes.  Jordan announced that he is moving to HoHoKus in August.  Pamela thanked him for his leadership to date. 


Welcome:  CBDAC welcomed Ridgewood’s new Police Chief, Forest Lyons.  Chief Lyons lives in Ridgewood and has children in the school system.  With several new sergeants and lieutenants, Chief Lyons said the police force is focused on being present for residents and improving traffic enforcement.  He outlined what the police do, including patroling the CBD.  Further, he described challenges, such as the time-consuming review of videocam footage. 


Public Comment:  Guests expressed interest in beautification and upkeep of the CBD.  Residents might donate to that effort if they knew how.  Maybe set up a GoFundMe or a charitable organization (Venmo, QR code).   Tony Damiano responded that the Ridgewood Guild is raising money for holiday decorations. 

         Guests further noted the need for a better mix of retailers.  Some storefronts are unkempt.  The buildings need painting.  Engage the property owners. 




Council: Pamela summarized Village matters including the arrival of our new Village Manager, Keith Kazmark.

Chamber of Commerce: Phil reported that CoC Board members are now required to volunteer for a subcommittee.  The Car Show Sept 8th still on track starting @ 6pm.


Ridgewood Guild: Tony (filling in for Trish Manzo) advised that the Guild expanded its Board by three positions.  Movies in the Park are scheduled for three more evenings and the Music Fest is scheduled for September 9.  The Oktoberfest is set for the second weekend of October on the west side of town. 


Pedestrian Tunnel:  Jeanne said the tunnel needs more significant maintenance than just painting.  Therefore, the Village Engineer will have to contact the historic preservation architects, Connelly & Hickey. 


Special Improvement District:  Jordan reported that the SID subcommittee met again with Stuart Koperweis of Economic Development Strategists, LLC and felt that this was the right firm to conduct the feasibility study.  The group discussed how long the study would take and how much it would cost. 


Pedestrian Plaza Impressions Discussion:


         Phil calculated that, based on his shop’s numbers, the Ped Plaza has been successful, but the weather is a key factor.  He thought it unrealistic to expect the same level of foot traffic as we saw during COVID. Steve Aspero said young couples rave about Ped Plaza, but perhaps limit the streets that are closed, i.e., reduce the size.  Steve DelPercio pointed out the brutally hot days; nevertheless, families love it – especially the kidddie water tables.  The bouncy houses were less popular.  His family would not be going to the Ped Plaza every week.  Moreover, parking is difficult Saturday nights.  Tom felt the street closures go too far.  In addition, the lack of signage on the barriers was off-putting to customers.  Rebecca observed that the Ped Plaza has been great for her three-year-old; however, she wished for retailers who spoke more to her grown up tastes.  She did not anticipate that her family would be going week after week.  Tony was disappointed that the Pedestrian Plaza had not brought more foot traffic to Oak and Chestnut Streets.  Pamela objected to the noise of the inflatables’ generators. 


         Guests’ observations:  Cavan loves to eat outdoors; but the corrals need improvement.  She agreed the vendors are not relevant.  She also observed that things are too spread out.  Jeanne felt that we should have targeted the nearby towns more and aimed for more high-end branding.  Just do the first weekend of the month.  Andy suggested more advertising would have helped.  Nina suggested reducing the frequency. 


The next CBDAC meeting will be Thursday, September 14, in person 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. in the Senior Lounge at Village Hall.


Respectfully submitted by: Pamela Perron


  • Hits: 47

20230914 - CBDAC Minutes

Central Business District Advisory Committee (CBDAC)


MEETING MINUTES – September 14, 2023        
Zoom meeting 8:30 – 10:00am


Members Present: Police Sgt. John Ward, Glenn Carlough, Trish Manzo (Guild liaison), Pamela Perron (Village Council liaison), Anastasia Bamberg, Jordan Kaufman (CBDAC Chair), Rebecca Tatlock, Phil Davis (Chamber of Commerce liaison), Stephen Del Percio, Steve Aspero.


Guests Present: Kathryn Schmidt,  Michael Pickholz


Administrative Matters: Phil moved to approve the minutes of the July 13, 2023 and Trish seconded the motion.  The members present unanimously approved the minutes.  After discussion, members decided to meet via Zoom, with the exception of meeting in person once per quarter. 


New Officers:  Steve Aspero nominated Steve Del Percio to serve as CBDAC Chairman and  Stacey Tsapatsaris as Vice Chair.  He also nominated Rebecca Tatlock as Secretary for a 6-month period at least.  The membership unanimously voted for this slate.


Bylaws:  Pamela observed that the CBDAC Bylaws do not address the selection of officers.  Steve Del Percio, Steve Aspero and Pamela agreed to draft up bylaws amendments.




         Council: Pamela summarized Village matters including ordinance amendment so that the municipal judge can find a driver not guilty of overtime parking if he/she inputted the wrong license plate number or the wrong zone, new charge for EV charging in the Hudson St. Garage, and Council consideration of parking regulations on N. Walnut St. and Mastin Pl. where CBD employees have been parking all day.


         Chamber of Commerce: Phil reported on the Sept. 8th Car Show.  He further stated Chamber members’ sentiment that the downtown businesses pay taxes but little of that comes back to the central business district.  Pamela pointed out that the Village provides paving, lighting, snow removal, police and fire protection.  Sgt. Ward stated that police services are mostly needed in the CBD, so the percentage of calls to the CBD is higher than calls from the rest of the Village. 


         Ridgewood Guild: Trish reported that, due to bad weather, the Guild’s Music Fest in Van Neste Square netted a disappointing turnout.  Steve Del Percio suggested using Destination Ridgewood more aggressively, as it is a good social media outlet. 

         The Guild is teaming up with Project Pride to beautify the Downtown in winter, particularly filling the planter pots and around the Clock with seasonal, decorative greenery.  The Guild is also working to persuade retailers to remain open until 8:00 p.m. on certain nights between Thanksgiving and Christmas and will ask the Village to allow free parking on those nights.  Phil asked if there would be entertainment, to which Trish responded yes.  Last, she reminded the group that the Guild’s Oktoberfest will be Oct. 7 & 8 in the west side parking area by MacMurphy’s Pub.


         Pedestrian Tunnel:  Therefore, the Village Engineer will have to contact the historic preservation architects, Connelly & Hickey. 


Special Improvement District: 


Continued Pedestrian Plaza Impressions Discussion:


The next CBDAC meeting will be Thursday, October 12, via Zoom 8:30 – 10:00 a.m.


Respectfully submitted by: Pamela Perron




Approved: November 9, 2023

  • Hits: 140



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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