CBDAC Meeting Minutes 01102019
January 10, 2019
January 10, 2019
1) Approval of the minutes- m/s/a/u
2) Mayor Hache listed several of the recent changes impacting the CBD- change in zoning ordinances for B-1 and B-2, improved sign ordinance, addition of 36 new parking spaces, Parking Garage- there has been a slight reduction in interest rates from 12 months ago and savings may allow the postponement of parking fee increases
3) NV5 Presentation
a. Neil Desai- Senior Planner- 15 years’ experience
b. Visioning Process will take place first and then those results will be incorporated into the creation of the Master Plan
c. Began the process in September 2018- working with the Master Plan sub-committee (members of the Planning Board)
d. A major goal is to increase the number of individuals who take the survey
e. Engage the existing groups/committees/organizations within the Village to provide access to their membership databases.
f. Resident Discussion Groups - 5 residents have already agreed to hold discussion groups to facilitate the process. Age Friendly Ridgewood is one of those groups-
a. Neil Desai- Senior Planner- 15 years’ experience
b. Visioning Process will take place first and then those results will be incorporated into the creation of the Master Plan
c. Began the process in September 2018- working with the Master Plan sub-committee (members of the Planning Board)
d. A major goal is to increase the number of individuals who take the survey
e. Engage the existing groups/committees/organizations within the Village to provide access to their membership databases.
f. Resident Discussion Groups - 5 residents have already agreed to hold discussion groups to facilitate the process. Age Friendly Ridgewood is one of those groups-
4) Neil has reviewed the initial results of the Visioning Questionnaire- 574 responses to date broken down into respondents demographics. Need help in promoting the questionnaire.
a. Future of Ridgewood – negative opinion on the future of business and economic development also land use and development were negative
b. Need to encourage residents to look 10 years forward. Current projects in development will yield 235 new residents. Will bring both good and negative issues. Need to expand beyond goals and visions but need a physical example of the proposed ideas and thoughts to improve the Village (ideas not policies)
a. Future of Ridgewood – negative opinion on the future of business and economic development also land use and development were negative
b. Need to encourage residents to look 10 years forward. Current projects in development will yield 235 new residents. Will bring both good and negative issues. Need to expand beyond goals and visions but need a physical example of the proposed ideas and thoughts to improve the Village (ideas not policies)
5) Reviewed December 5th letter for Council member liaisons to bring to their committees.
6) What is the role of the CBDAC within the Village- created the 4th quarter of 2016- review all issues that can improve the foot traffic, zoning, signage, bring families into downtown, improve parking issues, increase walking throughout the Village.
a. There are a lot of entities that work to improve the downtown, working and not working together, (there is a sense of order already) surprised that there is not a “Business Improvement District” (BID)
b. CBDAC brought in commercial property owners to get their input. CBD taxes paid to the Village are not invested back into CBD. Did not want to bring in a new entity that would add new taxes to CBD property owners, there is no buy in for a BID now. Need to improve CBD first.
c. Website for CBD- fell by the wayside but will be up in first quarter of 2019
d. Conducted 3 forums- 1 property owners and 2 business owners
e. Updated B-1 B-2 zoning ordinance
f. CBCAC recognizes need to provide the Concept of Experience retail (Nationwide online sales represent only 9% of all retail sales)
a. There are a lot of entities that work to improve the downtown, working and not working together, (there is a sense of order already) surprised that there is not a “Business Improvement District” (BID)
b. CBDAC brought in commercial property owners to get their input. CBD taxes paid to the Village are not invested back into CBD. Did not want to bring in a new entity that would add new taxes to CBD property owners, there is no buy in for a BID now. Need to improve CBD first.
c. Website for CBD- fell by the wayside but will be up in first quarter of 2019
d. Conducted 3 forums- 1 property owners and 2 business owners
e. Updated B-1 B-2 zoning ordinance
f. CBCAC recognizes need to provide the Concept of Experience retail (Nationwide online sales represent only 9% of all retail sales)
7) Future goal would be for CBDAC to be the point of contact and interfaces with other committees within the Village i.e. the Arts Council
8) Increase foot traffic in the CBD is a primary goal. Lighting in Van Neste is a key upgrade to CBD and needs to be fully utilized
9) CBDAC along with the Conservancy for Ridgewood Public land will need to create a usage committee and guidelines for Van Neste once lighting project is complete.
10) Downtown for the Holidays- approximately 5,000 people only 1,100 parking spaces, and no problem. Ridgewood Ave becomes a pedestrian walkway and most retailer close early and miss the opportunity to showcase their business to the participants.
11) Most retailers are closed during the evening hours when restaurants are busy and foot traffic is heavy.
12) Every member is encouraged to share the Facebook link for the Visioning Survey
- Hits: 1635