20201001 - CBDAC Minutes

Central Business District Advisory Committee


October 1, 2020



In attendance: Councilwoman Pamela Perron, Jordan Kaufman, Kathryn Schmidt, Michael Pickholz, Gary Kolesaire, Chris Rutishauser, Anastasia Bamberg, Michael Velicu, Philip Davis, Chief Jacqueline Luthcke


Public in attendance: Paul Vagianos, Jeanne Johnson


The minutes from September 24 were accepted pending changes introduced by Councilwoman Perron to clarify the Committee’s BID interest. 


Public Comments: Jeanne Johnson indicated that the Pedestrian Mall is only operative through the weekend of October 3-4.  There are indications that the council will be amenable to continuing, given that there is external funding.  The West Village campaign is going well with an Octoberfest event coming up.


Pedestrian Mall: Discussion continued regarding the fact that some businesses, including retailers and service providers, do not feel that they benefit from the pedestrian mall.  Different businesses have different needs.  Members of the CBDAC agreed to reach out to the VC to indicated their support for the mall at least through the month of October when the weather should be conducive to outdoor activities. Once the weather turns cold, other options will need to be explored, if feasible and safe. 


CBDAC Membership:  Councilwoman Perron indicated that there were eight applicants for the open position on the CBDAC.  The first round of interviews with the VC and candidates, will begin on October 13. Once a selection is made, other interested parties will be invited to attend our meetings as members of the public. Councilwoman Perron will review how we might expand the CBDAC given the level of interest that residents seem to have.


Grab and Go Parking: Councilwoman Perron indicated that results of an informal survey distributed to businesses about the Grab and Go parking spaces varied ranging from “it’s a lifeline” to it is “not relevant” to them.  The program will end on October 4 unless there are sponsors to underwrite the program.  The CBDAC discussed a number of funding options including reducing the price and/or adjusting the time window for Grab and Go to the evening hours when restaurants, the largest supporters of Grab and Go, benefit.


As an alternative, Michael Velicu suggested a process, implemented in other municipalities,   where businesses could purchase parking space time and display temporary signs in those parking spots when they were funding that space.  It could be at cost and is similar to “bagging a meter.” Michael Pickholz suggested that businesses could receive a kiosk code, similar to how other municipalities have done, to fund select meters at times that benefit that business.


Marketing Package for the CBD:  Kathryn Schmidt updated the group on the quotes  received for the graphic arts component of the project and all agreed to proceed.  Councilwoman Perron will take this to the Village Council.


CBDAC Budget: Michael Pickholz indicated that the budget, as discussed and revised at the last CBDAC meeting, was submitted to the Village. We are awaiting their decision. The final budget will be distributed to all CBDAC members.


Business Improvement District:  Jordan Kaufman distributed the BID document that was created for the Village in 2006.  Many noted that very little seems to have changed since 2006.  Representatives from Downtown New Jersey will join our next meeting to discuss BIDs and the BID process.  Members are encouraged to send questions for our guests in advance of the meeting.


Other Items: Members asked whether the Holiday Tree Lighting will still take place this year.  Chief Luthcke indicated that it will, but in a very different manner.  The Village is committed to creating a “holiday season.”


The meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,


Kathryn Schmidt

October 1, 2020

  • Hits: 620



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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