20210401 - CBDAC Minutes

Central Business District Advisory Committee  (CBDAC)


Thursday, April 1st, 2021;  Zoom Call: 8:30 – 10:00am



Council Update

  • Ideas are being generated on how to utilize/fill the parking garage.
  • Federal aid will come in two parts. We don’t know at this point what the restrictions on use of the funds is. Do we have to approve the budget before this comes in? Questions about whether ⅔ of the money will go to the BOE.
  • VC did not think bollards should be a priority. Cost is $800 plus $300-500 for installation. There was a reluctance to foot the bill for set up costs if everyone goes back to eating inside.


Real Estate Forum

  • Two tentative dates-waiting on a list of landlords’ emails.
  • We want real estate owners to have more of a voice/participation.
  • Quarterly meeting with structured agenda. Create community. Rob will share a list of landlords.
  • Targeting April 14 for the first meeting.
  • Steve would like to join the subcommittee.


Building Department New Hire

  • Update-nothing from Heather yet.
  • Existing supervisor will be there until May 1.


Parking Garage

  • It seems there are more cars now on the 4th floor with hangtags and on the second floor with commuter tags.
  • Village also  getting pricing for the fencing.
  • Town is still pretty quiet during the beginning of the week.
  • Vaccines seem to be helping more people feel comfortable coming out.
  • Chris to ask about wayfaring signs.


Transit Village

  • Met with Village Manager, Engineer and Planning. We are interested in going forward.
  • Subcommittee will make its presentation at April 28 VC meeting.
  • $1 mil in grants available. Can be used for many things.
  • Although the designation is permanent, municipalities must submit by July 1 of each year an application for funds to support projects that qualify as TOD (transit oriented development) within  ½ mile radius around the transit center.
  • Needs to be specified--Would the center be the train or bus station?
  • We have some of the grant application done for other efforts and can re-use.


Pedestrian Plaza

  • Frequency is dependent on constraints on police department staffing. We can’t do it every weekend from May through the end of Oct.
  • The committee agreed that having a regular period from Memorial Day to Labor Day with a few weekends before and after at determined dates would be the best solution. Keeping a consistent once a week schedule is important during the summer to minimize confusion for visitors/patrons.
  • The committee reiterated that the pedestrian mall really transformed the town last summer. Let’s build on the successes of last year and keep the momentum going.
  • The street closure/mall brings more foot traffic into the town.
  • Residents want the experience of the mall.
  • Ridgewood was voted best in Bergen from downtown destination.
  • Retail trends are going towards outdoor malls (e.g., GSP).
  • The focus should be one making it more palatable for retailers rather than pulling back. Retailers can focus on making the outside of their stores inviting so that  people come in and shop. Entice people to come inside. We are not asking retailers to bring merchandise outside.
  • Gary said closing the streets does affect retailers, but he feels they are on board with this having the streets closed from Memorial Day through Labor day to support the restaurants as COVID continues to affect their revenues and patrons prefer to dine outside.
  • People want to park in front of stores, especially the employees. Meters were originally used to turnover parking. Now it is a critical revenue source for the village.




  • Katherines marketing design is a go. We received donors.



Current Membership (13 Participants)

Village Liaison – Pamela Perron

Representative from Chamber of Commerce – Philip Davis

Representative from Ridgewood Guild – Max Viola

3 Business Owners – Gary Kolesaire, William Gilsenan, Michael Velicu

5 Residents – Rob Descalzo, Jordan Kaufman, Michael Pickholz, Anastasia Bamberg, Steve Aspero

Chief of Police – Jacqueline Luthcke

Village Engineer – Chris Rutishauser


  • Hits: 528



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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