20210527 - CBDAC Minutes

Central Business District Advisory Committee  (CBDAC)


Thursday, May 27th, 2021


present: Pamela Perron, Philip Davis , Max Viola, Michael Velicu, Jordan Kaufman, Michael Pickholz, Anastasia Bamberg, Steve Aspero, William White, Paul Vagionos, Jacqueline Luthcke, Kathryn Schmidt



Council Update

  • Transit Village will be discussed June 2. Council asked for criteria which Pam submitted.
  • Garage designer presented different options for fencing the 4th floor. Fencing is not required --garage is in compliance without. Options presented were not well liked. Next step would be to explore bird spikes or a railing. Drilling holes opens up potential for the parapet to fail.
  • Village is considering buying 4 new vehicles with snow plows. Kabocha sweeper and leaf vacuum truck.
  • Daily parking via ParkMobile is helpful to occasional commuters, and the price will be increased from $7 per day to $10 per day.
  • Developmentally delayed adults living in Enclave possibly could work at a Village sponsored resale clothing store.
  • Council will discuss cameras in the parking garage during the next closed session.


CBDAC Website

  • Welcome to Ridgewood would like to use QR codes to link to a website. Welcome to Ridgewood URL is secured. Discussed possible use of CBDAC for this content. As a shorter term solution, Gail can create something based on the current Google Sheet that used to collaboratively record upcoming events.
  • The current CBDAC website needs to be made mobile friendly. Dylan will put it on the Ridgewood server.
  • Having volunteers manage the website will be difficult. We need a non-profit for this project and other projects.
  • Need to include keywords for search. Also transfer URL from Village. Pam and Stacey will discuss.
  • Jeanne has a contact that can help with SEO.


Potential SID

  • There is some hesitancy to start a SID.
  • Community foundation is a definite benefit in that it puts resources into a strategy to fill vacancies.
  • Jordan K will speak to Nancy Adams who is the director of Summit Foundation.
  • Village government should focus on essential services. A foundation/SID could coordinate village enhancements and could serve as a structure for other committees to coordinate enhancements. (Green Ridgewood, Arts Council, etc.)
  • Need to get a group of people to be trustees. What should the board composition be? Should we exclude CBDAC members?



  • Pam will give reusable balloons to retailers.
  • The Chamber of Commerce discussed experiential engagement and cross promotions.
  • Ridgewood Arts Council will install 4 pieces of art in Ridgewood.
  • Landlord forum minutes have been approved. A Facebook group has been created and needs to be pushed out. Next meeting will be before the pedestrian plaza opens. Stacey will meet with Heather and Pam before meeting to get village input.
  • Grab and Go is completed and has been submitted.
  • Pedestrian Mall July 10 through Labor Day Weekend. Seeking more retailer participation.
  • Discussion about ways to encourage walking. Improve underpasses. Use murals and other beautification. Wayfaring signs to the garage. Communicate pedestrian safety improvements on Franklin.
  • Make sure people can find out what is going on in Ridgewood via website search. Beef up tripadvisor. Ask residents to rate things. Businesses and entities must register themselves. Jeanne and Stacey will investigate.
  • Fourth floor of the garage is most heavily used during the day--this is good because it takes cars off Ridgewood Avenue.
  • Steve Aspero will be a co-chair and CBDAC and we will resume meeting once a month. Next meeting in four weeks.



submitted by Anastasia Bamberg on 6/16/2021

  • Hits: 453



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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