20210909 - CBDAC Minutes

Central Business District Advisory Committee  (CBDAC)



Thursday, September 9th, 2021;  Zoom Call: 8:30 – 10:00am

Members Present: Anastasia Bamberg, Michael Pickholz, Stephen Del Percio, Stacey Tsapatsaris, Max Viola, Chief Jacqueline Luthchke, Jordan Kaufman, Pam Perron, Steve Aspero,

Guests: Violet Lazarus, William White, Jeanne Johnson, Kathryn Schmidt, Tom Hillmann


Membership:  We welcomed new member, Steve Del Percio


  • Grab and Go and dining corrals extended through October 31.
  • Master Plan meeting Sept 21st. Register at www.ridgewoodvillagemp.org
  • Car show starts 9/10 at 6 pm. 9/11 memorial Sat 9/11 at 7 pm.  Music festival Sunday Sept 12.
  • Fall street crafts faire is Sunday Sept 19.
  • Westside Octoberfest will include a scarecrow contest and hayride. Kits will be available. RHS Alumnifest will be part of it. The event needs a sponsor. The same weekend will also include the sidewalk sale and Access Ridgewood.
  • October 2 and 3 event: BeetleMania. Parts of Ridgewood Ave and Chestnut will be closed.


Parking Garage

  • Wayfinding signs are up in various locations. The signs account for Ridgewood Avenue being closed for the pedestrian plaza. Signs could be improved/made more clear. Perhaps there could be a sign/banner on the parking garage itself. Also register the garage as a business with Google Maps. Increasing the number of reviews and searches will improve SEO.
  • RCPO is Ridgewood Commercial Property Owners group. Next meeting will be with Village staff. Need to get RCPO involved in the next master plan meeting.


Information Dissemination

  • General discussion about the need for more outreach/dissemination of Village communications.
  • There was a question about how many residents have opted into Village email/text news. What percentage of residences does the Village have contact information (email/text) for?
  • Need to use multiple channels to increase sharing of info.
  • Could we use school lists to encourage sign up for e- news?
  • CBDAC could create a recommendation for methods to increase information sharing. Paul, Anastasia, and Kathryn to explore.



  • Marketing kits were distributed to realtors. Getting costs for additional 100 batch print runs. Not sure how many existing kits are being distributed. Target audience is people who are considering moving to Ridgewood.  There was a suggestion that kits should be available at Village Hall both at the building and health departments.
  • Next meeting Oct 14.
  • Send info for guest speakers.


Draft Submitted by Anastasia Bamberg

  • Hits: 522



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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