20220512 - CBDAC Minutes

Central Business District Advisory Committee (CBDAC)

 Minutes of May 12, 2022 Zoom Meeting[1]

Members present: Jordan Kaufman, Pamela Perron, Stacey Tsapatsaris, Trish Manzo, Michael Pickholz, Anastasia Bamberg, Police Chief Luthcke, Stephen Del Percio, Philip Davis, Steve Aspero.

Guests present: Paul Vagianos, Kathryn Schmidt, Jeanne Johnson, Sophie Miller, Mahmoud Hamza.

Minutes:  Members present approved the Minutes of the April 14, 2022 meeting.

Village Council Liaison Update: a) Pam advised that Outfront Media has applied to the Zoning Board to erect an electronic billboard on Route 17 by the Tire and Wheel Performance Center.  Discussion followed.  The applicant still needs to get Zoning Board approval for variances before this goes ahead.

           b) -Grab & Go: Village Council formed a subcommittee to try to                              reallocate spaces throughout town.

               -Pedestrian Plaza: Village Council was at an impasse with a 2/2 vote.                  Paul V. had to recuse himself from the vote.  Pedestrian Plaza will                          be held for one weekend only in August.  Our group feels that this                         is a missed opportunity and that the residents supported holding                           more frequent Pedestrian Plazas.  

               -Jeanne’s idea is to present it as a “car free zone,” which might                                    change imaging.

            c) Downtown N.J. webinar “Rethinking the Right of Way” on May 18th

Hudson Parking Garage:  There was a good deal of discussion regarding

              a) merchant parking validation in Hudson Garage.  The kiosk system can allow merchants to prepay for their customers’ parking by giving their clients a code to park for free on their next visit.  The group thought this needed clarification.  Can merchants discount off transactions to pay for parking?

              b) The group consensus is that there is still a lack of knowledge where the garage is located.

               The Village needs to market it more.

               -Welcome to Ridgewood: on site will be posted

Interactive parking map on the Village website: Pam asked for feedback.  Responses: difficult to find on site, “not a lot of important information that is relevant on site.”  Add a QR code to get to the map.  Add to Google.  Further discussion followed on how to get employees off the street and into the garage.  In addition, the group discussed how to support merchants on the West Side because the garage does not impact them.

20 mph speed limit restriction in town.  Chief Luthcke pointed out that speeding is not a significant cause of accidents in town.  Therefore, a lower speed limit will not stop accidents.

Other business:  Jordan would like to invite speakers to the monthly meeting because “great ideas have been generated from other towns.”

Katherine asked for an update on maintenance of the pedestrian tunnel underpass, i.e. painting, ceiling repair, lighting.  The recommendation is to maintain the tunnel on an annual basis.

Steve asked for update on condemnation of Town Garage.  Pam responded that the Village has not filed a condemnation Complaint yet, “they haven’t had a meeting in a while.”

Next meeting:  June 9, 2022 at 8:30 a.m. via Zoom.



Respectfully submitted,

Phil Davis

Approved June 9, 2022


[1]   These minutes are topical rather than verbatim.

  • Hits: 560



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