20230608 - CBDAC Minutes

Central Business District Advisory Committee (CBDAC)


Meeting Minutes – June 8, 2023

In-person meeting 8:30 – 10:00am


Members Present: Glenn Carlough, Pam Perron (VC liaison), Jordan Kaufman (CBDAC Chair), Trish Manzo (Ridgewood Guild), Rebecca Tatlock, Phil Davis (Chamber liaison), Stephen Del Percio, Stacy Tsapatsaris, Police Chief Jacqueline Luthcke, Tom Hillmann, Michael Pickholz and Steve Aspero.


Guests Present: Jeanne Johnson, Joan Groome, Katheryn Schmidt (on phone)


Administrative Matters: CBDAC unanimously approved the May 11, 2023 meeting minutes. Trish approved and Phil seconded.





o   Gold Star Monument is going ahead. Now in fundraising stage. Location is east side of the WWI memorial. Discussing a new protocol at Village council around requests for plaques, benches, etc as there are significant requests.

o   Voted last night to install four 15-minute parking meters in the Chestnut Street lot. Post 8pm parking is free.

o   New trashcans have now been installed in the village. Look great.

o   Finishing off the CBD tree wells in the fall. Chestnut/Oak.

o   Pride Celebration in Van Neste Square @ 1pm on Sat.

o   Taxi Stand (Broad Street side) – going out for bid who wants to rent those spaces. Is zoned for commercial use.



o   Annual Chamber of Commerce Installation Dinner will be on Tuesday night at Steel Wheel. New president will be Glenn.

o   Car Show Sept 8th still on track starting @ 6pm. Looking for ~ 280 cones to go on every parking spot.



o   Movies in the Park was due to start last night but cancelled due to the wildfire smoke. Will proceed again next Weds.

o   BBQ party scheduled with Panico Salon. Sat July 29th. Rain date on Sunday 2pm.  Van + DJ. Event starting at 6:30 – 11pm. DJ starts 9-9:30pm.

o   All planned in the back parking lot.

o   Flyers will be going out including marketing through social media.

o   Need to mindful of the bands that will be in Van Neste.


Pedestrian Tunnel:

o   The tunnel has deteriorated. Committee decided yesterday to go ahead with a complete renovation work and repairs ~ $50k in costs. Will be a lengthier project ~ 2 years before its finished. Brings it into the 2024 budget to be pitched for.




1.      Impressions of the Pedestrian Plaza Kick-off

o   Ran out of time to address. To cover in next meeting’s agenda.


2.      SID Subcommittee Report on candidate interviews. Considerations of next steps

o   Sub-committee participants: Michael, Glenn, Stacey, Jordan, Pam, Katheryn and Paul

o   Currently at the stage to fully consider the application of a SID and actively seeking professional help to support this process.

o   Out of SIDs that are applied for and granted, only approx. 40% are now operational (of those that were not successful and those that did their required job and then were retired)

o   The SID subcommittee interviewed two different groups by interview panel. Interview panel were aligned on the preferred candidate. Want committee consensus on the breadth of work assigned and the goals that we are looking to achieve. E.G. Correct allocation of commercial businesses so we do not get surplus of similar or duplicative establishments.

o   Within the SID application, there is the ability to assign a sunset date if required.

o   SID seems more appropriate than ‘Main street’ due to Ridgewood’s size.

o   The statute creates a SID that it is the only entity In which a government can participate in and reps that can also have a 501(C)(3).

o   Need ~ 12 months to lay the groundwork and get community buy in.

o   Several quotes were provided. One group quoting $15-35k (pressed for costings several times) and One group $48k.

o   They stressed that the village council should invest money upfront to show there is skin in the game. If you want to apply for Main Street grant funding, there will be an opening in 2024.

o   Stu Koperweis provided interesting insights. E.G. Who are the stakeholders? Answer: Property owners and shop owners, not residents. SID should have support of the Chamber of Commerce and the Guild. Trustees of the SID that would decide. ~ 11-15 trustees with 3-year staggered terms recommended.

o   Target for SID be ready ahead to support the Pedestrian Plaza for 2024.

o   SID Budget estimate of the $400k-$1.2MM on an annual run rate. Cost of employees and + cost of pedestrian plaza. 2-3 full time/part time employees.

o   Question if the Guild could be part of the SID. No answer as yet.

Next Steps:

o   Need to confirm potential funding source. Proposed this should be council but not allocated within the current 2023 budget.

o   Ask Stu Koperweis to provide the quote + work matrix outline including proposed payment schedule. Would then make sense to bring it to the landlord association meeting.

o   Concern more around the Pedestrian Plaza as the focus of the SID. Goal is to have a managed downtown rather than a specific Plaza goal.

o   Jeanne to potentially look to include in the business newsletter.


3.      Farewell to Chief Luthcke

o   Thank you and farewell to Jackie retiring on June 30th. Cake + Cookies in Youth Lounge to celebrate the morning of. Wishing her all the best in her retirement and the exciting adventures ahead.

o   Next captain will be assigned to the CBDAC.


The next CBDAC meeting will be Thursday, July 13, 2023, via zoom 8:30 – 10:00am


Submitted by: Rebecca Tatlock



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