20230914 - CBDAC Minutes

Central Business District Advisory Committee (CBDAC)


MEETING MINUTES – September 14, 2023        
Zoom meeting 8:30 – 10:00am


Members Present: Police Sgt. John Ward, Glenn Carlough, Trish Manzo (Guild liaison), Pamela Perron (Village Council liaison), Anastasia Bamberg, Jordan Kaufman (CBDAC Chair), Rebecca Tatlock, Phil Davis (Chamber of Commerce liaison), Stephen Del Percio, Steve Aspero.


Guests Present: Kathryn Schmidt,  Michael Pickholz


Administrative Matters: Phil moved to approve the minutes of the July 13, 2023 and Trish seconded the motion.  The members present unanimously approved the minutes.  After discussion, members decided to meet via Zoom, with the exception of meeting in person once per quarter. 


New Officers:  Steve Aspero nominated Steve Del Percio to serve as CBDAC Chairman and  Stacey Tsapatsaris as Vice Chair.  He also nominated Rebecca Tatlock as Secretary for a 6-month period at least.  The membership unanimously voted for this slate.


Bylaws:  Pamela observed that the CBDAC Bylaws do not address the selection of officers.  Steve Del Percio, Steve Aspero and Pamela agreed to draft up bylaws amendments.




         Council: Pamela summarized Village matters including ordinance amendment so that the municipal judge can find a driver not guilty of overtime parking if he/she inputted the wrong license plate number or the wrong zone, new charge for EV charging in the Hudson St. Garage, and Council consideration of parking regulations on N. Walnut St. and Mastin Pl. where CBD employees have been parking all day.


         Chamber of Commerce: Phil reported on the Sept. 8th Car Show.  He further stated Chamber members’ sentiment that the downtown businesses pay taxes but little of that comes back to the central business district.  Pamela pointed out that the Village provides paving, lighting, snow removal, police and fire protection.  Sgt. Ward stated that police services are mostly needed in the CBD, so the percentage of calls to the CBD is higher than calls from the rest of the Village. 


         Ridgewood Guild: Trish reported that, due to bad weather, the Guild’s Music Fest in Van Neste Square netted a disappointing turnout.  Steve Del Percio suggested using Destination Ridgewood more aggressively, as it is a good social media outlet. 

         The Guild is teaming up with Project Pride to beautify the Downtown in winter, particularly filling the planter pots and around the Clock with seasonal, decorative greenery.  The Guild is also working to persuade retailers to remain open until 8:00 p.m. on certain nights between Thanksgiving and Christmas and will ask the Village to allow free parking on those nights.  Phil asked if there would be entertainment, to which Trish responded yes.  Last, she reminded the group that the Guild’s Oktoberfest will be Oct. 7 & 8 in the west side parking area by MacMurphy’s Pub.


         Pedestrian Tunnel:  Therefore, the Village Engineer will have to contact the historic preservation architects, Connelly & Hickey. 


Special Improvement District: 


Continued Pedestrian Plaza Impressions Discussion:


The next CBDAC meeting will be Thursday, October 12, via Zoom 8:30 – 10:00 a.m.


Respectfully submitted by: Pamela Perron




Approved: November 9, 2023

  • Hits: 141



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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