20231012 - CBDAC Minutes

Central Business District Advisory Committee  (CBDAC)

Meeting Minutes (prepared by S. Del Percio)

Thursday, October 12, 2023 via Zoom 8:30 – 10:00 a.m.

Members of the Public are Welcome to Participate




-      Andy McGonnell appointed to CBDAC on 10/11. Filling Jordan’s term through end of year – would like to be appointed.


-      October 19 – Downtown New Jersey conference. $125 in Red Bank. Pam will attend.


-      Introduction of new Village Manager Keith Kazmark. Three months on the job and appreciates the great engagement across the Village’s community.


-      Glenn – sent Chris R. a letter about lamp posts in town. Some do/don’t have outlets on them. Glenn will forward email to Keith who will take it from there. This is a complicated issue b/c pole ownership in CBD isn’t consistent.


Presentation from Consultant Stu Koperweis on Special Improvement Districts  


-      Brief overview of SIDs - 100 in NJ and over 1000 in US!


-      Differences between SIDs and merchant associations: source of funding and legislation requires everyone to participate. They do not reduce municipal services.


-      Majority of Board of SID is property owners.


-      Role of a SID is to “CLAP:” coordinate; liaise; assist in planning; provide value to businesses.


-      Think of a SID as a “mall without walls.”


-      SID funds are a “special assessment” – not a tax. But billed and collected by the municipality. “Based on deliverables.” Wish list of things to accomplish – marketing, capital improvements, etc.


-      All SIDs are 501cs – usually 3s (i.e. non-profits). Municipalities typically WILL seed the SID/DMC and fund it – happens frequently. They can also provide matching grants.


-      Ridgewood Village Council passed resolution last night to proceed with Phase 1 (feasibility study).


-      Feasibility study within the steering committee recommends the BOUNDARIES of the SID.


-      In Stu’s experience there hasn’t been an erosion to local Guilds or Chambers of Commerce – if anything the SID will enhance them.


Updates      (max 5 minutes each) Council, Chamber, Guild, CSAC, Pedestrian Tunnel, SID subcommittee


-      Council (Pam P.):

o   Recent VC actions: extended dining corral dates to 10/29; approved contract to design historic renovation of pedestrian tunnel for $53K; approved contract to Stu’s company for SID feasibility study for $17K for Phase 1; passed resolution for holiday free parking! Thursday nights from 4 to 8pm 11/30, 12/14, and 12/21 (retailers will stay open late too, thanks to Guild).


o   Hubquarter: local resident Sarah P. presented to VC idea of using underutilized space in CBD for remote workers. Property owner or tenant would provide desks, WiFi, etc. and workers would sign up through an app. Sarah will present at future CBDAC meeting.  


o   VC also passed new rates for annual parking passes and defeated initiative to limit parking on a certain leg of N. Walnut and Maston.


o   Van Neste – want to prohibit scooters, motorized bikes/etc. that’s not people-powered. But some question about whether this would exclude electric wheelchairs – VC looking into it.


o   Volunteers, Guild, and Shade Tree Commission got out the old holiday kissing balls (75 of them!) took out old bulbs and are refurbishing them. Plan to hang them on E. Ridgewood Ave during holidays with snowflakes on the side streets but may swap based on feedback.


-      Chamber (Joan G.):

o   Halloween in park coming up on 10/28.


o   Tree lighting at 6:30PM on Friday, 12/1. Touch-a-truck again. Maple to Broad. 38th year!


o   Joan notes that Chamber and CBDAC are aligned on a bunch of initiatives.


o   Revisions to blade sign ordinance: Glenn wrote initial draft but 2x2’ signs are too small. Other places (Charleston, NoLA, etc.) have a lot of charm thanks to these signs – add dimension and texture to CBD. Usually bracketed and protrude perpendicular to the store’s façade. Glenn going to compare his draft language with other sign ordinances out there and will report back – future agenda item for CBDAC.


-      Pedestrian Tunnel:

o   Refurbishment will happen … when? FY24 capital budgeting underway. Probably design period to work with Connolly/Hickey. SHPO application. Then construction to follow probably in FY25. Intent is to put those costs into the FY25 capital budget request. Keith asks for some research into artistic component – how does it work with a SHPO application? Jeanne J. to schedule follow up with Keith in December.




Pedestrian Plaza/Destination Ridgewood – lessons learned.  Recommendations for next year


-      Jeanne, Kathyrn, and Pam will lead effort to to collect and synthesize CBDAC recommendations from this year to VC for next year.


Stacey Tsapatsaris reports on 19 N. Broad Street construction      


-      Construction issue with firewalls around dormers on new building replacing old Bagelicious. Reminder that if anyone in town sees something out of the ordinary, to say something.


Oktoberfest update from Stacey T.


-      Held only Sunday this year. Very successful. Kudos to Kailey at MacMurphy’s – spearheaded the whole thing. Kailey’s wedding band was phenomenal. Frank from Bee Honey did the vendors. Did very well. “Shot in the arm” for the West Side – thank you, Jeanne, from 2020, who mobilized the West Side. Guild took it over from Jeanne.  


Public Comment    

Next meeting will be on November 9, 2023 in person 

The Committee approved these minutes on November 9, 2023.

  • Hits: 102



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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