20231102 - Green Ridgewood Minutes


November 2, 2023 7:30-9:30 PM





1.          Attendees

Green Ridgewood: Yvone Nava, Caitlin O’Leary, Sophia Florida, Beth Gould Creller, David Refkin, Justin Jonsson, Nurhan Ezik, Justin Manger.

Green Team: Adam Peterseil, Joan Hubertus, Alina Mordkovich, Mike Faherty

Liaisons: Pam Perron (Village Council), Jill Fasano (RW and VC staff), Frank Mortimer (Parks & Rec), Vivian Ewell (RHS), Sofia Morino (RHS), Saurabh Dani (BOE).

Other Guests: Carolyn Jacoby (STC), Lisa Becker (resident), Manpreet Tyagi (resident), George Wolfson (STC).

Keith Kazmark – Ridgewood Village Manager joined the meeting at 8:15 PM


2.          Approve October 5 meeting minutes. Approved


3.          Chair Report and Green Ridgewood Committee Membership (Terms) – David

Reflection on the multiple natural disasters and impacts from Global Warming this year. Urgency to do more actionable things as a group to create impact.

4 openings in the Green Team (Citizen volunteer form is on the Village Website)

2 official new Green Team members introduced: Alina Mordkovich and Joan Hubertus


4.          Village Council Liaison Report – Pam

The village is planting 120 trees in the residential areas and 37 trees in the CBD. Sustainable Jersey formally recognized Ridgewood with the Bronze level. Ceremony will take place Nov 24th,

Johanna Luttrell was recognized as Member of the year at the Association of NJ recyclers. STC planted 31 saplings.

Heating Unit for village hall (Powered by natural gas) and a new generator. Pam is challenging the council to consider Heat Pumps. Request for GR to give a Heat Pump statement during a council meeting.

Millennium will likely be the new Grant writer service. Discussion around how it will be used by the village and the different commissions and teams.

In the future Green Ridgewood could consider using some of their funds to pay Millennium for a specific grant/topics.


5.          Parks and Recreation Report (Frank Mortimer)

Open Space Committee and Parks and Rec had a meeting last spring and created a list of parks in Ridgewood. This will get published in the Village website and there will be tours offered.


6.          Report on Bergen Hub Activities/Priorities – David (2 minutes)

Bergen Hub meeting on 10/30. Their focus is on smaller sustainability items. This past meeting was focused on composting. Next meeting location TBD.


7.          School Activities – Sofia/Vivian / Beth

Meeting with teachers to put in place a monitoring system of the recycling bins.

Some water controversy at RHS regarding bottled water vs filtered water. Look to brainstorm ideas to campaign for less bottled water consumption at the high school.

Students will do more research around the filters and will connect with the principal with alternatives to selling plastic bottle water.

Green Club is doing a tree inventory around campus.


Elementary Schools are doing an athletic equipment exchange campaign that will likely happen in the Spring. Reminder meetings happen on the 3rd Friday of each month (location: American Bulldog café in town)


8.          Daffodil Festival/Earth Day Fair (4/21/24) Steering Committee – Pam/David

Steering committee met in October. Sourabh reached out to super intendent  and there’s a meeting on the 21st with the head of curriculum to discuss how involved schools will be on Earth Day to educate and involve the student body (example: poster competition, bee unit, etc.).


9.          Village Manager Report – Keith Kazmark

Discussion around the Master Plan and the connection with the Planning Board and how Green Ridgewood wants to support those efforts.

Into 2024 there’s interest in communicating more about the different initiatives, investments and progress happening around town.

Keith has been discussing with U.S. Congressman, Josh Gottheimer’s office about flooding issues in the village including mall initiatives and fixes as well as medium and larger size topics such as fields and properties around Ridgewood. Also, looking to engage the Army Corp of Engineers to discuss what larger initiatives need to take place to solve for flooding from the HHK brook. Example of this is the bridge by the High School which the village is currently exploring to expand.

There’s a list of homes that are in the Severe repetitive flood loss. This gets reported to FEMA.

The new village website will launch January 1st, 2024 which will have a new look and better functionalities.


Mr. Kazmarkcan be followed on social media: Facebook (Ridgewood Village Manager) and Instagram (Ridgewood_Manager_07450). Email: kkazmark@ridgewoodnj.net


10.     Climate Fresk David/Pam Reading Material:

-   In France, ‘Climate Fresk’ Global Warming Workshops Are a Hit - The New York Times


-   Climate Fresk – All the cards are in your hands!


Pam and David met with the co-lead of Climate Fresk and the idea would be to host a session in Ridgewood over the winter (3-hour commitment). Potentially in January’24.


11.     Potential Collaboration with Columbia University (Alina)

Objective: Our primary objectives for the consulting project with Columbia University would be creating a detailed survey of best environmentally focused practices to assist Green Ridgewood as they develop a community resiliency statement and carbon neutrality goal. Additionally, we would be interested in obtaining the following deliverables:

  A comprehensive three-year decarbonization plan with short-term and long-term goals.

  Sustainability roadmap outlining actions, responsibilities, and KPIs.

  Comparative analysis of environmental ordinances and initiatives in similar towns in NJ.

  Guidance on potential funding sources and financial mechanisms for sustainability projects.


Decision will come mid-November and it could officially start as early as January.


12.     Planning Board/Master Plan Update, Community Resiliency Statement – David/Joan David met with the head of the Planning Board to continue to reiterate our message. Next official Planning Board meeting will be on Tuesday November 7th.


Community resiliency statement context:

Joan researched what other communities have done in developing their Community Resilience Statement / Plan. Starting point was the Rockefeller Foundation, which in 2013 pioneered a global initiative of 100 Resilient Cities. As part of this effort, they funded a Chief Resilience Officer for each of the selected cities and developed a Resiliency Framework.

Two cities that participated in 100 Resilient Cities were NYC and Pittsburg. Both of their plans were reviewed.


NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) has also developed a Resiliency Planning Guide. We reviewed Nashua NH’s Plan (of similar size to Ridgewood).


Additionally, the Biden Administration is gearing up to publish a National Climate Resiliency Framework later this year.


The key takeaways from looking across these plans are:

-   Gather pertinent facts to guide priorities. This enables communication of our “why”.

-   Establish priorities, define scope goals, strategy, and actions.

-     Identify   and engage  stakeholders.     The plans have great ideas of the types of stakeholders we need to think about.

-   Education and communication are key

-   Engage a third party to help. All the cities we looked at engaged a third party to help them with an outside-in view for resiliency planning.



13.     Priorities for 2023-2024 and Earth Day - David/All (15 minutes)

To be determined but focus is likely to be on energy savings/carbon emissions reduction and potentially working with the schools. More next meeting


14.     Subcommittee Report Outs (20 minutes)

a.          Communications- Caitlin

Newsletter is almost complete. Release date TBD.


b.          Green Building & Sustainability – Beth: sub-committee met and discussed a broad array of issues with a focus on reducing energy use.

c.           Resource Management – Justin M – concern about contamination in CBD public space recycling needs to be addressed.

d.          Resilience, Flooding and Stormwater – David – building upon a suggestion from George Wolfson, the subcommittee is undertaking an extensive effort to look at a broad range of potential solutions to reduce/minimize the regular flooding that is impacting our community, especially fields and buildings, and move away from repeated implementation of “short-term fixes” that do not get to the heart of the problem. The group will look at other communities’ experiences and investigate other solutions in detail.

e.          Green Team Update – Mike F. See comments about Bronze certification above.

f.            Finance – David/Justin J

Working to set up a meeting to discuss GR finances with Village’s CFO

Motion to donate electric leaf blower (from earth day) to the library. Vote: All in favor


Future Events (5 minutes)

15.     Field Trip: Leaf Composting – December 2 @ 9am

16.     Other Planned Events – Pam/David

17.        Future Meeting Dates – December 7, January 4, February 1, March 7 Minutes submitted by Yvone Nava

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May 6th 2021, 7:00 – 9:00 PM via Zoom

Admin (10 mins)

  1. Welcome + Introductions
  2. Approve April meeting minutes (2nd draft was e-mailed to members May 1st)
  3. Membership: GT new member Mike Faherty 4/14/21
  4. Communications: Web Site, Social Media – Social Media Policy


Subcommittees: Reports & Discussion

  1. Green Team/Sustainable Jersey – Justin (10 mins)
    1. Silver Recertification
  2. Bergen Hub meetings/committees
    1. Hub meetings: April 5th (Allendale) & May 5th & 24th (USR) – Bob (5 mins)
    2. SU Plastics Sub-Committee – Bob (5 mins)
    3. Styrofoam Sub-Committee – future plans Bob (5 mins)
    4. Creative Bergen NJ – Anthea (5 mins)
    5. EV Sub-Committee – Beth (5 Mins)
  3. Styrofoam: Ridgewood event review/future events – Yvone/Bob (5 mins)
  4. Ridgewood Library Sustainability Series
    1. Geothermal – Pam (5 mins)
    2. RGEA sub-committee – Pam/Christine/Beth/George (5 mins)
  5. Earth Day Multimedia Project – Bob (5 mins)
  6. Planning Board activity/Climate Change in Master Plan – Bob/Beth (5 mins)
  7. CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) – Bob/Pam (5 mins)
  8. 5G service in Ridgewood – Pam (5 Mins)
  9. Ridgewood Adopt-a-Drain – Bob (5 mins)
  10. CBD Baloons – Pam (5 Mins)
  11. NJ Green Amendment – Ellie (5 Mins)
  12. Grants - Bob (5 mins)


Other Topics

  1. Future Events?
  2. New business


Next Meeting: Thurs June 3rd 2021 at 7.00 pm, venue TBA.



  1. Leaf blowers – Pam/Ellie? (? mins)
  2. Green Business Subcommittee – George/Pam
  3. Youth Environmental Council – Mike/George?
  4. Fundraising - George???
  5. Green Ridgewood/GT Bylaws - Bob
  6. Sustainable Families/Households proposal – Ellie
  7. ERI/Master Plan
  8. NJ Plastics Pollution Red’n Act + Draft Plastic Red’n Bill S-2515/A4676
  9. Schools
  10. YMCA Teen Voices – alignment with SJ Environmental Justice Action


  • Hits: 774

December 3rd 2020, 7:00 PM via Zoom


Admin (15 mins)


  1. Welcome + Introductions
  2. Approve November meeting minutes
  3. Membership/Recruitment
  4. Communications: Web Site, Social Media, Sustainable Ridgewood


Subcommittees: Reports & Discussion


  1. Green Team/Sustainable Jersey – Justin (15 mins)
    1. Silver Recertification
    2. Green Business Program – George/Pam
    3. Wildlife Action Plan
    4. YMCA Teen Voices – alignment with SJ Environmental Justice Action?
  2. Bergen Hub (15 mins)
    1. Next meeting December 8th
    2. Single Use Plastics Sub Committee
    3. Styrofoam – Hub Events & Ridgewood Event
    4. Creative Bergen NJ
  3. RGEA sub-committee – Pam/Christine (15 mins)
  4. Sustainable Families/Households proposal – Ellie (10 mins)
  5. Leaf blowers – Ellie (5 mins)
  6. ERI – Rob (postpone?)



  1. NJ Plastics Pollution Red’n Act + Draft Plastic Red’n Bill S-2515/A4676 (5mins)
  2. NJCC Organics Waste Management Summit report – Ellie (10 mins)
  3. Planning Board activity (5 mins)
  4. Ridgewood Library Sustainability Series (5 mins)
  5. Schools (?)
  6. Wild Duck Pond improvement – update?
  7. Green Ridgewood/Green Team Bylaws - (postpone)
  8. Grants/Grant writer (5 mins)
  9. Future Events? Earth Day, Projects, Ideas, etc (5 mins)
  10. New business


Next Meeting: Thurs January 7th 2021 at 7.00 pm, venue TBA.

  • Hits: 894

Green Ridgewood-Green Team Joint Meeting Minutes 20200218

Green Ridgewood: Bob Upton, Ellie Gruber, Pam Perron, Christine Amundsen, Jennie Smith Wilson (School Board Rep), Robert Kearney (Village Staff Rep), Michael Sedon (Village Council Liaison).
Green Team: Justin Manger, Ellie Gruber, Bob Upton, Serena Iacoviello, Anthea Zito, Michael Sedon (Village Council Liaison).
Other: Miles Luo, RHS. Monica Ludwig & Gayle Albes, Ho-Ho-Kus.
1. Welcome/Introductions:
Monica & Gayle were welcomed and introduced. They represent Ho-Ho-Kus where they are exploring ways to promote sustainability. We also welcomed Miles representing RHS.
2. Approve January meeting minutes:
Jennie & Pam proposed and seconded approval of the January minutes and all present voted yes.
3. Membership/Committee Chairs:
We have not yet received a response from the Village Manager requesting clarification of current committee memberships and expiration dates from Village records. Cathy Brienza & Jamie Miller have indicated that due to other commitments they are stepping away from the Green Team. In accepting their resignations we thanked them for past contributions and hope they may rejoin in the future.
We invited nominations for the 2 committee chairs & Green Ridgewood vice-chair. There were no new nominations and those currently in those positions had agreed to continue. Ellie proposed and Jennie seconded Bob for Green Ridgewood Chair, Bob proposed and Ellie seconded Justin for Green Team Chair and Bob proposed and Justin seconded George for Green Ridgewood Vice-Chair. All were elected unanimously. No nominees were received for Green Team Vice-Chair and Secretary.
4. Sustainable Jersey
a. Silver Recertification.
Justin & Mike have started a review of documents required for resubmission, deadline May 17th, 2020, and are asking those responsible for each action to review and update them as necessary. A Green Team Sub Committee of those people will meet on March 1st at 10:00 am. 350 points are needed for recertification and the current list of actions targets 360.
b. Anti-Idling.
We expect the Village’s Anti-Idling Resolution to be passed unchanged at the next Council meeting to comply with SJ requirements.
c. Lead Education.
A lead education event was held in conjunction with the Bergen Co. Health Dept. on January 28th at the Senior Center, Village Hall. Thanks to Rob for organizing.
d. Repair Café.
Ridgewood Library held this event on February 1st. We will check to see if it falls within any SJ Actions.
e. EV Charging Stations.
Justin checked with the Village Engineer and advises there will be 4 charging stations on each of 2 floors in the new parking garage plus one at Village Hall.
f. Habitat Protection Ordinance.
During the discussion of grants it was suggested we explore this topic. Topic was deferred to a future meeting.
5. Grant Opportunities.
As noted previously, grant opportunities have passed us by and we need to have projects ready in good time to submit. It was noted that the Village no longer employs a grant writer and Mike agreed to convey to the Council a suggestion to seek one on a contingency basis.
The Shade Tree Commission suggested protecting a sycamore on Dunham Trail which we have determined would fall within the Village’s responsibility. Anthea has suggested creating a wildscape/no-mow area on Village property along the Ho-Ho-Kus Brook beside the PSE&G property. We will attempt to develop a proposal for the ANJEC Open Space Stewardship $1,500 Grant, deadline April 3rd.
6. Ridgewood Daffodil Festival & Earth Day Fair, April 19th 2020.
a. Fundraising.
The introductory letter, registration form and poster for this event have been distributed to committee members who are asked to use them to solicit sponsors, donors and participants. George will distribute a cover letter suitable to contact financial firms and advisers.
b. Promotional Materials
We previously agreed to order Green Ridgewood T-shirts but need members to give Bob their size preference. It was noted our REAC banner is now outdated. We will check costs for a new one.
c. Subcommittee Update
The Earth Day subcommittee met again on February 1st and will meet again on February 22nd. Thanks to Jennie for agreeing to host. The Village planning committee for the event is also meeting regularly. Next meeting February 27th.
Clean Water Action have informed us how their Rethink Disposable program works and we are planning with them its implementation at the event.
d. Super Science Saturday
It was noted this event at the High School might be an opportunity to recruit student exhibitors for the Earth Day Fair. Members are encouraged to attend. Info at http://www.supersciencesaturday.org/.
7. Events.
a. Movie.
We will check with the Unitarian Society if they want to partner on a movie or other educational event. “Wasted” has been suggested. Other suggestions are invited.
b. Geothermal Education Event.
Justin is working on plans for an event in May.
8. SJ Bergen Hub
a. Hub meetings.
No update on next meeting proposed for Upper Saddle River. March date awaited..
b. “Styrofoam” Program.
Glen Rock has scheduled collection drives for 5/2, 8/8 and 11/7. See flyer on our Facebook page.
9. Schools.
a. RHS & BFMS Green Club 2019 Grant & Program.
No update on the approvals needed for installation of the BF greenhouse. We understand that, as a result, the BF Green Club has not started up. We asked Miles to explore the possibility of exhibiting a hydroponics cart at Earth Day.
b. 2019/20 Middle School Grant Proposal
No update.
c. School Facility Upgrades.
In the news that RPS are seeking funds for building upgrades including heating systems and the question was raised whether geothermal has been considered. Jenny will advise.
d. District Green Team.
Christine reported movement to form a District Green Team.
10. Updates.
a. Single Use Plastic Carry-Out Bags: Village Council is discussing minor changes to better define a reusable bag to assist with enforcement. No progress reported regarding State legislation.
b. Climate Change Rally/Parade: Joanna is continuing to plan this event and we appreciate her keeping the committees informed.
c. Shade Tree Commission Support: As promised Bob spoke at the Feruary 5th Village Council meeting expressing Green Ridgewood’s support for funding in the upcoming budget for tree replacement in support of the Shade Tree commission.
d. Waste Reduction/Food Waste: Recycling Dept. reports the pilot program will soon be enlisting volunteer households. Committee members are encouraged to see their Recycling mailer for info about the program and sign-up.
11. New Business.
The committees’ attention was drawn to the remediation issues at the Orchard School field since some members not involved with schools may be unaware of this issue. Jennie provided a brief overview. It was agreed that since this issue is being addressed by professionals engaged by RPS it is unnecessary for Green Ridgewood to become involved. Information is available on the Orchard School web page.
12. Next Joint Meeting will be Tuesday March 17th at 7:00 PM in the Garden Room.

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Green Ridgewood-Green Team Joint Meeting Minutes 20200121

Green Ridgewood: Bob Upton, George Wolfson, Pam Perron, Christine Amundsen, Jennie Smith Wilson (School Board Rep), Michael Sedon (Village Council Liaison), Mary Mogerley (Parks & Recreation Rep).
Green Team: Justin Manger, George Wolfson, Bob Upton, Serena Iacoviello, Anthea Zito, Michael Sedon (Village Council Liaison).
Other: Miles Luo, RHS.
1. Welcome/Introductions/Membership:
Following welcome & introductions Bob & Justin addressed committee memberships for the coming year. We have written to the Village Manager requesting info from Village records as to who they show as current members and when those memberships expire. We have contacted members who have not attended recent meetings to inquire their future intentions and suggest interested new members submit the Village Citizen Volunteer Leadership Form. It was noted that it is hard to find on the Village web site so it will be added to our web site.
Bob noted the committee chairs & vice-chairs are elected for a one year term so we agreed to hold an election at our next meeting with a quorum.
2. Approve November & December minutes:
Jennie & Pam proposed and seconded approval of the November & December minutes and all present voted yes.
3. Sustainable Jersey
a. Silver recertification.
The initial certification deadline is now May 17th, 2020. Justin presented an updated list of available and targeted SJ Actions listing those responsible for each action. He will begin asking those people to submit updates via e-mail.
b. Anti-Idling.
Christine advised that the Village’s Anti-Idling Resolution is 10years old so we need it to be renewed. Mike will address that with the Council. We will check on anti-idling signs at schools and have anti-idling pledge forms at the Earth Day Fair.
c. Green Business/Green Restaurant Program.
George & Pam have evaluated 12 restaurants and issued 5 Styrofoam certificates. We will hold off any announcement until the restaurants can be recognized, perhaps at a Village Council meeting.
d. Waste reduction/food waste.
The Village Recycling Dept. is moving ahead with the pilot program to accept food waste, initially from 60 households. Also Repair Café (see 3e.) & Styrofoam collections (see 4b.) will help waste reduction.
e. Repair Café.
Ridgewood Library will hold this event again on Saturday February 1st. (Check with library for times). Possibly eligible for SJ Action?
f. Drug take-back program – no progress.
g. Lead Education.
Rob has scheduled a Lead Education Event in conjunction with the Bergen Co. Health Dept. It will be on Tuesday January 28th, 5:30 – 6:30 PM at the Senior Center, Village Hall. It has been publicized but not yet on Ridgewood Moms & Dads.
h. Grants.
Roots for Rivers. We missed the deadline but did not have a suitable project to submit. Anthea had been considering an application and will continue research, as this and other opportunities will arise.
Sustainable Jersey Grants. We need suitable projects. Deadline February 14th & Schools March 13th.
Also ANJEC is offering Open Space Stewardship $1,500 Grants, deadline April 3rd. Shade Tree is aware and we will discuss with Nancy Bigos.
4. SJ Bergen Hub
a. Hub meetings.
Bob & Pam attended the January 13th Hub meeting in Glen Rock. Minutes have been distributed. Interesting presentation about BCC’s Rocket composter by Prof. PJ Ricatto.
Next meeting scheduled for Upper Saddle River. Possible topic the Emerald Ash Borer & Spotted Lantern Fly. March date to be announced.
b. “Styrofoam” Program.
Glen Rock will hold a collection drive (open to all) on Saturday February 8th. Details will be posted on our web site when available.
5. Glen Rock Energy Aggregation Program – “DEAL”
It has been suggested we schedule a presentation to the Village Council but all agreed we need a better understanding of the program and results so far before taking further steps. To be addressed after Earth Day.

6. Green Ridgewood Rebranding/By-Laws/Web Site. No discussion.
7. Single Use Plastic Carry-Out Bags Ordinance.
a. Education Program.
The ban has been implemented with little objection to our knowledge except some stores complained they did not hear about the ban and had purchased plastic bags they can now not use.
b. State Legislation
The State legislature did not pass the bill in the last session so it will be introduced again in the new session.
8. Events:
The installation of geothermal heating/cooling at a village residence has raised the opportunity to learn more about this technology with the idea of holding an educational seminar for the public and perhaps exploring options for use in new Village facilities when the opportunity arises, e.g. new Ridgewood Water HQ? We are seeking more information.
9. Ridgewood Daffodil Festival & Earth Day Fair, April 19th 2020.
Updated financial data from last year’s Earth Day show that Green Ridgewood netted $300 more than we had previously understood with the result that, even after allocating $1,000 for the Middle School Grant Program we have just over $11,000 in our account with the Village.
Given the importance of the Earth Day Fair as Green Ridgewood’s only source of funds (other than grants) George asked everyone to think outside the box about organizations that might sponsor or exhibit at the Fair. Information about the event and an invitation letter will be available soon.
The Earth Day subcommittee met again on January 11th: Bob, George, Pam, Yvone, Christine, Justin, Jennie, Diala, Joanna plus Dave Amundsen, and Sean Hamlin from Recycling Dept. We continued to develop the themes for the four main tables: Green Ridgewood, Waste Reduction/Recycling, Educating the Educators and Energy. Sean will host the next meeting February 1st at 10 AM.
The first Village Earth Day planning meeting was held on January 15th. We discussed the need to grow participation, promotional activities, events & entertainment etc. Next meeting January 30th.
Serena provided more information about Clean Water Action’s Rethink Disposable program offering reusable containers for food vendors and cleaning & collecting them. She will see if a representative can call in to the next Village planning meeting.
Since one goal in 2020 and the Earth Day Fair in particular is to launch our new identity as Green Ridgewood a vote (proposed by Justin and seconded by George) was passed unanimously to allocate up to $300 to purchase 25 T-shirts in the same color & style as our REAC Green Team T-shirts but now with the new logo and the words GREEN RIDGEWOOD above it on the back and the tree emblem small on the front.
10. Climate Change Rally/Parade.
Joanna Hanrahan is planning this event for the day of the Ridgewood Earth Day Fair, independent of Green Ridgewood but coordinating with us and, as she progresses, we will see how we can support the event.
11. Schools:
a. 2019 RHS/BFMS Grant
We understand the RHS Green Club and BFMS club have purchased the hydroponic carts and greenhouse with the grant money we awarded last school year. BF is awaiting approval of the site for the greenhouse and will keep us informed.
b. 2019/20 Middle School Grant Proposal
More information is still needed for the BFMS & GWMS application for our 2019/20 grant and will become available as the BF 2018/19 project moves ahead.
c. New programs
Diala Pharaon and Joanna Hanrahan are coordinating their activities with various schools with Christine. They have asked if money from our grant offering might be made available. The committees are prepared to consider requests for funds either from the grant offering or in addition.
d. UN Sustainability Goal.
Miles and another teacher are leading some freshmen to work on this effort.
12. Shade Tree Commission Support.
STC has asked us to support their efforts to encourage the Village Council to fully fund the $150,000 requested in the upcoming budget to fund 1:1 or better replacement of lost trees to offset losses of trees in recent years. Bob will speak at a Council meeting on behalf of our committees.
13. Artificial Turf for Playing Fields
With the upcoming replacement of artificial turf at Stevens Field Linda McNamara, who has been campaigning against these products for many years, wrote a couple of e-mails addressed to the Green Team seeking our support in opposing their use. There are many aspects to this subject and we believe that the available information lacks clarity. It was concluded that Green Ridgewood does not have the resources or the expertise to take a position on what is a very complex issue. This does not imply that investigation by a suitable independent body is unwarranted.
14. Next Joint Meeting will be Tuesday February 18th at 7:00 PM in the Garden Room.

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MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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