REAC-Green Team Joint Meeting Minutes 20190416
REAC-Green Team Joint Meeting Minutes 20190416
REAC: Bob Upton, George Wolfson, Ellie Gruber, Christine Amundsen, Mary Mogerley (Parks & Recreation Rep), Jennie Smith Wilson (School Board Rep), Robert Kearney (Village Staff Rep).
Green Team: Justin Manger, Bob Upton, George Wolfson, Ellie Gruber, Cathy Brienza.
Other: Serena Iacoviello, Leslie Lello, Chris Houghton.
- Introductions/Membership update:
We welcomed Chris Howton, long time Ridgewood resident, who attended to learn about our activities.
Serena, Anthea, Jamie and Leslie are awaiting interviews/appointment by the The Village Council for committee memberships. Also we understand Yvone Nava has applied.
- No changes were suggested to the minutes from the March meeting but they were not approved due to the lack of a quorum.
- Sustainable Jersey
- Plans for Silver recertification.
Justin led a review of planned SJ Actions for our re-submission. Some additions were suggested for consideration. Bob will discuss Greening Your Green Fair with the Earth Day committee. Leslie will review the Action in the Arts & Creative Culture category.
- Gold Star Standard in Waste
- Waste Reduction & Recycling Level Reporting: George & Bob met with the Sanitation/Recycling Dept on April 11th. They expect to get some improved data from the County in May. Again it was noted this is a long-term project.
- Food Waste Pilot: The application to Sustainable Jersey for their $20K SJ PSEG Municipal Grant made jointly by Ridgewood, Glen Rock & Fair Lawn to fund a Food Waste Pilot Program was unsuccessful. Ridgewood Recycling has allocated funds in its 2019 budget but needs additional municipalities to partner. They will continue to explore options. Bob has communicated this to the SJ Bergen Hub members.
- Green Business Program
George & Pam have started restaurant visits with more scheduled. These visits will include a discussion of food waste options. We have Styrofoam Free Bergen certificates, window clings and brochures for use with this program.
- SJ Bergen Hub
- “Styrofoam” Program: The Science of Styrofoam event at The Stable on March 24th was attended by about 20 children & adults. Ridgewood collection drive is scheduled for Saturday May 18th, 10 AM – 2 PM, Graydon Parking Lot. Numerous other towns have similar events scheduled. Program paid for by a SJ Hub Grant.
- Justin & Bob attended the Hub meeting at Ridgefield Park March 25th. Minutes available on Basecamp. Next Hub meetings Glen Rock May 13th, Fair Lawn July 15th.
- Rebranding/By-Laws: There was general agreement to change the name of REAC to Green Ridgewood. Justin will re-distribute the proposed single By-Laws for the two committees and request a vote by e-mail.
- Ridgewood Daffodil Festival & Earth Day Fair, April 14th – We were incredibly lucky with the weather and the event was once again hugely successful. Thanks to our members who manned our table.
- Single Use Plastic Bag Ban – The proposed ordinance was discussed at the Village Council work session April 3rd and we understand will be discussed again at the April 24th work session to address some Council members’ concerns.
- League of Women Voters proposed resolution to discontinue the purchase of single-use PET water bottles using municipal funds – we understand such purchases will be discontinued but no resolution passed.
- Grants & Opportunities
- SJ PSEG Municipal Grant program. Application for Food Waste Pilot was unsuccessful.
- ANJEC Open Space Stewardship Grants ($1,500, application deadline April 15th) – Sam Beinstein’s Eagle Scout project to create a brochure for the Parks Dept was approved by the Boy Scouts and we have applied for a $1,500 grant to pay for printing.
- Info about the NJUCF Stewardship Grant Program received from Sustainable Jersey was forwarded to the Shade Tree Commission.
- Suggested uses for REAC funds.
- RHS/RAEC Grant Project Proposal
Chris Rutishauser has requested the $541.98 from REAC funds be sent to Ridgewood schools for this project. RHS and BFMS must submit grant/donation request forms and Jennie will try to ensure the check and the forms come together.
- Middle school sustainability/environmental grant – no discussion.
- Purchase re-usable shopping bags: Ellie suggests a cotton fabric bag. Agreed we will discuss when the fate of the Village ordinance is determined.
- Regenerative Environmentalism (Permaculture) Meet-Up Group - Mar 20th meeting “ ‘No Stink’ Composting” was well attended with informative presentation and useful input from attendees. Next events are scheduled for April 24th (“The 12 Permaculture Principles”) and May 15th, (“Swales”).
- Educational events
- “Schoolhouse Rock – Earth” interactive presentation for children grades 3 & up & parents at the library is scheduled for Monday April 22nd at 4 PM. The Library has publicized the event with poor response to date and we ask members to promote it.
- Water Bottle Filling Station Promotion – REAC will join LWV at the RBSA season opening event April 27th. Volunteers welcome.
- Master Plan/Visioning – We understand the Visioning process is coming to an end and public meetings will start soon. Members are encouraged to follow and participate.
- Schools. – Waiting for RHS teachers to reschedule our postponed meeting.
- GeesePeace – REAC/GT are not participating.
- Presentation to Midland Park Boro Council – Bob made a presentation reviewing the work of REAC and the Green Team, Sustainable Jersey and the Bergen Hub. MP Schools have been active in the SJ Schools program but not the town. Council members expressed interest in getting involved and will discuss the topic further.
- Plaque for Andy Antista Tree: Expecting progress soon.
- Future start/finish times for our meetings: After a short discussion it was decided we will survey members by e-mail whether a 7.00 PM start time is preferred and decide based on responses.
- New business – Bob had drawn attention to a letter in the Ridgwood News (April 5th) from Linda McNamara about artificial turf options for playing fields and the proposed resurfacing of the RHS field. Several members shared recollections of the history of this issue. It was decided to learn more about the topic. We will ask Jennie if she can provide info about the RHS project and Mary will look into the history of Maple Field.
- Next Joint Meeting: Tuesday May 21st, 7.00 or 7.45 PM to be announced.
- Hits: 1347