Green Ridgewood-Green Team Joint Meeting Minutes 20200218

Green Ridgewood-Green Team Joint Meeting Minutes 20200218

Green Ridgewood: Bob Upton, Ellie Gruber, Pam Perron, Christine Amundsen, Jennie Smith Wilson (School Board Rep), Robert Kearney (Village Staff Rep), Michael Sedon (Village Council Liaison).
Green Team: Justin Manger, Ellie Gruber, Bob Upton, Serena Iacoviello, Anthea Zito, Michael Sedon (Village Council Liaison).
Other: Miles Luo, RHS. Monica Ludwig & Gayle Albes, Ho-Ho-Kus.
1. Welcome/Introductions:
Monica & Gayle were welcomed and introduced. They represent Ho-Ho-Kus where they are exploring ways to promote sustainability. We also welcomed Miles representing RHS.
2. Approve January meeting minutes:
Jennie & Pam proposed and seconded approval of the January minutes and all present voted yes.
3. Membership/Committee Chairs:
We have not yet received a response from the Village Manager requesting clarification of current committee memberships and expiration dates from Village records. Cathy Brienza & Jamie Miller have indicated that due to other commitments they are stepping away from the Green Team. In accepting their resignations we thanked them for past contributions and hope they may rejoin in the future.
We invited nominations for the 2 committee chairs & Green Ridgewood vice-chair. There were no new nominations and those currently in those positions had agreed to continue. Ellie proposed and Jennie seconded Bob for Green Ridgewood Chair, Bob proposed and Ellie seconded Justin for Green Team Chair and Bob proposed and Justin seconded George for Green Ridgewood Vice-Chair. All were elected unanimously. No nominees were received for Green Team Vice-Chair and Secretary.
4. Sustainable Jersey
a. Silver Recertification.
Justin & Mike have started a review of documents required for resubmission, deadline May 17th, 2020, and are asking those responsible for each action to review and update them as necessary. A Green Team Sub Committee of those people will meet on March 1st at 10:00 am. 350 points are needed for recertification and the current list of actions targets 360.
b. Anti-Idling.
We expect the Village’s Anti-Idling Resolution to be passed unchanged at the next Council meeting to comply with SJ requirements.
c. Lead Education.
A lead education event was held in conjunction with the Bergen Co. Health Dept. on January 28th at the Senior Center, Village Hall. Thanks to Rob for organizing.
d. Repair Café.
Ridgewood Library held this event on February 1st. We will check to see if it falls within any SJ Actions.
e. EV Charging Stations.
Justin checked with the Village Engineer and advises there will be 4 charging stations on each of 2 floors in the new parking garage plus one at Village Hall.
f. Habitat Protection Ordinance.
During the discussion of grants it was suggested we explore this topic. Topic was deferred to a future meeting.
5. Grant Opportunities.
As noted previously, grant opportunities have passed us by and we need to have projects ready in good time to submit. It was noted that the Village no longer employs a grant writer and Mike agreed to convey to the Council a suggestion to seek one on a contingency basis.
The Shade Tree Commission suggested protecting a sycamore on Dunham Trail which we have determined would fall within the Village’s responsibility. Anthea has suggested creating a wildscape/no-mow area on Village property along the Ho-Ho-Kus Brook beside the PSE&G property. We will attempt to develop a proposal for the ANJEC Open Space Stewardship $1,500 Grant, deadline April 3rd.
6. Ridgewood Daffodil Festival & Earth Day Fair, April 19th 2020.
a. Fundraising.
The introductory letter, registration form and poster for this event have been distributed to committee members who are asked to use them to solicit sponsors, donors and participants. George will distribute a cover letter suitable to contact financial firms and advisers.
b. Promotional Materials
We previously agreed to order Green Ridgewood T-shirts but need members to give Bob their size preference. It was noted our REAC banner is now outdated. We will check costs for a new one.
c. Subcommittee Update
The Earth Day subcommittee met again on February 1st and will meet again on February 22nd. Thanks to Jennie for agreeing to host. The Village planning committee for the event is also meeting regularly. Next meeting February 27th.
Clean Water Action have informed us how their Rethink Disposable program works and we are planning with them its implementation at the event.
d. Super Science Saturday
It was noted this event at the High School might be an opportunity to recruit student exhibitors for the Earth Day Fair. Members are encouraged to attend. Info at
7. Events.
a. Movie.
We will check with the Unitarian Society if they want to partner on a movie or other educational event. “Wasted” has been suggested. Other suggestions are invited.
b. Geothermal Education Event.
Justin is working on plans for an event in May.
8. SJ Bergen Hub
a. Hub meetings.
No update on next meeting proposed for Upper Saddle River. March date awaited..
b. “Styrofoam” Program.
Glen Rock has scheduled collection drives for 5/2, 8/8 and 11/7. See flyer on our Facebook page.
9. Schools.
a. RHS & BFMS Green Club 2019 Grant & Program.
No update on the approvals needed for installation of the BF greenhouse. We understand that, as a result, the BF Green Club has not started up. We asked Miles to explore the possibility of exhibiting a hydroponics cart at Earth Day.
b. 2019/20 Middle School Grant Proposal
No update.
c. School Facility Upgrades.
In the news that RPS are seeking funds for building upgrades including heating systems and the question was raised whether geothermal has been considered. Jenny will advise.
d. District Green Team.
Christine reported movement to form a District Green Team.
10. Updates.
a. Single Use Plastic Carry-Out Bags: Village Council is discussing minor changes to better define a reusable bag to assist with enforcement. No progress reported regarding State legislation.
b. Climate Change Rally/Parade: Joanna is continuing to plan this event and we appreciate her keeping the committees informed.
c. Shade Tree Commission Support: As promised Bob spoke at the Feruary 5th Village Council meeting expressing Green Ridgewood’s support for funding in the upcoming budget for tree replacement in support of the Shade Tree commission.
d. Waste Reduction/Food Waste: Recycling Dept. reports the pilot program will soon be enlisting volunteer households. Committee members are encouraged to see their Recycling mailer for info about the program and sign-up.
11. New Business.
The committees’ attention was drawn to the remediation issues at the Orchard School field since some members not involved with schools may be unaware of this issue. Jennie provided a brief overview. It was agreed that since this issue is being addressed by professionals engaged by RPS it is unnecessary for Green Ridgewood to become involved. Information is available on the Orchard School web page.
12. Next Joint Meeting will be Tuesday March 17th at 7:00 PM in the Garden Room.

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