20170411 - REAC Minutes
Attendance: Monica, Mike, George, Jennie, Yingying, Ellie, Bob, Angela – plus Margie Downs from Ridgewood Arts Council (Margie, thank you for attending!)
We had an excellent meeting last night – thank you to all who were able to attend for your inputs and engagement.
Before we go into the topics, we have 2 things to celebrate –
First – a new member of the team – Ying Ying!! We are all so happy you are joining the team! Welcome to REAC!!!
Second – congratulations to Lisa Summers who organized and led a very successful movie night (TAPPED) at the library on April 9th – very well attended with great Q&A
Thank you also to Ellie and Mike who assisted with the event
- Bike racks: Margie Downs from Ridgewood Arts Council was in attendance. Group discussed bike racks and the process for selection and key next steps.
- Angela to send out photos of vintage style racks for group consideration and vote (see previous email)
- Proposal of potential sites to be considered and commented on by Chris Rutishauser/Ridgewood Engineering
- Historic Preservation would also need to comment
- Potential funding – in addition to REAC funds – see if Conservancy and CBD /Commerce would be willing to contribute – as well as specific shops depending on location
- Mike S to check re multi housing planning – if they are going to have space /allocate bike racks for the new developments
- Monica made great point that we would need to educate people on bike rack locations – perhaps have maps at Bike shop? Also we could do a poll or informational discussion at REAC Earth Day tables
- Bob Upton reviewed what this would do re Sustainable NJ – said it had a minor impact
- Goal – to get decision and be able to install by June / July?
- Timeline – for illustration purposes
- REAC select style – end of April
- Approvals from Chris / Historic Preserve / Village Council /Site Selection – May? Order racks (4-6? Racks?)
- Racks take 6-8 weeks from time of order – so if ordered beginning of May, would arrive end of June?
- Install July?
- Timeline – for illustration purposes
- April 23 – Set Up Team – volunteers – Ying Ying, Mike, George, Bob, Monica, Angela
- Arrive at park between 8:30 and 9 am
- REAC Table
- Angela will bring table signs handouts flyers
- Will also bring sign from TAPPED – and will organize a WATER BOTTLE PLEDGE – and some discussion points to help engage /educate people who stop by the table
- Buy either blue ribbon for those who take the pledge – George will ask Ridgewood Water if they have water drop stickers?
- $2000 Grant $ in REAC Account – Belongs to Shade Tree
- Currently ~$4k in account MINUS $2k = $2k in REAC Account
- Estimate that perhaps $2k-$3k will be put in from Earth Day 2017?
- If we do bike racks, will cost about $2-3K (for installation/shipping – if we did 6 without any additional funding
- Also other outflow – Tree for Andy Attista (note, I will pay for the plaque) = $300?
- GREEN ACRES ISSUE – Mike is asking for REAC members to attend MAY 10 , 2017
- Please let me know if you are able to go to Village Council on this day at 8pm (note, I cannot – I have tickets to HAMILTON which I purchased 12 months ago….)
- REAC Bylaws
- Mike Sedon will draft as Village Council has requested
- Jennie Wilson volunteered to take help finalize
- Needs to be signed by REAC chair
- Angela to follow up with Cynthia Halaby
- We discussed whether to pursue some sort of anti-bottled water ordinance
- Angela will research what other towns have in place
- MAY meeting – Angela asked everyone to come prepared with ideas of the impact and projects we want to drive next year
- George asked that we put the October Climatologist event on the agenda to discuss how to drive P/R and attendance (10/18)
- We will do a recap of efforts /impact to date, and then talk about what else could we do and what do we want to champion and how to continue to build REAC brand / presence / visibility
- Hits: 2091