20170912 - REAC Minutes

Attendance: Michael Sedon (Village Council liaison), Bob Upton, George Wolfson, David Sayles (Parks & Recreation Representative), Ellie Gruber, Monica Buesser, Lisa Summers, Yingying Du, Jennie Smith Wilson (School Board Representative)

Subjects Discussed:

  1. Leadership: Angela Lehmans has resigned from REAC due to increased work responsibilities thus the committee needed to choose a new Chair and Vice Chair. The committee agreed that Angela’s many contributions to REAC would be missed. Ellie Gruber nominated Bob Upton as Chair, Monica Buesser seconded the nomination. The committee voted unanimously to select Bob Upton as Chair. Elle Gruber nominated George Wolfson as Vice Chair, Monica Buesser seconded the nomination. The committee voted unanimously to select George Wolfson as Vice Chair.
  2. The Role of REAC: The committee discussed the role of REAC and the role of the Ridgewood Green Team. From the Village Website, Bob shared that the role of REAC is to consider environmental issues and educate the council on possible actions by the Village Council. All agreed that this was a good role for REAC. It was agreed that REAC and the Green Team should work more closely and coordinate efforts. Joint meetings were proposed and will be considered.

III. Membership: The committee discussed ways to increase membership and interest in REAC. Participation in street fairs was discussed it was agreed that those are not the ideal place to attract new members. The idea of a Volunteer Fair at Village Hall with all Village Committees present was probably a more practical approach. Mike to discuss with the council.

  1. REAC By-Laws: It was agreed that the REAC by-laws still need to be finalized. Mike will address this.
  2. REAC Web Presence: the REAC page on the Village probably needs to be updated and expanded.
  3. The Good Life Event, on October 1 in Van Neste Square there will be a village-wide event and REAC will have a table volunteers are needed to staff the table and an interactive activity is needed to engage visitors. Bob presented an interactive activity that would teach about recycling. It was agreed that this would be an easy to produce and fun activity. George suggested checking with the recycling center to see if they have a similar activity already produced that we could use.

VII. Tree for Andy Antista. REAC has agreed to plant a tree in memory of Andy Antista, former president of Ridgewood Wildscape. Ellie to finalize details of location, suitable plaque and timing.

VIII. Movie: In the past an environmentally themed movie has been scheduled. Lisa & Ellie will look into options and report.

  1. Plastic Bags: It was suggested that REAC explore restricting the use of plastic bags in the Village. Before initiating any action Ellie and Lisa will seek approval of Village Council to investigate this issue.
  2. Sustainable Jersey: Bob suggested that the members check the Sustainable Jersey website to learn more about opportunities for the village to earn Sustainable New Jersey points. http://www.sustainablejersey.com

Next Meeting Date: Tuesday, October 10th at 6:00PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall.*

*Note, this date is subject to change pending discussions with the Green Team.

  • Hits: 1763



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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