20171010 - REAC Minutes

In attendance:

Chair-Bob Upton

Vice Chair- George Wolfson

PRC rep- Dave Sayles

BOE rep- Jennie Wilson-Smith

Council rep- Mike Sedon

REAC members: Yingying Du

                           Lisa Summers

                           Ellie Gruber

                           Monica Buesser

The 10-10-2017 meeting began with a discussion to solidify current members and clean up the e-mail distribution list to remove past members who are no longer on the committee. It was also discussed that a Village employee needs to be present at future meetings. There was some discussion if this employee should be from the Engineering Department or Ridgewood Water or a combination of both departments sharing in representation. Sedon will contact the Village Manager to straighten this out.

Work is continuing to simplify the previously submitted bylaws to submit to the committee for the next meeting, by Sedon.

A Facebook page was discussed. Rather than creating its own Facebook page, the committee is considering teaming up with the Green Team to use its Facebook page to interact with the public and distribute information. REAC is also considering using the Green Team’s e-mail address for communications as both committees have a natural synergy and common goals that align well. These items will be decided on in the future at a joint meeting with the Green Team.

The Ridgewood Good Life event was attended by members Ellie, Monica, Yingying and Jennie. The committee had a great spot at the entrance to the park and information was distributed and contact information was gathered. Some suggestions for next year included using a banner to better announce who REAC is and clustering Village employees and reps together for efficiency.

A need for pictures on the Village webpage was discussed and would be helpful as the rules as to what is and isn’t recyclable are still confusing. Because of the changing market recyclable material needs to be cleaner and certain items are no longer accepted because there is no longer a market for it.

Ellie Gruber and Lisa Summers discussed the very beginnings of their effort to research a possible ban on plastic bags. The council approved the idea moving forward, and Gruber said it would take at least a year to gather the relative information and talk to various stakeholders. Some REAC members may reach out and work with members of the Glen Rock environmental group. Some suggestions were that REAC purchase reusable bags and distribute of sell those. Teaneck passed an ordinance restricting plastic bags, but gave it a year to be implemented to educate the public.

The anti-idling campaign was discussed. Gruber had 5,000 book markers printed with information about state regulations regarding excessive idling and how it is not allowed for more than 30 seconds unless in very hot or cold situations. Emergency responders are exempt.

The joint meeting with the Green Team is tentatively planned for Oct. 24 at 8 p.m. in Village Hall. The meeting will include discussions on the previously mentioned communications combination and potentially combining efforts with the Green Team on future projects.

Oct. 18 speaker at the library will discuss climate change and its impacts on utilities such as Ridgewood Water. It is scheduled from 7 to 8:30 p.m.

Glen Rock is organizing a presentation on Oct. 19th. Upton said he would send additional information for those interested.

Glen Rock is moving ahead with a program to sign residents up with sustainable energy suppliers to replace or supplement their current fossil fuel generated energy. Gruber mentioned that PSE&G currently has a similar program.

Du said she would look into getting a price for REAC member T-shirts

The minutes from the previous meeting were accepted.

Summers and Gruber will look into a possible movie and discussion in the near future.

The meeting was adjourned.

  • Hits: 1649



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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