20171114 - REAC Minutes
REAC Meeting Minutes 20171114
Attendance: Bob Upton, George Wolfson, Monica Buesser, Lisa Summers, David Sayles (Parks & Recreation Representative), Christine Amundsen
- The minutes of 10-10-17 meeting were approved unanimously, proposed by Monica & seconded by George. Bob has e-mailed minutes from past 2 meetings and the agenda for this meeting for posting to Village web site but to date they have not appeared.
- Most current REAC membership terms have been confirmed with the Village Clerk’s office with a couple to be clarified.
Bob contacted several past REAC participants and Joan Avagliano, Bron Sutherland and Jean Epiphan responded asking to be copied in e-mails etc. As Mike was absent Village employee discussion from our last meeting was not continued. The leadership of the High School Students for Environmental Action is now Greg Zaino and he and Bob have an informal meeting scheduled to discuss cooperation, etc. Christine reported there is also a High School Ridgewood Agricultural Environmental Committee (RAEC).
- The 10-18-17 Ridgewood Water/Parks & Rec/REAC sponsored Climate Forum included an informative presentation by Dr David Robinson, NJ State Climatologist and Q&A.
- Future plans and partnered events:
- Earth Day. George relayed the question from Nancy Bigos of whether REAC will participate in the annual Ridgewood Earth Day event again this year. The consensus was that we should since it has been a major event on our calendar in past years and earns revenue. George expressed a wish to reduce his level of involvement in the event but will assist Bob. Bob will contact Nancy to discuss the planning schedule.
- Other events with PRC. It was noted that last year’s “Back to Basics” program with PRC was its first time. Bob and Dave will talk to Nancy about what might follow.
- Movie. Lisa reported she and Ellie are looking into options with several recycling themed topics under consideration. She will also coordinate with the library.
- Recycling. There was much discussion around this topic and interest from other groups to work together. Bob said the recycling quiz for the Good Life event identified the ongoing confusion about which plastics are recyclable. George expressed concern that he hears demand for recycled plastics may be declining. It was decided to invite the Village Recycling Dept to update REAC on their program. Bob will contact Dan & Johanna.
- LWV has expressed interest in partnering on several issues. Bob will follow up with Pamela Perron.
- Plastic Bags. Lisa & Ellie continue to explore this issue.
- Plastic water bottles were also discussed. The consensus was that a village wide restriction was not considered viable in the past the use of plastic bottles at sports events continues. It was proposed that we renew efforts with the Sports Council and individual sports organizations to limit their use. The availability of water bottle filling stations is a related issue and we will get updated info.
- REAC Bylaws. No discussion in Mike’s absence.
- Joint meeting with Green Team. We are invited to the next Green Team meeting 11/28. Some REAC members are unavailable. Bob will check with all and coordinate with Jiffy.
- We welcomed Christine’s participation and took the opportunity to review Sustainable Jersey for Schools. Christine acknowledged that there had not been strong interest in the past. Some ideas to create more interest were discussed.
- Hits: 1768