REAC-Green Team Joint Meeting Minutes 20180116
REAC-Green Team Joint Meeting Minutes 20180116
REAC: Bob Upton, George Wolfson, Lisa Summers, Yingying Du, Michael Sedon (Village Council Liaison), David Sayles (Parks & Recreation Representative)
Green Team: George Wolfson, Bob Upton, Michael Sedon.
Other: Christine Amundsen, Justin Manger, Pamela Perron –LWV
Presenters: Rich Calbi & Dan Kiely, Village of Ridgewood DPW
1. Minutes from the December meeting were approved. Rich, Dan & Pam were welcomed.
2. Presentation: Rich and Dan provided an overview of current status and plans for the Village’s Recycling Program. Markets for recycled plastic are becoming more selective, China accepting less plastic so other markets like Europe are opening, no market in USA. Food waste is receiving increasing attention. Some items bring revenue, others may incur disposal costs. Looking at digital app-based platforms, currently hoping to move ahead with ReCollect, favored over the state sponsored option. Organizing a clothing/recycling drive contest through selected Ridgewood schools. Looking into purchase of a machine to recycle Styrofoam for which a market exists. Anticipated introduction of juice/milk carton recycling. Looking at food recycling further down the road. Education of the public is key to driving quality in recycling programs and to that end Ridgewood Recycling will sponsor the Village’s Earth Day & Daffodil Festival on April 22.
3. Earth Day & Daffodil Festival, April 22: George, Jiffy & Bob are representing REAC in planning meetings with Parks & Recreation, Recycling Department and Ridgewood Conservancy. Will request support from others as needed. George proposed the REAC/GT exhibit should focus on an aspect of the Village Recycling program.
4. Membership: Thanks to Justin and Christine for submitting applications to join REAC/GT. Also Dan Kiely has asked to join REAC as a Village Staff representative and Mike will process the request.
5. ANJEC: Our annual membership payment is in process ($350) which includes 7 individual memberships. George & Ellie are existing members. It is proposed we add Mike, Jiffy, Yingying, Justin & Bob.
6. SJ Grants & SJ Actions: Last year our application for one of the $20,000 or $10,000 grants towards conducting a tree inventory was not successful so Mike has given that assignment to the Village’s grant writing firm for this year. Mike will also look into CSIP (Community Stewardship Incentive Program) grants. Bob will follow-up with Jiffy re. a $2,000 SJ grant submission. Deadline is February 28th. Committee members had been asked to review SJ Actions for discussion of priorities. We will take this up at our next meeting.
7. Movie in April: Scheduled at the library April 19th. Lisa & Ellie are reviewing options.
8. By-Laws: REAC and Green Team by-laws still need to be finalized. Mike submitted a draft REAC Bylaws document for distribution for comment.
9. Plastic Bag Restrictions: Ellie & Lisa have appointments with the Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce and Guild to introduce this topic and get reaction. Bob will join them.
10. Plaque for Andy Antista Tree: No discussion.
11. SJ Mayor’s Climate Summit, Feb 3rd 8.30-1.30 at Rutgers: Will anyone attend? Mike &/or Bob maybe.
12. SJ Bergen Hub Exploratory Meeting: Scheduled for Wednesday January 24th 7.00-8.30 at Glen Rock Library, 315 Rock Rd. Several of our members plan to attend.
13. Field Goods: No discussion.
14. Schools: No discussion.
Next Joint Meeting Date: Tuesday, February 20th at 7.45PM at Village Hall Garden Room.
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