REAC-Green Team Joint Meeting Minutes 20180220

REAC-Green Team Joint Meeting Minutes 20180220



REAC: Bob Upton, George Wolfson, Michael Sedon (Village Council Liaison), David Sayles (Parks & Recreation Rep), Dan Kiely (Village Management Rep).
Green Team: Jiffy Vermylen, George Wolfson, Bob Upton, Michael Sedon.
Other: Christine Amundsen, Justin Manger.

1. Minutes from the January meeting were approved.

2. Membership update. We are pleased to hear that in addition to Christine and Justin others have applied for membership of our committees and Mike reports that the Council is currently conducting interviews. The Ridgewood News on Jan 26 had included an appeal to residents to volunteer for Village boards & committees.

3. ANJEC – George and Ellie are existing members and Bob, Mike, Jiffy, Justin and Yingying have been added to complete the 7 memberships included in our REAC membership. ANJEC is offering training in “Fundamentals for Effective Environmental Commissions on March 10, 17 & 24. Justin & Bob plan to attend  the 3/17 session. There appear to be no grants currently offered by ANJEC so we will monitor their communications.

4. Earth Day & Daffodil Festival, April 22: George, Jiffy & Bob are representing REAC/GT in planning meetings with Parks & Recreation, Recycling Department and Ridgewood Conservancy. Currently we are contacting businesses and organizations inviting them to participate. Invitation/sign-up forms are available so all are asked to spread the word. The Recycling Department is planning their exhibit and REAC/GT participation will be planned to support them. Volunteers will be needed on the day.

5. Sustainable Jersey

a. As a result of the efforts of the Green Team Ridgewood achieved Silver Certification from SJ late last year. Mike plans to schedule recognition of this achievement by the Village Council. Jiffy is working with Dan to create signage for village entrance points, recycling center, DPW trucks etc. This certification expires end 2020 so we need to plan our path towards recertification.

b. It was agreed the Green Team, in addition to maintaining existing approved Actions, will focus on the Actions and requirements to achieve the Gold Star Standard in Waste. Jiffy has reached out to SJ as they recommended and they wrote back that they are looking into it as will be in touch soon. Dan is currently working to reduce idling of village vehicles and looking into a permanent collection box for drugs.

c. The Green Business Program is one of the ongoing SJ Actions and it was reported 6 business have now signed up.

d. Grants: The Village grant writer is working on the $20K grant submission (tree survey) and Jiffy will look into submitting a $2K application.

e. SJ Mayor's Climate Summit Feb 3rd – Mike attended virtually and Mayor Knudsen has agreed to pledge the Village to work on sustainability.

f. SJ Bergen Hub – The exploratory Bergen Hub meeting on Jan 24th was well attended and many towns have agreed to participate ongoing. Justin has agreed to represent us on the steering committee and Bob will attend until we have added our new committee members. Next Hub meeting is March 1st. Communication within the Hub takes place using the Basecamp on-line program and any of our members can access the Bergen section.

6. Schools update: Jennie Smith-Wilson previously advised that Dr Fishbein will leave it to individual schools to determine their participation in the Earth Day Fair. Jiffy will solicit help in contacting the schools. We are already contacting RHS/SEA and Willard Green Ambassadors. Dan will also reach out to school principals. We are also contacting REA.

7. Movie in April: The NJ Highlands Coalition will present “Highlands Revisited” in a presentation/discussion at the library April 19th at 6.30 PM. Lisa & Ellie are coordinating.

8. By-Laws: Mike has submitted drafts for REAC and Green Team by-laws Bob & Jiffy will review & comment. These should be pretty much complete.

9. Plastic Bag Restrictions: Ellie, Lisa & Bob met with leaders of the Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce and Guild and both were supportive of the concept and suggested a survey. Information gathering will continue.

10. T-shirts: It was agreed by consensus that we will get T-shirts with REAC logo (modified wording under logo “REAC GREEN TEAM”) and “SJ Ridgewood Silver Certified” logo. Estimated cost for 2 dozen shirts about $350. (REAC has funds available).

11. Plaque for Andy Antista Tree: Ellie is working on wording and cost.

12. Field Goods: No further action.

Next Joint Meeting Date:  Tuesday, March 20th at 7.45PM at Village Hall Garden Room.


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MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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