REAC-Green Team Joint Meeting Minutes 20180717

REAC-Green Team Joint Meeting Minutes 20180717

REAC: Bob Upton, Ellie Gruber, Yingying Du, Michael Sedon (Village Council Liaison), Mary Mogerley (Parks & Recreation Rep).
Green Team: Justin Manger, Ellie Gruber, Bob Upton, Michael Sedon (Village Council Liaison).
Other: Leslie Lello

1. It was noted that a quorum was not present for either REAC or Green Team so the minutes from the June meeting will be approved at a later date.

2. Membership update: Jiffy Vermylen has tendered her resignation from the Green Team. She said it was a very fun experience and she would hope to join again in the future but currently unable to continue due to family commitments. We agreed we are all most appreciative of her contributions to the Green Team, in particular for leading us to Bronze and Silver Sustainable Jersey certification.

Justin has agreed to stand for Green Team Chair but without a quorum no vote was taken.
Serena’s GT application status and REAC Village Staff Representative awaiting clarification.
The Village is soliciting volunteers for committees in the Ridgewood News and the Village web site but REAC and GT are omitted from the list of committees. Mike will investigate.

3. Earth Day & Daffodil Festival: Final 2018 event accounts indicate REAC funds will benefit by a little under $1,600.

4. Grant opportunities: Mike added NJ Urban & Community Forestry Program Stewardship Grants to the list from the June minutes. No deadlines are imminent so no further discussion.

5. Projects for grants or using REAC funds. Various suggestions were offered at the June meeting and listed in the minutes. Members are asked to research their suggestions and provide more specific proposals including costs for our next meeting.
Added to the suggested use for REAC funds, Mike said the Parks Dept is looking into additional bike racks for downtown commuter locations and may come to REAC for financial assistance.
Bob contacted Nancy Bigos about the water bottle filling station suggestion from last meeting and requested a cost estimate. She stressed the need for promotion and education concerning the existing stations. Bob will liaise with Pam Perron/LWV and Ridgewood Water.
Ellie noted that existing bins for trash and recycling at Village Hall are too small and suggested replacing them with bigger ones.
Justin reminded us of the value of conducting Environmental Resources Inventory, perhaps using a grant or funds and Mike suggested it might be included as part of the Master Plan development process (see below). Justin will seek cost info re Franklin Lakes’s ERI and says ANJEC has a blueprint.

6. Education –  It was suggested we research availability of movie suitable for a children & parents event. Yingying will investigate.

7. Sustainable Jersey

a. Gold Star Standard in Waste
Sub-committee of Justin, George, Mike & Bob will continue with this goal. Ed Bethune is Supervisor for Sanitation and Recycling and will work with us. We will schedule a meeting with first priority to establish base-line stats.
Plastic Bag Ban – Ellie reported we received 4 responses to the survey of the Chamber of Commerce and Guild members, mostly favoring a ban on single use plastic bags. Next step is to address the CBD – action Ellie/Lisa/Bob.
Bob followed up on George’s requests to meet with the Police Chief to set up a permanent drop-off point for unwanted prescription drugs, perhaps along the lines of the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs' Project Medicine Drop. The Chief responded that logistical issues prevent such a drop at Police HQ with the possibility of change in the future. Village web site appears to not reference the Village’s collection days.
b. NJ Mayors’ Commitment to SJ Climate Pledge – Mike will determine whether the previous Mayor or the current Mayor has or will commit to the pledge. The pledge includes a commitment to “make a significant effort to achieve the Gold Star Standard in Energy”.
c. The Green Business Program – conversations with restaurants & stores to be tied into plastic bags issue and waste reduction. SJ Summit said program has been modified. Double Take has joined the NJ Sustainable Business Registry so we should follow up re. our program – action Ellie/George/Bob?
d. Signs for Village – Is the “SJ Silver Certified” sign on Linwood Ave the only one or are there others? Mike will check.
e. NJ Annual Summit 6/21 – Bob attended. Keynote address by Tammy Murphy. NJ GHG emissions are up. Next Gold Star Standard in development is “Water”. Bob will forward info from Grants workshop to Mike. Mike will request copy of last proposal written by the Village Grant Writer for our records & education.
f. SJ Bergen Hub – Next Hub meeting Aug 1st 7.30 PM in Oradell will focus on Hub Grant opportunity and Styrofoam. The Styrofoam sub-committee will meet July 19th. Unsure if we will be represented. The practice for Hub meetings has been to rotate host venue with host acting as chair. Agreed Ridgewood will offer to host. Justin/Bob will liaise between SJ & Mike to schedule.
g. Following Mary’s previous thought about education concerning interaction with wild animals (bears, foxes, rabid animals, etc) Bob noted there are 2 SJ Actions dealing with Wildlife. Bob needs to follow up with Village Health Officer re Licensing and also Wild Animals.

8. Schools – no discussion

9. By-Laws: Mike, Bob & Justin will re-activate this issue.

10. Plaque for Andy Antista Tree: Ellie says she and Angela Leemans will pay for the plaque which is in process. All expressed appreciation.

11. Good Life Ridgewood Event Sept 30th: E-mail survey and comments at last two meetings added up to few responses as to should we attend and who is available. There was no strong movement to attend. Bob will request list of exhibitors and we may revisit this topic.

12. Village Master Plan: Mike advised that a consultant has been hired and outreach to the community will start in the Fall. Bob feels REAC should be active participants in this process.

13. New business:
a. Meadowlands Gas Plant: Opponents of this plan asked Leslie to communicate their request for a Village Resolution supporting their opposition. They have provided links to information and a draft resolution which Bob will distribute to committee members by e-mail for future discussion/decision.
b. Bob wondered should we participate in events such as 4th of July Parade or RBSA Opening Day Parade. It was felt many of our members would be unavailable July 4th. Possibly link our Water Bottle efforts with the RBSA Parade. Revisit next meeting.
c. Once again it was noted that our pages on the Village web site are woefully out of date. Our requests for updates have been ignored. Bob will try a personal visit with Dylan.
d. Recommended reading: ANJEC Spring Report article “Fallen Leaves and Grass Clippings Pollute Urban Stormwater” and Summer Report arcticle “Urban Tree Health – The Ridgewood Experience” by Andrew Lowry, RSTC. Ellie urged action to educate re. Cut IT & Leave It. This should be part of Gold Star Waste efforts.

Next Joint Meeting Date:  Our survey of members determined that an Aug 21st meeting would not be adequately attended so our next meeting will be Sept 18th.

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