20221103 - Community Center Advisory Board Minutes

Community Center Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Ridgewood, N.J.

November 3, 2022 (In-Person)

In attendance: Zarmeen Patil, Deanna Schablik, Paul Vagianos, Nancy Freidman, Liz Kloak, Cathy Greve, Beth Abbott, Sheila Brogan

5:14 p.m. Call to Order

Approval of Minutes for September 22, 2022—Sheila motioned and Nancy seconded; Minutes approved.


Treasurer's report, Deanna Schablik –

·      Cash Balances:

Foundation Checking $3353.47 - as of end of September

Taub - $6157.49 as of end of September.

No activity in either account except addition of interest.

·      Deanna still has $1800 funds left to spend from the $3760 funds received from Columbia Bank.


Community Center Report-Deanna


·      Deanna is using a bigger type for the print brochures for Community Center classes and events.  Also she has added a difficulty level to class listings.

·      Deanna is trying to get a Zumba course for kids age 9-12 off the ground.

·      Teen chess is going very well.

·      Youth leadership training per the grant mentioned in the past has been well subscribed and is going well. There was a discussion about Girls State and Boys State programs and whether they exist in Ridgewood.

·      Another AARP driver safety course is coming up.

·      There is a program about Pilgrims and the Mayflower coming next Tuesday.

·      A collaboration with the Alzheimer’s Association with a speaker coming soon.

·      Health Barn cooking courses have been opened to anyone 18 and over so they will be intergenerational.

·      For the recent Middle School Mixer only 15 of the 55 who signed up attended. Disturbing because there were more than 55 who wished to register but 55 was the maximum.

·      Deanna noted the new floor trim in the senior lounge and the recent wall paint in that room.

·      Elder Dinner November 13 at 3 pm:  Deanna will be away so Liz Kloak will be in charge; Three CYC students and some seventh graders will be helping as well as the adult volunteers; Wilkes is providing coffee already brewed so we do not blow fuses at the Church as we have in the past; Age Friendly Ridgewood will pay for the coffee as well as the rental of the dishes; There was a motion for a back-up plan for the Foundation to pay for the coffee, which passed. Discussion of additional sponsors to cover costs in future years.

·      The Access weekend carnival was very successful.


Village/Council Business

·      Paul Vagianos is our new Village Council member, at least until the Council reorganization in January.

·      Paul is happy to be the liason and encourages us to call him with needs. He is happy to continue to support this Board even if not the liason come January.


Age Friendly Report – Beth Abbott and Sheila Brogan

·      Age Friendly Ridgewood is participating on the planning committee for the Thanksgiving Elder Dinner.

·      AFR participated in the Health Fair run by the Health Department this morning.

·      AFR continues to pursue additional funding.

·      Sheila will host another Medicare talk at the library in December. She noted that the Zoom talks she has been giving during Covid typically have more attendees than the live events in the past.

·      Sheila would like help getting the word out about the Anchor Property Tax Relief program. Not every resident who may be eligible received a form in the mail, especially renters. Sheila encouraged people to see the NJ Division of Taxation website and note the December 30 deadline. Paul will announce this at the next Village Council meeting.

New Business--

·      Deanna is focused on improvements to the Youth Lounge concerning climate and sound control and the door to the outside. It is requested that this is a priority item on next month’s agenda. Our goal is to have capital improvement suggestions ready to submit to the Village Council in January.

·      Cathy Greve suggested that we discuss an entry in the 4th of July parade at our next meeting. One idea is for the Senior Bus to ride in the Parade.

·      Also at our next meeting we should discuss members of the Community Center Advisory Board and the Foundation Board and if resolutions are required to update the lists.

We will have a meeting in December—December 1 at 5 pm in the Pat Mancuso Senior Lounge and on Zoom if necessary.

6:16 p.m. The meeting was Adjourned

Respectfully submitted by Beth Abbott.

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