20230126 - Community Center Advisory Board Minutes
Community Center Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
Ridgewood, N.J.
January 26, 2023 (In-Person)
In attendance: Zarmeen Patil, Deanna Schablik, Paul Vagianos, Cathy Greve, Liz Kloak, Janet Fricke, Gwenn Hauck, Beth Abbott (via Zoom)
5:05 p.m. Call to Order
Approval of Minutes for December 1, 2022, Deanna motioned and Zarmeen seconded; Minutes Approved.
Treasurer's report, Deanna Schablik –
· Cash Balances:
Foundation Checking $3353.90 - as of end of December
Taub - $5695.24 as of end of December.
Foundation activity was interest and Taub expenses to support the Thanksgiving Elder Dinner.
· Deanna reports that we sent Old Paramus Church a donation of $500 as a thank you for hosting the Elder Dinner for many years
· Deanna reports that we received $1000 from the Masters Run due to our running the water table at the Memorial Day Run
Discussion of Membership of Boards
· Community Center Advisory Board
o Question was asked about posting minutes and agendas on Village website. Deanna will find out if she can post or if Information Technology performs that function. This is Correct.
o Should be comprised of
§ Still working on clarifying 2 Senior Ridgewood residents--Liz Kloak and possibly Helen Leonard
§ Two Ridgewood High School students—Brandon Shintani and Ryan Shintani
§ Need 2 Middle School students, one GW and one BF.
Zarmeen stated that her child would represent from GW/need her name. Deanna will reach out to BF vice-principal about a student who might be interested.
§ Still working on 2 Adults with children in schools (Zarmeen Patil and we need one more)
§ 2 Adult resident spots are Nancy Freidman and Carol Mattessich.
§ 1 Police representative-- Chief Lutchke right now, until she retires
§ 1 Parks and Recreation Representative (Deanna Schablik)
o Beth Abbott, Don Leibreich, Bill Carbone and Phil Dolce should be off the CCAB
o Deanna mentioned hearing that some people were interested in joining but were not accepted during the last Council interviews
o We are uncertain if terms are 1 year or more. Paul and/or Deanna will investigate and refer the question to Nancy Bigos. Deanna reports are appointed annually based on a memo she found in the files from December 2005.
· Community Center of Ridgewood Foundation
o Liz Kloak agrees to be Foundation Vice-President.
o Beth Abbott agrees to be the Foundation Secretary
o After all is resolved we will adopt a new Foundation resolution with the changes
Community Center Report-Deanna
· The history of the Civic Youth Corps was discussed. They are meeting next week to discuss upcoming plans. Deanna requests that the Mayor come to the meeting and speak to the members.
· Deanna has two events upcoming, one on the Revolutionary War and the other about the history of the Super Bowl
· Zarmeen is offering to do nutrition workshops for Seniors at no cost, plus she will try to recruit for our CCAB open positions.
· Rich Tarleton, Signal Division, has been working on the heating issues in the Youth lounge. Hanging heaters were just placed as a temporary fix. Too soon to know how well it is working. Paul will discuss with Heather.
· A drop ceiling is planned but it may not be until 2024.
· Deanna suggests making the pit area the same level as the rest of the room, i.e. fill it in.
· Deanna reports that doors are being operated by the Police Department and maintenance; Loss of heat situation has improved slightly.
Village/Council Business, reported by Mayor Paul Vagianos, our CCAB Village Council liaison
· There is now hybrid access to Village Council meetings and the sound quality has been much improved.
· Beginning mid May and lasting into the Fall the pedestrian plaza and dining corrals will return
· The Council is doing a deep dive on the Schedler property especially in regard to the small field; Meetings are happening about fields all over town.
Age Friendly Report – Beth Abbott
· Sheila held a Medicare 101 Zoom talk with the Ridgewood Library on December 6.
· Age Friendly Ridgewood is involved in county and state advocacy efforts
· Beth voiced a question about whether or not we are advocating enough for the needs for improvements to the Community Center that Deanna has highlighted.
· Paul asked what he should advocate for on our behalf at the Village council budget hearings.
New Business
· Liz Kloak suggests conducting one major fund raiser each year for the Foundation
· We will attempt to adapt a resolution for changes to the Foundation Board at our March meeting. Beth will draft.
· The July 4 parade needs to be discussed
Next Meeting is February 23 at 5 pm.
6:05 p.m. The meeting was Adjourned
Respectfully submitted by Beth Abbott.
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