20230701 - Green Ridgewood Meeting Agenda
June 1, 2023 7:30-9:30 PM
1. Attendees: (GR): David Refkin, Nurhan Ezik, Sophia Florida, Justin Jonsson, Beth Creller, Yvone Nava, Justin Manger, Caitlin O‘Leary.
Liaisons and residents: Miles Luo, Sofia Morino, Alina Mozdkovich, Jill Fasano, Adam Peterseil, Walter Rothaugh, Pamela Perron, George Wolfson.
2. Approve May 4 Minutes
3. Chair Report – David
June 1st. We can officially mow our lawns. Program was a success.
4. Village Council Liaison Report – Pam
Expanded the number of GR member in the ordinance. By resolution Justin Jonsson and Sophia Florida as official members of GR.
Legislation passed to use part of park land without the diversion process.
Council approval to apply for a grant to purchase land adjacent to the Schedler property. Pam reviewed miscellaneous water topics.
Council approved 12 Recycling and 110 new garbage cans for $60K I Central Bus. District.
Payment $1M to fix the water pollution control facility after Hurricane Ida.
Solar power speed limit signs.
Deer forum on 05/31. Active public participation. Health department will follow up with families affected. Jill Fasano recommends a documentary called “I am not crazy, I am sick” that speaks about Lyme disease.
5. Green Ridgewood Committee Membership – David
By resolution Justin Johnson and Sophia Florida as official members of GR.
Sophia, Vassar graduate passionate about the environment and driving actions to help sustainability initiatives.
Justin Johnson, newly Ridgewood resident
6. Student Presentation:
a. Two RHS students – Promoting Wildflowers Project to improve a section of the High School in the South area by Beverly St and between the parking lot and the main entrance. Addressing a portion of Kentucky grass area by planting native wildflowers, make campus more greenified, less maintenance, promotes biodiversity, etc.
So far raised $20 and the students are looking for incremental $60.
Timeline: ideally purchasing the seeds after obtaining the funds, and planting middle of June. However, many concerns about watering and the planting timeline (late in the year) Recommendation to wait and pass this project to other high school students since presenters are graduating in a few weeks.
7. Earth Day Fair & Daffodil Festival
a. Prizes: Lawn Mower and Leaf Blowers – Beth/Mike
Mike will drop off the prizes to the two winners: Tania Zimmerman, Cash Creller.
We can consider to promote in social media
b. Meeting of EDF/DF Committee – David/Pam
Few suggestions: make it longer by 30 minutes for next year (Approved)
Committee looking into vendors that sign up and their correlation to sustainability and their fit with the event.
Overall, a successful 2023 event with a profit of around $3K
8. Artificial Turf: Potential Presentation by Dr. Genoa Warner, NJIT – Beth
Zoom call options: 06/12 10am-4pm – leaning towards 11am. Meeting details to come from Beth & Yvone.
9. No Mow May – Mike/Frank
305 households
Increased awareness
Low tick risk according to county entomologist. 110 households were contacted to see if Rutgers could come do some research on ticks.
10. ANJEC and Sustainable New Jersey Conferences – David
No update
11. Bergen Hub Meeting – Beth/David
Art event in the fall, town TBC
Next meeting is in Oradell the last Monday in July.
David following up with Teaneck about a NJ Bottle Bill
12. Planning Board – Master Plan Implementation – David
Planning Board has not met since a short meeting in Feb 7th; next scheduled meeting on June 20th. Potential concerns about overtime for scheduling. David reaching out to other Village Council members to raise awareness that no action is being taken against the Master Plan. David presenting to VC members Evan Weitz and Siobhan Winograd to advocate for the action on the Master Plan and our role in the process. Council chat will take place on 06/03/23.
13. Master Plan & GR Priorities – Subcommittee Reports
a. Communications -Caitlin
Met on 05/30 to review recent campaigns: Earth Day and No Mow May. Discussed future content and call to action to share ideas from other subcommittees. Example: Ridgewood Water and their communications.
Discussed a Newsletter, to be published every other month (content ideas: school corner, Green Ridgewood latest news, articles from other sources, etc)
b. Sustainable New Jersey, Grants & Applications – Mike
Latest on Sustainable Jersey application (deadline May 26. Some points were not approved and fell to Bronze and with some updates jumped to 205. Answer will come mid-June. (205 is Bronze)
c. Green Building & Sustainability – Beth
Several focus areas: green building checklist using the High School as a pilot.
Will bring topics to the next Planning Board meeting (06/20)
Leaf blower ordinance mailing to be shared with Landscaper Association by Pam Perron next week.
Ken Jones (Glen Rock) connection, Tracy Woods, interested to feature Ridgewood in a panel. Beth will connect with her and Pam.
d. Resource Management – Justin
Talked to Sean Hamlin about the 12 recycling bins downtown. They will be collected once a day.
Pam will investigate the possibility to create an ordinance that trash/recycling cans refuse styrofoam pick up and requests it gets brought to the densifier at the Recycling center.
e. Resilience, Flooding and Stormwater – David
Met with Chris R. to review areas of focus. Brought up “Adopt a drain” again and we believe we can bring it up again.
Campaign to educate residents and look to create quarterly engagement programs. For example, “No mow May” in Q2 and “Adopt a drain” in Q4
FYI: Flood Acquisition plan was passed. Pam has a power point if anyone is interested.
14. Deer Forum Report – See Village Council Liaison report above.
15. Potential Field Trip: Leaf Composting – June 10th or 17th (9-10:30 AM) - David
16. Content for Newsletter communications – Jill Re: RW, All
17. Measuring our Effectiveness: ANJEC Survey
18. Future adjusted meeting dates – July 13th, August 3rd, September 14th.
Aligned on July 13th
August 3rd - unofficial social get together at David’s residence
September 14th
19. Other Business
Pam needs volunteers this Saturday 06/03 @ 8:30 starting at the Duck pond, to help paint Fire Boxes.
Minutes submitted by Yvone Nava
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