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Special Public Meeting

Thursday, April 26, 2018


In accordance with the provisions of the "Open Public Meetings Act," please be advised that Village of Ridgewood Historic Preservation Commission will hold a special meeting on Thursday, April 26, 2018. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 8:00 p.m. The meeting is to be held in the Garden Room on the ground floor in Village Hall. The Village Hall is located at 131 North Maple Avenue in Ridgewood. At this time, the agenda for the meeting is limited to discussion of the application for a subdivision at 401 Mountain Avenue.

All meetings of the Ridgewood Planning Board (i.e., official public meetings, work session meetings, pre-meeting assemblies and special meetings) are public meetings which are open to members of the general public.

Michael Cafarelli
Secretary to the Board


c:    HPC Members
       Ridgewood News*
       Village Clerk
       Village Manager
       Village Bulletin Board
       Village Website

*Note:  This is not for publication in the legal ad section. It is a general announcement.

  • Hits: 3563

Special Projects Task Force


John Cavanagh, Chairman

Alex Kisilevich

Robert Kotch

Brian Lahey

Rei Shinozuka

David Hough

  • Hits: 3816

H - Zone Amendment to Land Use Planning ElementClick Here

for H- Hospital Zone District Amendment to Land Use Plan Element adopted June 21, 2010. 

Planning Board Transcripts for June 7, 14, 21 Hearings

June 7, 2010 - Click Here

June 14, 2010 - Click Here

June 21, 2010 - Click Here

February, March, April, May, June - H Zone Planning Board Meeting Transcripts

For Transcripts from - 

February 2, 2010 Click Here

February 22, 2010 Click Here

March 31, 2010 Click Here

April 20, 2010 Click Here

May 3, 2010 Click Here

May 4, 2010 Click Here 

May 17, 2010 Click Here

May 18, 2010 Click Here

May 24, 2010 Click Here

June 1, 2010 Click Here

Planning Board H - Zone Public Hearing Exhibits - May 4, 2010

The following exhibits were introduced at the Planning Board H-Zone Public Hearing on May 4, 2010 by Concerned Residents of Ridgewood (CRR) and Valley Hospital. 

Village of Ridgewood Master Plan - H Zone Amendment Final Reports

The following are final reports presented to the Planning Board by various professional consultants on May 3, 2010. 
Traffic Report 
Medical Planning Report 
Geotechnical Report 

Village of Ridgewood Master Plan - H-Zone Amendment - Proposed Change

The Planning Board has proposed a change to the Master Plan. The proposed amendment (for information only)to the H-Hospital Zone District Click Here 

Transcript of 2-22-10 H-Zone - Valley Hospital Hearing
Click Here for the complete transcript of the February 22, 2010 Hearing. 
Transcript of the 2-2-10 H-Zone - Valley Hospital Hearing
Click Here for a full transcript of the February 2, 2010 Hearing. 
Transcript of 10 - 5 -09 H-Zone - Valley Hospital Hearing
Click Here for a full transcrpt of the October 5, 2009 Hearing. 
Transcript of 7-15-09 H- Zone - Valley Hospital Transcript
Click Here for a full transcript of the July 15, 2009 Hearing.

  • Hits: 3950

Board of Adjustment

Zoning Board of Adjustment

MISSION: The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall follow the provisions of the Municipal Land Use Law (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.) and Chapter 190 of the Ridgewood Village Code and accordingly shall have authority to:  Hear and decide appeals where it is alleged by the appellant that there is error in any order, requirement, decision or refusal made by the Zoning Officer based on or made in the enforcement of the zoning regulations.   Hear and decide requests for interpretation of the Zoning Map or zoning regulations or for decisions upon other special questions upon which the Board is authorized to pass by any zoning regulation or Official Map regulation, in accordance with this chapter and the Municipal Land Use Law.  Hear and decide requests for variances. Notwithstanding the above, the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall not have the power to hear and decide variances if the application also requires subdivision, site plan or conditional use approval, unless the application involves a "D" variance.   Exercise control over and review of subdivisions, site plans and conditional uses, only when such applications involve a "D" variance.   Direct the issuance of building permits for buildings or structures in certain areas shown on an Official Map, unless such building permits also require subdivision, site plan or conditional use approval.   Direct the issuance of building permits for buildings or structures on a lot not related to a street, unless such building permits also require subdivision, site plan or conditional use approval.   Prepare at least once a year a report for the Village Council and Planning Board, based upon its review of its decisions on applications and appeals for variances since any previous report. The report shall be adopted by resolution of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and shall comment on the zoning regulations which were the subject of variance requests and shall make recommendations for any amendments to the zoning regulations that the Board may deem appropriate based upon prior variance applications.   MEETINGS: Held twice a month in Village Hall - Sydney V. Stoldt, Jr. Courtroom on Level Four. MEMBERS: Gregory Brown, Chairman (12/31/2025) Matthew Bandelt, Vice-Charman (12/31/2026) Gary Negrycz, Chairman Pro Tem (12/31/2024) Diana Ruhl (12/31/2024) Jonathan Papietro (12/31/2023) Michael Pickholtz (12/31/2023) Jason Curreri (12/31/2023) Harold Maxwell (Alternate #1, 12/31/2023) Jamie Fox (Alternate #2, 12/31/2024) STAFF:Law Firm for the ZBA is McDonnell  & Whitaker, LLC (Bruce E. Whitaker) John Barree, Planner M. McKinley Mertz, Planner Christopher Rutishauser, PE, Village Engineer CONTACT: Counsel Bruce E. Whitaker, Esq.McDonnell & Whitaker, LLC 245 East Main St P.O. Box 379 Ramsey, NJ 07446-0379   Secretary Jane Wondergem131 North Maple Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450201-670-5500, ext. 2240jwondergem@ridgewoodnj.net Meeting dates are published in the Village Calendar and are shown in Calendar of Events on this Website.


Meetings and Hearings Procedures

Variance Instructions

Zoning Board Application

Variance Application Checklist

Lot and Bulk Standards for Residential Zone Districts

Zoning Table for Residential Zone Districts

Zoning Map 2022

Read more: Board of Adjustment

  • Hits: 69884



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



If you have any trouble with accessing information contained within this website, please contact the MIS Department - 201-670-5500 x2222 or by email mis@ridgewoodnj.net.
