20231211 - CSAC Minutes


DECEMBER 11, 2023


Members in Attendance: Barbara Sacks, John Prieto, Anastasia Bamberg, Henry Ratcliffe, Shayan Farooqi, Jane Remis, Lorraine Reynolds (Village Council), Sheila Brogan (BOE), John Ward (RPD), Chris Piersa (engineering)


Visitors: Julia Bruno, Julia Bender, Suzy Motaharian, Sara Wilson, Matt Plumer, Ayanna Sprawka






1.      Update on Clinton Rd/Ridge School regarding safety concerns for students (Reynolds, RPD): RPD recommends following Engineering Department’s past and present recommendations along with the past recommendations of the RPD traffic bureau:  Sidewalks should be installed on at least one side of Clinton Avenue. Engineering recommends the construction of sidewalks along Clinton Avenue either along one or both sides of the street as was previously recommended as part of its 2014 Capital Paving Program, and also as recommended by former Village Engineer, M.J. Seeley, P.E. back in March 1964.

The following information regarding Clinton was reported:

a.      Ridgewood police received complaints on 11/16 of leaves in the roadway and a crossing guard late for duty. Complaints were addressed the same day (leaves removed by DPW and crossing guard supervisor was notified).

b.      New “no turn” signs were installed, new “road closed” signs were placed higher up on barricades and parking enforcement officers will close the road at 2:30 PM if available (not guaranteed).

c.       MVA data: 6 accidents in the last 15 years on Clinton, none involving pedestrians and none with injuries.

d.      Alternative routes to school were evaluated and the safest alternative was found to be a .85 mile, 26 minute walk (South Monroe) compared with a .23 mile, 7 minute walk from the corner of Godwin/Clinton to Ridge School mid block crosswalk.

e.      A previous study by RPD (conducted by Sgt. Pullman in 2008) determined that Clinton was the safest route from Godwin Ave./southern streets to Ridge School.

f.        An additional study by RPD (conducted in 2016 by Sgt. Chuck) determined that opening the road and installing sidewalks is the safest alternative. The study also reinforced that the RPD traffic bureau never condoned the soft closure of the roadway for pedestrian traffic.

g.       2 pedestrian counts were recently conducted. 

                                                          i.      On 11/20, from 3:00 to 3:10 PM (weather was sunny with a temperature of 45 degrees), 51 pedestrians walked southbound down Clinton. 

                                                        ii.      On 12/5, from 3:00 to 3:09 PM (overcast, 42 degrees), 52 pedestrians walked southbound.

                                                      iii.      RPD expects higher pedestrian counts in the spring. 

Several residents requested safety improvements citing that drivers park on Clinton every day to avoid waiting on the Red Zone line and that despite the road closure signs, traffic persists during school drop off and pick up hours, causing unsafe conditions for children walking to and from school.

One Clinton resident requested that any sidewalk installation or other changes be made with sensitivity to mature trees, landscaping and stone walls on the street.

2.      Update on Morningside Rd. & Hamilton Rd.:  Reflective delineators were added to the intersection to help guide traffic around the corner; (RPD, Engineering).   The delineators seemed to help with speeding but were stolen over the past weekend.  Drivers continue to ignore the Stop sign. A homeowner at the intersection has not yet complied with a letter sent from engineering asking them to cut down plantings that obstruct sight lines. A resident asked for a permanent solution, such as curbs being built out to prevent cars from speeding through the wide intersection or a digital speed sign being installed.  A traffic study will be conducted in the spring and engineering may consider changes after viewing the results.  This item will be removed from the agenda until the spring of 2024.

    3. Update: A stop sign has been installed at the Franklin Ave extension at No. Irving. Item will be removed from agenda.

    4. Follow-up - Sight Triangle Locations, notices/second notices/priority locations/pillars at Overbrook and No. Van Dien (Engineering): Engineering reports that 7 letters have been sent out in the last month for a total of 80 letters. 24 homeowners have complied thus far. 

    5. Follow-up on Lighting in CBD, remediation including lights at Broad and Franklin (RPD, Engineering): PSE & G has been working on replacing light fixture outages.  On 9/13, 22 streetlamps were out.  On 12/8, 14 lamps were out, most of which were new outages.

    6. Follow-up on Bellair Rd lines, feedback from resident surveys (Engineering): the village received some pushback from residents regarding yellow line painting on the road. Faded signs were replaced. RPD conducted targeted enforcement on Bellair Road, making 35 traffic stops, but impacting around 1400 drivers who passed by the police stops, since research shows that drivers slow down an average of 7 MPH after viewing a police car.  RPD and Engineering recommend installation of double yellow lines and fog lines.  Item will be removed from agenda pending future engineering decision.

    7. Follow-up on W. Glen sidewalks, any further information on construction for retaining wall (Reynolds, VM, Engineering): Engineering is investigating various materials to be used for retaining walls and discussions are being held regarding whether to place the walls in the right of way or on private property.

    8. Follow-up on Status of pedestrian safety plan parameters/development (VM): item will be removed from agenda pending future discussion between the VM and Mr. Halaby.

    9. Follow-up on status of relocating stop line at Garber Square and W. Ridgewood Ave (Engineering): Engineering is considering pulling the stop bar back (by at least 5 feet) in the left lane. Engineering is reviewing applicable NJDOT and MUTCD regulations prior to making a determination.

   10. Follow-up on Franklin Ave Corridor: no updates

   11. CBDAC: no updates


1.       Request for installation of pedestrian crossing signals for Maple Ave at Linwood, Franklin Ave or others/coordination with county (Engineering)

2.      CSAC Committee members expressed their appreciation of the police and engineeringand their responsiveness as we work to address pedestrian and traffic safety. Their help has been invaluable in moving projects ahead.









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20231019 - CSAC Minutes

MEETING MINUTES – October 19, 2023


CSAC Meeting of October 19, 2023


Members in Attendance:  Barbara Sacks, Jane Remis, Shayan Farooqi, Henry Ratcliffe, John Prieto, Lorraine Reynolds, Jovan Mehandzic, Sheila Brogan, Ofc. John Ward (RPD), Chief Forest Lyons (RPD)


Visitors in Attendance:  Julia Bruno, Rurik Halaby, Dana Glazer, Bob Fuhrman, Rob Fitch, Susan Ruane



1.Follow-up: Morningside Road and Hamilton, concerns regarding safety and dangerous conditions at the intersection.  A potential solution of road paint was discussed; RPD advised there have been no reported accidents in the area for 2022-2023 and will continue to monitor the area. The idea of starting a petition by local residents for road painting was raised.  Also, an apparent sight triangle obstruction location at the intersection was discussed which will be forwarded to Engineering for review.


2.Visitor Concerns:  Mr. Halaby discussed his concerns regarding the need for a pedestrian crosswalk signal at the intersection of North Maple and Linwood; the need for improvements for road surfaces and at critical pedestrian crossings; and the need for a comprehensive proactive plan by the Village to ensure pedestrian safety.  These issues will be discussed further at the next meeting.


3.Visitor Concern:  Mr. Fitch raised concerns over the process for addressing sight triangle obstructions.  A review of the relevant code section was discussed. It was decided that the RPD would observe and forward a prioritized list of critical STO locations (such as at schools); in addition, the STO review process would be discussed with the Village Manager.


4.Follow-up: The concern of parked vehicles at the curve on Berkshire Road near Grove St was discussed. RPD observed the area including the approach westbound on Grove St and noted the change in speed limit entering the Village; no other concerns were observed at the intersection. The idea of residents starting a petition to add a no-parking sign at the curve was raised.


5.Follow-up: The need for a stop sign at the intersection of the Franklin Avenue extension at North Irving was discussed.  This issue will be discussed further at the next meeting.


6.Follow-up: Concerns over lighting in the CBD in the area of Franklin Ave and Broad St were discussed. RPD reported that a list of light locations in need of repair was sent to PSE&G and the Village Manager.


7.Follow-up: Concerns over safety issues at Clinton Road near Ridge School were discussed. RPD has been observing the area and has undertaken a safety campaign to educate drivers.  It was reported that new signage has been installed.  The idea of notifying local parents about safety issues was raised; this will be discussed with the Board of Education.


8.Follow-up: The issue of adding a double-yellow line on Bellair Road was discussed.  RPD reported on the results of a speed/volume study conducted in September; it was recommended that specific enforcement be carried out and that a double yellow line along with white edge (“fog”) lines be considered. It was decided that the need for local resident feedback would be discussed with the Village Manager.


9.Follow-up: The issue of funding for replacement of the pedestrian bridge on Kingsbridge Road was discussed; it was reported that funding is targeted for the 2024 budget.


10. Follow-up: Progress on Franklin Avenue corridor project – nothing new to report.


11.Follow-up: Pedestrian/Bike SRTS grants – nothing new to report.


12.CBDAC: The following updates in the CBD were discussed: On Thursday evenings during the holidays, retailers will be open and parking will be free; the Village is undertaking a feasibility study to explore the benefits of creating a special improvement district in the CBD; the tree streets in the CBD will be paved in November after dining corrals are removed; the ordinance to limit parking on Walnut St failed to pass due to lack of resident support. There was nothing new to report regarding the pedestrian tunnel/mural project.


13.Site Triangle Obstructions: locations will continue to be sent to Engineering for review, including the location of Spring Ave and South Van Dien.


14.West Glen Avenue sidewalks: It was reported that recent discussions with local residents resulted in overall positive feedback for the project as well as for the crosswalk flashing light at Hillcrest.


15.Intersection proposals: It was reported that a new electronic speed sign was installed on East Glen Avenue near Bogert Avenue. RPD will follow-up on the progress of an in-street crosswalk sign at Bogert.




1.Comments from the public. In addition to the aforementioned items, the idea of sending safety information to new parents was raised (e.g., ‘Stop-Look-Wave’); the work of School Resource Officers in this regard is ongoing.  


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20210121 - CSAC Meeting Minutes

  • Safety Committee
    January 21, 2021

    Held on Zoom

    Attendance:  Anastasia Bamberg, Sgt. Jay Chuck, Robert Fuhrman, Jane Remis, Christopher J. Rutishauser, Barbara Sacks, Kelly Buchsbaum, Joyce Docktor, Lorraine Reynolds, and Sheila Brogan.

    Lorraine Reynolds chaired the meeting in Charley DiMarco’s absence. Meeting called to order at 7:54PM

    Old Business
    1.    Franklin Ave Corridor -  Chris Rutishauser reported that the Village is communicating with Bergen County, but since much of the Bergen County employees are working from home, the response time has slowed.  The Village is still waiting for a response from the county.
    2.    Pedestrian/ Bike SRTS Grants – Chris Rutishauser reported that NV5 was still working on the grant implementation.  Because this is a Federal grant it is complex.
    3.   CBDAC – Anastasia Bamberg and Chris Rutishauser reported out.  The Village is reviewing the idea that restaurants purchase, move and maintain a system of bollards to place around their outdoor dining areas.  The Village will continue using the yellow barricades to close streets when weather is warm enough to allow for outdoor dining and the closure of streets in the CBD.
    4.    SSTAF – Nothing to report at this time as schools are in session for ½ days only.
    5.    West Glen Avenue sidewalks – Chris Rutishauser reported that sidewalk plans have to be finalized.
    6.   West Glen Ave and North Monroe – Chris Rutishauser reported that the signal division has been hit hard by COVID 19, so progress on upgrading signal is stalled.
    7.    W Glen Ave and Hillcrest – Chris Rutishauser reported that the Ped-Actuated Crossing Signal – Warrants/Design – were part of the capital budget being proposed to the Council for next year’s budget.
    New Business:
    8.    Street Smart NJ – No one had information on this, so will table until next meeting.
    9.    Other business: Sgt. Chuck reported a complaint the police received re the NJ Transit buses travelling on Ridgewood Ave in the CBD.  He suggested that plans to move the bus station to the train station area, west side parking area, be reconsidered.  It was noted that when first discussed there were objections to this plan, but now there might be less traffic and parking congestion at the station as more people may work from home and the parking garage is complete. In the meantime, the police have spoken with NJ Transit about the routes (travel times have been adjusted so drivers have a bit more time between stops) and parking so as not to block Oak Street by the current bus station.
    Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM

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20210121 - CSAC Meeting Agenda



1)  Franklin Avenue Corridor--County Engineer Review of Preliminary Plans? Status of Municipal Agreements. (Engineering/ Reynolds)

2)  Pedestrian/Bike SRTS Grants-- Progress report on NV5 work. (Engineering)

3)  CBDAC-- Activities Report. (Bamberg)

4)  SSATF-- Any Activity? (Bamberg/Remis/Shinozuka)

5)  West Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- Concept Study Progress Report. (Engineering)

6)  West Glen Avenue/ North Monroe Street--Design Progress Status? Schedule? (Engineering)

7)  West Glen Avenue/Hillcrest Road Ped-Actuated Crossing Signal-- Warrants/Design Criteria (Engineering)



1)  Street Smart NJ-- NJTPA Program in Fair Lawn, etc.

2) Other

NEXT MEETING: February 18, 2021

Topic: CSAC Meeting
Time: Jan 21, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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20201119 - CSAC Agenda

1)  Franklin Avenue Corridor- County Engineer Review of August, 2020 Submission; Status of Municipal Agreements. (Engineering/ Reynolds)
2)  Crosswalk at Van Emburgh Avenue/ Hampshire Road--Status? (Engineering)
3)  Pedestrian/ Bike SRTS Grants-- Update/ Status of NV5 Project. (Engineering)
4)  CBDAC-- Activities Report. (Bamberg)
5)  North Walnut Street--- Speed Sign Evaluation. Further Studies Needed? (Police/ Engineering)
6)  SSATF-- Any Actions Planned? (Bamberg/ Remis/ Shinozuka)
7)  West Glen Avenue-- Report on Heights Road-North Monroe Street Concept Study Progress. (Engineering)
8)  West Glen Avenue/North Monroe Street-- Design Progress Status? Schedule? (Engineering)
9)  Safety Enforcement and Policy re: School/Recreational Facilities/ Residential Areas. Additional Actions/Discussions? ( Sacks/ Police)
10) West Glen Avenue/ Hillcrest Road Ped-Actuated Crossing Signal-- Criteria/ Warrants? Recommendations?(Engineering)
11) Kenilworth Road/ Spring Avenue-- STOP Logo on northbound approach removed during recent repaving to be replaced per Engineering.
1)  Other 

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MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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