20210121 - CSAC Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
January 21, 2021
Held on Zoom
Attendance: Anastasia Bamberg, Sgt. Jay Chuck, Robert Fuhrman, Jane Remis, Christopher J. Rutishauser, Barbara Sacks, Kelly Buchsbaum, Joyce Docktor, Lorraine Reynolds, and Sheila Brogan.
Lorraine Reynolds chaired the meeting in Charley DiMarco’s absence. Meeting called to order at 7:54PM
Old Business
1. Franklin Ave Corridor - Chris Rutishauser reported that the Village is communicating with Bergen County, but since much of the Bergen County employees are working from home, the response time has slowed. The Village is still waiting for a response from the county.
2. Pedestrian/ Bike SRTS Grants – Chris Rutishauser reported that NV5 was still working on the grant implementation. Because this is a Federal grant it is complex.
3. CBDAC – Anastasia Bamberg and Chris Rutishauser reported out. The Village is reviewing the idea that restaurants purchase, move and maintain a system of bollards to place around their outdoor dining areas. The Village will continue using the yellow barricades to close streets when weather is warm enough to allow for outdoor dining and the closure of streets in the CBD.
4. SSTAF – Nothing to report at this time as schools are in session for ½ days only.
5. West Glen Avenue sidewalks – Chris Rutishauser reported that sidewalk plans have to be finalized.
6. West Glen Ave and North Monroe – Chris Rutishauser reported that the signal division has been hit hard by COVID 19, so progress on upgrading signal is stalled.
7. W Glen Ave and Hillcrest – Chris Rutishauser reported that the Ped-Actuated Crossing Signal – Warrants/Design – were part of the capital budget being proposed to the Council for next year’s budget.
New Business:
8. Street Smart NJ – No one had information on this, so will table until next meeting.
9. Other business: Sgt. Chuck reported a complaint the police received re the NJ Transit buses travelling on Ridgewood Ave in the CBD. He suggested that plans to move the bus station to the train station area, west side parking area, be reconsidered. It was noted that when first discussed there were objections to this plan, but now there might be less traffic and parking congestion at the station as more people may work from home and the parking garage is complete. In the meantime, the police have spoken with NJ Transit about the routes (travel times have been adjusted so drivers have a bit more time between stops) and parking so as not to block Oak Street by the current bus station.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM
- Hits: 876