20231115 - CSAC Minutes


NOVEMBER 15, 2023


Members in Attendance: Barbara Sacks, John Prieto, Anastasia Bamberg, Henry Ratcliffe, Shayan Farooqi, Jane Remis, Sheila Brogan (BOE), John Ward (RPD), Chris Piersa (engineering), James Judge (HSA)

Visitors: Rurik Halaby, Julia Bruno




Julia Bruno voiced a concern that the new road markings at the intersection of Hamilton and Morningside negatively impacted safety due to drivers ignoring the lines and the Stop sign. Suggestions included putting cones in place temporarily until local drivers become aware of the lines, installing a portable traffic sign indicating “new traffic pattern – follow markings”, a blinking stop sign, painting STOP on the pavement and sending a letter to homeowner whose bushes create a sight obstruction.


RPD will patrol the area at peak times to observe and will do a traffic study at the intersection if equipment is available.





1.     Hamilton and Morningside: Road striping has been added as a traffic calming measure.  See above for discussion.


2.     Sight triangle Obstructions:  Notices have been sent out to 73 homeowners out of a total of 113 residences with sight obstructions. About 20 residents have complied so far and 2nd notices will be issued to non-compliant households on an undisclosed date. Some of the intersections receiving priority (due to a higher number of accidents and proximity to schools) are Northern/Linwood, East Glen/Fairfield, Godwin/Lake and Doremus/Ackerman. New construction at North Van Dien and Overbrook may have pillars in violation of sight triangle rules. Engineering will look into it.



3.     Lighting in CBD: Engineering sent PSE&G a list of all street lights that are out.  Some have already been repaired with brighter bulbs.  RPD night crew will check this month on which lamp posts are still dark and send a follow up request for action.  Engineering requested double globe lights at some intersections. RPD will request a spotlight at the intersection of Broad and Franklin.


RPD reported that there have been 808 accidents, and 3,956 motor vehicle stops in the CBD over the past 5 years (out of a total of 3763 accidents and 18,364 motor vehicle stops village wide).  One officer is assigned to the CBD all day.


4.      Clinton Avenue:  no new complaints have been received since new signs were installed.


5.     Bellair Road: there is a concern about the extent of resident support. Engineering intends to send a notice with a proposed plan to get feedback from local residents.


6.     Glen at Bogart: yellow and black pedestrian signs have been mounted on the corners. There are also digital speed signs in each direction on Glen.


7.     Franklin Ave. extension at North Irving: Engineering found an ordinance for a Stop sign at the intersection, so one will be ordered and installed to replace the one that is missing on the dead end portion of Franklin Ave.


8.     West Glen Sidewalks: Engineering stated that there is a need for additional funding for a retaining wall.  There have been discussions with local residents.  Lorraine will be talking to village manager about ordering materials.


9.     Village Pedestrian Safety survey and plan: Rurik Halaby requested that the village review CBD intersections for possible improvements.  Some intersections are under county jurisdiction, so we would have to coordinate with county to make changes.


10.  Kingsbridge Road Pedestrian Bridge: the plan is to repair rather than replace the bridge, since replacement would be too costly and difficult to comply with ADA standards.  It will be in the budget for 2024, so this item will be removed from the agenda until that time.


11.  CBDAC report: Snowflake and banners to be placed on light poles together for the holidays.  Pedestrian tunnel is more involved than first thought, so CBDAC is looking into Arts grants with a projected start of repairs and rehab anticipated for 2025. Parking in the CBD will be free on Thursday nights through the holidays. ParkMobile contract has been extended.


12.  SRTS grants: Roads slated for improvement are North Monroe, Franklin Turnpike, Grove St., East Glen at Bogart and others. Final engineering plans in progress with start date hopefully for 2024, so this item will be removed from the agenda until then.





1.     A severe accident took place on Maple near the library on October 30 resulting in serious pedestrian injuries.  The existing pedestrian crosswalk signal was not activated and a summons for failure to stop for pedestrians was issued to the driver.


2.     A traffic study in the area of Eastside Ave. and Alanon Rd. (in response to residents’ requests) found an average speed of 24 mph. 98% of drivers were traveling under the speed limit. With 150 homes in the neighborhood and a low volume of cars, a “no right turn” ordinance at Grove St. and Eastside would negatively impact the local residents. No corrective action is recommended.


3.     Heights Rd. Closure on Halloween resulted in safety improvements for the many trick or treaters in the neighborhood.  It was requested that this practice continue.


4.     It was requested that the village consider moving the right hand stop line forward at Garber Square turning right onto West Ridgewood Avenue to make pedestrians crossing westbound more visible. Engineering will investigate.




  • Hits: 277

20230921 - CSAC Minutes

CSAC Meeting: September 21, 2023

Members in Attendance: Sgt. John Ward RPD, Jane Remis, John Prieto, Barbara Sacks, Sheila Brogan, Anastasia Bamberg, Henry Ratcliffe, Lorraine Reynolds, Shayan Farooqi

Visitors in Attendance: Julia Bruno, Rurik Halaby, Keith Kazmark


1. Follow up on sidewalk repair at Morningside and Hamilton Road; Engineering reported via e-mail that the project was complete. Julia Bruno raised additional concerns relating to visual obstructions and speeding vehicles and the danger they pose to students. Various solutions were presented. RPD will look into furnishing police statistics and look into the possibility of additional patrolling efforts. VM Kazmark will reach out to Engineering.

2. Franklin Avenue Corridor; Bergen County to affirm Ridgewood's support for the project via Council-member Reynolds. Engineering reported via e-mail that Bergen County paved Franklin Avenue after strong encouragement from VoR residents. Engineering further reported several traffic lights were upgraded by our Traffic and Signal Division before paving was done. Rurik Halaby voiced concerns relating to Franklin and North Broad and presented various ideas as possible solutions. Pedestrian island briefly discussed at Broad and Franklin. VM Kazmark advised on the audit of lights and a review of various pedestrian signal discrepancies around the VoR.

3. Pedestrian/ Bike SRTS Grants; Engineering reported via e-mail that SRTS 2016 is still in the design stages and that we are now hoping for construction in 2024. VM Kazmark will look into this project.

4. CBDAC; Mural project for the pedestrian tunnel under the railroad will require rehabilitation of the walls at a cost of approximately $54,000. Funding from the business community is possible as reported by member Bamburg. Construction possible in 2025; Proposals relating to keeping historic character and conceptual designs are going to be considered for the pedestrian tunnel.

5. Glen Avenue Sidewalks; Engineering reported via email that Engineering met with residents to discuss how the work could be done. Ideas were presented relating to the shortening and narrowing of the walkways. Intersection of West Glen and Heights was reviewed. Various safety considerations were considered relating to S Hill Road and RPD will follow up; VM Kazmark and various VoR department personnel met at the intersection and considered additional safety measures. VM Kazmark and Council-member Reynolds briefly touched base on budgeting. Considered a possible pedestrian-signal installation.

6. Consideration of a double-yellow centerline along Bellair Road; Engineering reported via e-mail that various traffic calming techniques were possible however proposals will need significant resident support for any ideas to proceed going forward. RPD set forth speed and volume numbers were sent to Engineering. Various solutions were reviewed for the intersection of Bellair and Lincoln to slow vehicles down on Lincoln which has a 35 MPH speed limit.

7. Various Sight Triangle Intersections; Engineering reported via e-mail that letters are being sent out to VoR residents. Members voiced concerns about various intersections which should also be included in future correspondence relating to shrubs and other various line of sight obstructions.

8. Update on Kingsbridge Road pedestrian bridge; Engineering reported via e-mail that until sufficient funds are allocated by the Village Council, this project is on hold. Various ADA compliance standards and cost considerations were discussed by Members including VM Kazmark.

9. Various Intersection Proposals; RPD reported progress on East Glen Avenue & Bogert Avenue (In-Street Pedestrian Sign), Union Street (One-Way, No Left Turn/ No Right Turn) and North Walnut Street Parking practices were further discussed by Members as well. More input was needed from residents living on North Walnut as only 9 had responded to VoR correspondence. Additionally, speed radar signs and traffic safety measures were discussed relating to North Van Dien/ East Ridgewood Avenue and South Maple Avenue/ Dayton Street. Engineering reported via e-mail that Union/Dayton Street has been reconstructed and that the North Walnut Street parking restriction proposal has had more objections than support for parking restrictions.


1. Members voiced concerns new residents, new drivers, and landscapers who are unfamiliar with the Franklin Avenue extension intersection do not know to stop when approaching Irving near RHS. There was a discussion about the lack of the stop sign.

2. Discussion permitting or prohibiting speeding e-bikes and e-scooters in public parks along walking paths. Engineering reported via e-mail that an ordinance has been developed and forwarded to the Village Manager. VoR Council will vote on this ordinance on October 11, 2023. Members briefly discussed the language and possible exceptions to the ordinance in a discussion spearheaded by Council-member Reynolds.

3. Discuss potentially dangerous vehicular encounters on Berkshire near Grove due to sight issues. It was mentioned that residents are asking for a no-parking zone as a possible safety measure.

4. Discuss issues on Clinton Ave during Ridge School arrival and dismissal relating to the dangers vehicles present to children walking on the street along with various safety measures which could be taken to alleviate concerns of an incident. RPD will monitor and report back to CSAC 

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20230615 - CSAC Minutes



June 15, 2023






CSAC Members/ Liaisons: Sheila Brogan, Charles S. Di Marco, Shayan Farooqi, Henry Ratcliffe, Mary Micale, Jovan Mehandzic, Jane Remis, Councilmember Lorraine Reynolds, Officer Raymond Tarino


Others: Robert Fitch, Ed Houlihan, Tony Mauriello, Susan Ruane, Iain Toft







1)  Franklin Avenue Corridor-- Engineering Division reports no progress. Councilmember Reynolds will request the Village Manager to contact Bergen County to affirm Ridgewood's support for the project.


2)  Pedestrian/ Bike SRTS Grants-- Consultant NV5 received approved Change Order to continue design. Final Design documents will be available by August-- Construction could begin in Fall, 2023.


3)  CBDAC-- Ms. Bamberg reported by e-mail that the mural project for the pedestrian tunnel under the railroad will require rehabilitation of the walls at a cost of approximately $50,000. Funding from the business community is possible.  Other CSAC members/liaisons added that the first two weeks of the Pedestrian Plaza were successful. Traffic issues and congestion problems at Franklin Avenue at Walnut Street and North Broad Street were encountered and handled by the Police. Some assistance and parking accommodations may be needed for food delivery services ( i.e., Uber Eats, Door Dash). Children's rides may be located in Van Neste Park or the  adjacent street in the future. 


4)  Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- Engineering is planning to work on the sidewalk design (with and without walls) next winter. Councilmember Reynolds noted the area near S Hill needs attention to reduce the crosswalk length and to provide an adequate sidewalk.  Mr. Mehandzic  will examine  the potential for a NO LEFT TURN on the S Hill approach to West Glen Avenue. Mr. Di Marco noted the Glen Avenue sidewalks have been on the CSAC agenda since March, 2015.


5)  Intersection Proposals-- Officer Tarino and Mr. Mehandzic updated the status of prior discussions regarding: a) East Glen Avenue/ Bogert Avenue--new In-Street Pedestrian Sign ( among 5-6 new signs requested); b) Union Street- five new NO LEFT TURN, NO RIGHT TURN and ONE-WAY signs installed to identify one-way traffic pattern at existing driveways; c)  Dayton Street /South Maple Avenue and North Van Dien Avenue/ East Ridgewood Avenue-- preliminary traffic studies underway by Police; d) Speed Radar Signs-- earlier versions are not serviceable and a request for eight replacements is pending. Officer Tarino described enforcement procedures and efforts related to speeding issues; e) North Walnut Street Parking-- long-term curb parking has resulted in undesirable conditions on this narrow street. A proposal for extension of a two-hour time limit along one curb and NO PARKING along the opposite curb will be examined. A poll of residents  will be conducted.




1)  Mr. Mehandzic confirmed the preferred approach to reporting issues is to contact Engineering. He stated receiving a list of 90-100 locations where sight triangle issues were reported. Each location requires a review and evaluation by staff prior to a notification to the affected property owner. Engineering expects to review approximately 10 locations per week as workload and staffing priorities are developed.


2)  The CSAC agreed to cancel the scheduled July and August meetings reserving the option of calling for a meeting in the event an urgent issue emerges.


3)  Mr. Toft asked for consideration of a double-yellow centerline along Bellair Road as a traffic calming technique to narrow the lane width and address high speeds on this street. The positive results of the technique were noted particularly in lowering the average travel speed and the  highest vehicle speeds along North Monroe Street, Grove Street, Overbrook Road and Beverly Road. Mr. Mehandzic will examine this question.


4)  Ms. Ruane discussed the need to re-open the Kingsbridge Road pedestrian bridge. She stated that the closed bridge was necessitating circuitous routings by cyclists and pedestrians and that two children were involved in crashes with motor vehicles along East Saddle River Road as a result of these routing diversions. Officer Tarino stated he was not aware of these incidents. Ms. Ruane stated that one or both of the bike incidents occurred in Ho Ho Kus. The Village's efforts to re-open the bridge were reviewed  including the $32,000 structural engineering report and design performed by an independent professional firm which concluded the need for either a repair or replacement of the bridge at an estimated cost ranging between $350,000 to $600,000. The 2023 Capital Budget from the Village Council does not include this project.


5)  Ms. Micale term as HSA representative is ending. Ms. Carolyn Holt is the new HSA designee starting in September.



NEXT MEETING: Thursday, September 21, 2023 in the Garden Room at Village Hall.



  • Hits: 286

20230518 - CSAC Minutes

CSAC Meeting -- May 18, 2023-MINUTES



CSAC Members/ Liaisons: Anastasia Bamberg, Sheila Brogan, Charles S. Di Marco, Shayan Farooqi, Jovan Mehandzic, John Prieto, Henry Ratcliffe, Jane Remis, Councilmember Lorraine Reynolds, Barbara Sacks, Officer Raymond Tarino





1)  Franklin Avenue Corridor-- Mr. Mehandzic said the Village had largely fulfilled its work requirements to date and awaited the County's actions to advance the project. The Village's past support for the project and appearance at the County Commissioners' meeting in October, 2018 by former Councilmember Vogt and BOE Representative Brogan was discussed. Councilmember Reynolds offered to consult with the Village Manager to again convey the municipality's support and desire to advance the project.


2)  Pedestrian/ Bike SRTS Grants--Mr. Mehandzic noted the final design and Village funding was authorized to NV5. Construction groundbreaking is possible by late Fall 2023. 


3)  CBDAC--Ms. Bamberg reported the Pedestrian Plaza on weekends is scheduled from June 3rd through mid- October. Different themes will be highlighted during the Pedestrian Plaza weeks. The schedule for side street paving has not been finalized.


4)  Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- The CSAC agenda has included this issue since March 19, 2015. The 2023 Capital Budget allocation for this project has not been finalized. Allocations ranging between $100,000 and $300,000 are being considered.


5)  East Glen Avenue/Bogert Avenue-- Police have requested In-Street Pedestrian Signs at this location and others.


6)  CSAC Meeting Minutes and By-Laws-- The consensus agreed to issue a DRAFT Minutes to members with any comments returned by the following Sunday at 5:00 PM. A final Minutes will then be distributed and published on the Village website. No change in the By-Laws will be proposed.





1)  Officer Tarino reported: a) the request to add four ONE-WAY(and NO RIGHT TURN and NO LEFT TURN if appropriate) signs along Union Street to improve compliance with the one-way traffic regulation ; b) review of parking practices along North Walnut Street ; possible addition of speed-radar signs at various locations; and, detailed examination of recent crash patterns at North Van Dien/ East Ridgewood Avenues and South Maple Avenue/ Dayton Street.


2)  Ms. Brogan reported the BOE's planned addition of "NO TRESPASSING " signs at Orchard School.


NEXT MEETING: Thursday, June15, 2023 in the Garden Room at Village Hall

  • Hits: 222

20230420 - CSAC Minutes

CSAC Meeting-- April 20, 2023-- MINUTES (Prepared by Shayan Farooqi; edits by Charles S. Di Marco)
CSAC Members/Liaisons:  Barbara Sacks, John Prieto, Jane Remis, Anastasia Bamberg, RPD Officer Raymond Tarino,  Assistant Village Engineer Jovan Mehandzic, Sheila Brogan, Councilmember Lorraine Reynolds, Shayan Farooqi
Others Rurik Halaby, Susan Ruane
1)  Franklin Avenue Corridor-- Bergen County Review of Corridor Project update: briefly discussed the upcoming tentative unscheduled installation of traffic lights and bump-outs. (Engineering). Councilmember Reynolds set forth an idea to submit correspondence to the County to disambiguate details and timeline for the project. Various members voiced safety and community issues relating to PSEG involvement, changing lamps, center median painting, etc. 
2)  Pedestrian/Bike SRTS Grants-- Construction Schedule and Inspection Services Contract: An update on the final design phase, brief discussion relating to both speed limits and display speed signs (Engineering and RPD)
3)  CBDAC--Activity Report. No new safety issues reported;  (Bamberg) Various members discussed the possibility of moving the Farmer's Market to a more desirable and accessible location in the CBD. Members looked to examine and emulate the success of other municipalities Farmer's Markets. 
4)  Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- Funding in 2023 Capital Budget: (Engineering, Reynolds) Both original plans and alternative plans with and without retaining walls were briefly discussed while taking both the budget constraints and pertinent homeowner issues/possible landscaping incentives into account. Councilmember Reynolds looks forward to reviewing the various proposals in time for the upcoming Village Council meeting as well as the upcoming budget vote.
5)  East Glen Avenue/ Bogert Avenue--  Need for additional lighting. In-Street Pedestrian Signs. ( Police/ Engineering) RPD Officer Tarino reported the village had received two in-street pedestrian signs and 5-6 more were on order. Lighting at various intersections, the need to replace bulbs, and placement of LED directional lighting were further discussed. Members discussed the placement of safety banners in the CBD in the upcoming month.
1) CSAC Meeting Minutes. (Sacks) various members looked for guidance in the bylaws to have CSAC meeting minutes be reviewed by members prior to their publication on the village website. This would allow the public to rely on the minutes accurately. The idea of member approval, the possibility of amended minutes, and that efforts should be made within a reasonable time after a meeting to review, approve, and publish minutes.
2)  Other
a. Mr. Prieto reported the Dayton Street sidewalk repair was successfully undertaken and completed. Furthermore various sight triangle obstructions at notable intersections were alleviated thanks to trimming of vegetation or removal of obstructions to improve safety
b. Garber Square sign obstruction removal was successfully undertaken and completed.

c. Assistant Village Engineer Jovan Mehandzic advised members on the various temporary fence options and requirements around the variety of construction and renovation projects taken on by residents and homeowners. The safety of children as well as wildlife in and around construction sites are considerations. 

d. Councilmember Reynolds voiced the concerns of a resident on North Walnut who observed a higher volume of cars parked on her street resulting in accessibility concerns. Various members spoke about the underlying reasoning including overflow parking from a local house of worship as well as USPS workers parking on the street. 

e. RPD Officer Tarino advised members about the pros and cons of flashing red lights vs solid red lights at various intersections when the Village has less traffic during overnight hours. There is a concern that residents need reminders on how to navigate flashing red lights.

f. Assistant Village Engineer Jovan Mehandzic updated members on Union Street, as well as the painting of safety markers and arrows on the street. RPD Officer Tarino set forth the foreseeable installation of one way signs.

g. Members spoke about Orchard and other Ridgewood public school grounds as walkways for residents, the public, and dog walkers both during school hours as well as other times. Members have a genuine safety concern about strangers being around our children. Various ideas were voiced relating to better fences, gates, time locks, and the use of better worded signage allowing and restricting the use of public school grounds when children are or are not present. Sheila Brogan raised points and gave examples of well worded and poorly worded signage. A caveat was raised as to the rights the public has on certain public lands and spaces.

h. Ms. Ruane voiced her concerns about the East Saddle River Road Bridge- which has been closed for approximately three years. Various members chimed in about this issue as well with councilmember Reynolds presenting a more detailed status update relating to the upcoming specs to be provided by an outside engineer, bidding, as well as the budget constraints the Village has in completing the bridge.

i. Schedler and the local residential concerns about drivers leaving route 17 and speeding into the neighborhood. Police and engineering advised the members about what restrictions the village has in placing signage and rumble strips on and within a specified distance on roads belonging to the New Jersey DOT. RPD Officer Tarino set forth that patrol and review of the data in the area generally shows restraint on the part of drivers from excessively speeding in the area.

j. Mr. Halaby voiced his concerns for Franklin Ave. and voiced further concerns about the relationship between the Village and County when it comes to efficiently addressing safety concerns.

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 7:30 PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall.
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MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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