CSAC Meeting Minutes 20190620


CSAC Members/Liaisons: Charles S. Di Marco, Joyce Docktor, Robert Fuhrman, Christopher J. Rutishauser, PE, Barbara Sacks, Councilman Jeffrey Voigt

Others: Jane Remis, Sean Sweeney


1)  Franklin Avenue Corridor-- No update available on Municipal Agreements for County Signal/ Corridor Improvements. Mr. Rutishauser reported Council approval to request Two-Way Left Turn Lane between Oak Street and Cottage Place; minor ROW acquisition may be required to implement County plans.

2)  Crosswalk at Van Emburgh Avenue/Hampshire Road-- Village's concrete contractor is starting work on east side construction items in coming week.

3)  Pedestrian/Bike SRTS Grants-- Engineering has not completed review and submission of comments to NJDOT.

4)  CBDAC-- No Report.

5)  Kenilworth Road/ Spring Avenue-- STOP Logo installed on southbound approach. Northbound approach to be installed  by Signal Division pending favorable weather conditions.

6)  North Walnut Street-- Engineering and Police discussed recommendation to Council to install a permanent, speed display sign in southbound direction.

7)  Union Street-- Village's thermoplastic contractor will refurbish markings; Signal Division reviewing updated and supplemental signing including upgraded regulatory and/or warning signs in the vicinity of the medical office building.

8)  SSATF-- Ms. Remis reported efforts to meet with GWMS staff to coordinate development of the Drop-Off/Pick-Up map.  Development of similar maps coordinated with the established SRTS designations for all schools is deemed beneficial and will be a future effort by SSATF.

9)  Starbucks Driveway-- Several action items have been put in place-- others pending.

10) Irving Street/ East Ridgewood Avenue--No response to recommendation for PED Warning signs from County. Engineering will follow-up.

11) Long-Term Programs/ Policy Discussions(On-Going)

  1.  a) West Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- Mr. Rutishauser reported authorizing the Village's concrete contractor to continue sidewalk construction along the south side of West Glen Avenue between Hillcrest Road and Heights Road. The section between Heights Road and North Monroe Street has several physical issues requiring further engineering review.


1)  A consensus was reached for CSAC to meet as scheduled in July and to discuss the potential to cancel the August meeting at that time.

2)  Traffic Control Measures in The Lawns-- Mr. Sweeney reported concerns for the need to furnish better intersection control at several locations in The Lawns. Mr. Rutishauser, in anticipation of his appearance and following an advance review of Mr. Sweeney's correspondence to the Village, reported a meeting and field visit to the area. Participants  in the field visit included: Sgt. Jay Chuck, Officer Raymond Tarino, Police Chief Jacqueline Luthcke, Village Manger Heather Mailander and Mr. Rutishauser. Preliminary findings include the potential to improve sight distance and/or warning devices at or near Ellington Road/ Dorchester Road/South Pleasant Avenue; Channelization at Arcadia Road/ Berkshire Road to narrow the approach width; "SCHOOL BUS STOP AHEAD" signs near Newcomb Road/ Midwood Road.

3)  Recommendation made to offset the centerline along Overbrook Road when the street is resurfaced to the north (approximately 11 feet from the north curb ) to reflect current parking regulations.

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, July 18, 2019 at 7:30 PM in the Garden Room at  Village Hall.

  • Hits: 987



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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