CSAC Meeting Minutes 20200220


CSAC Members/ Liaisons: Anastasia Bamberg, Kelly Buchsbaum, Sheila Brogan, Sgt. John Chuck, Charles S. Di Marco, Joyce Docktor, Robert Fuhrman, Barbara Sacks, Councilman Jeffrey Voigt

Others: Jane Remis


1)  Franklin Avenue Corridor--Design Drawings underway. No change in Municipal Agreements.

2)  Crosswalk at Van Emburgh Avenue/ Hampshire Road-- No change.

3)  Pedestrian /Bike SRTS Grants-- Meeting with NV5 in March.

4)  CBDAC-- No Report.

5)  North Walnut Street-- AFTER Study within next month.

6)  Union Street-- No change.

7)  SSATF-- GWMS Map underway.

8)  Starbucks Driveway-- No progress to report.

9)  West Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- Paving/ Curb Work Bids expected by March. 

10) Bike Safety/ Educational Efforts/ Sidewalk Riding-- Ms. Buchsbaum reported a scheduled meeting with Dr. Fishbein for February 28th. GWMS and BFMS are planning safety initiatives in Spring.

11) West Glen Avenue/ North Monroe Street-- Proposed Amendment to 2020 Capital Budget being presented to Council.

12) CSAC Appointments-- Councilman Voigt has submitted names for re-appointment and the one vacancy. Awaiting full Council interviews and action.

13) Mr. Di Marco reported contacting Kensington representative, Mr. Rafeedie, and relating CSAC discussion regarding South Broad Street Project. 

14) Long-Term Programs/ Policy Discussions. (On-Going)-- No Items Presented.


1)  Glenwood Avenue-- NJDOT is proposing making Glenwood Avenue one-way eastbound at the NJTransit rail crossing in Ho-Ho-Kus. Mr. Di Marco reviewed CSAC discussions regarding this location: January 2015- consensus was for NJTransit to develop an engineered remedy to address the steep grade, narrow roadway and need to improve the existing sidewalk and drainage issues: Mr. Rutishauser requested NJTransit to participate in a solution. His correspondence was acknowledged and after several attempts to follow-up with NJTransit yielded no response, no further discussion occurred after June 2015. CSAC agreed that the existing crossing was a safety hazard since westbound vehicles could be stopped on the crossing due to difficulties for vehicles to rapidly proceed up the hill. Sgt. Chuck indicated that the westbound traffic volumes were lower than eastbound traffic volumes in both peak travel periods and were likely manageable if detoured to alternate routes. He cited traffic count data for peak one-hour periods to be approximately: WESTBOUND-54 vehicles/hr, EASTBOUND- 140 vehicles/hr ( data collected between 7-9 AM); and,  WESTBOUND- 70-90 vehicles/hr, EASTBOUND-120-160 vehicles / hr (data collected between 3-5 PM).

2)  RHS-- Ms. Bamberg expressed concern regarding the safety implications of a Board of Education (BofE) proposal to expand facilities at RHS. Ms. Brogan described the conceptual plans being evaluated by BofE to include a 1,000 seat auditorium, arts and practice rooms, parking, etc. in the vicinity of the East Ridgewood Avenue/ Brookside Avenue side of RHS. Ms. Brogan indicated that the concepts were in discussion and would be, if advanced, presented to CSAC and the public as a referendum.

3)  Messrs. Rutishauser and Di Marco are attending a professional education seminar at Rutgers University sponsored by FHWA and NJDOT on February 21, 2020 entitled, "Traffic and Engineering Studies".

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 7:30 PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall.

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MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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