20210218 - CSAC Minutes

ATTENDEES: (by ZOOM Meeting)

CSAC Members/Liaisons: Anastasia Bamberg, Sheila Brogan, Kelly Buchsbaum, Sgt. John Chuck, Charles S. DiMarco, Joyce Docktor (by phone), Robert Fuhrman, Jane Remis, Councilmember Lorraine Reynolds, Christopher J. Rutishauser, PE, Barbara Sacks

Others:  None


1)  Franklin Avenue Corridor-- Bergen County has made some suggestions to the Village regarding the plans. Minor ROW takings may be needed. 

2)  Pedestrian/Bike SRTS Grants-- NV5 work continues-- approximately 75% billed. Engineering to meet with NV5 soon.

3)  CBDAC-- Focus continues on support by Village of downtown businesses. Traffic volumes in CBD are reduced. Discussions are underway to have a once-a-month street closing(??) promotional event. Discussion of proposed bollards as a feature to protect sidewalk/ street dining areas included expressions of safety concerns and need for warrantee of crashworthiness from supplier to protect the Village and affected merchants. It was agreed that concrete footings for a bollard estimated at 30"X30"X30" would involve a significant construction project possibly including utilities.

4)  SSATF- No activity--little expected until a regular school schedule returns.

5)  West Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- No progress to report. Higher priority issues being addressed.

6)  West Glen Avenue/ North Monroe Street Signal-- Design concept being developed.

7)  West Glen Avenue/ Hillcrest Road Ped-Actuated Crossing Signal-- Engineering has submitted a 2021 Capital Budget request for this location plus two additional intersections. Each installation has an estimated cost of approximately $14,000. 



1)  Street Smart NJ-- Ms. Remis reviewed her discussions with Street Smart NJ and provided possible activities for Ridgewood including a presentation to CSAC regarding the program, a PSA to possibly be made available on the Village website and grant opportunities. Ms. Remis offered to write a grant after further research and it was noted that the Police Department and Engineering Division have been very helpful with providing support and background information on prior grant applications. Sgt. Chuck suggested determining the focus of the effort so as to narrowly define the grant/effort goal. Ms. Buchsbaum and Ms. Brogan offered to join Ms. Remis in this endeavor.

2)  Ms. Sacks discussed an incident along North Irving Street and Warren Place involving operation of remote control vehicles (RCV) by youngsters in the public roadway. The concerns included: RCV noise, horn-blowing by other vehicles, safety issues to vehicles and pedestrians, legality, etc.  Sgt. Chuck stated there were no legal issues if traffic was not impeded. The experience by the Police Department was the use of RCV typically occurred in parks or parking lots without much problem. He mentioned the recent snowfalls may have made the usual locations for RCV activities unavailable although no pattern of misuse of RCV on public streets had been observed to date. He agreed to monitor the situation and take any appropriate actions if a problem develops in the future.

3) Mr. Rutishauser reported NJDOT's plan to implement roadway changes at the Glenwood Road rail crossing including adopting a one-way eastbound flow which requires both Ridgewood and HoHoKus to enact appropriate ordinances. Included in the plan scheduled to commence construction in Spring, 2021 are sidewalk modifications, a movable gate at the top of the hill which can be closed during adverse weather conditions, drainage upgrades and pedestrian safety improvements. The NJDOT has reserved the right to close the crossing if unsafe driver behavior persists. The project is 100% NJDOT-funded.

4) Councilmember Reynolds said a resident expressed safety concerns regarding NJ Transit buses along East Ridgewood Avenue in the business district. Narrow travel lanes often result in buses driving over the median line and encroaching on the opposing traffic lane. The situation was acknowledged by all. Mr. Rutishauser and Sgt. Chuck reviewed an Engineering Division concept plan to build a bus station in the rail station parking lot to create a "transit hub" for the approximately 300 daily bus trips thereby allowing the re-routing of buses  along Franklin Avenue while eliminating the current bus station. It was suggested that the concept plan be re-visited.

5) Mr. DiMarco thanked Ms. Buchsbaum for scheduling the ZOOM meeting when the Village's ZOOM link did not become available in a timely manner for posting on the Ridgewood website.  He expressed disappointment the agenda and ZOOM link were not posted thereby limiting public information and the opportunity for participation. He agreed to make an effort to avoid a similar situation in the future.

NEXT MEETING: March 18, 2021 at 7:30 PM (by ZOOM)

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MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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