20210520 - CSAC Minutes

ATTENDEES: (by ZOOM Meeting)

CSAC Members/Liaisons: Sheila Brogan, Kelly Buchsbaum, Charles S. Di Marco, Joyce Docktor, Robert Fuhrman, Jane Remis, Councilmember Lorraine Reynolds, Christopher J. Rutishauser, PE, Barbara Sacks, Officer Raymond Tarino

Others: Madeline Fishkin, Andy Keesing, Linda Keesing, Mayor Susan Knudsen, Barbara Reilly, Charles Reilly,  


1)  Franklin Avenue Corridor--Concept plans continue under review by Bergen County. Resurfacing may advance ahead of Corridor work.

2)  Pedestrian/ Bike SRTS Grants--NV5 work continues. Mr. Rutishauser will review progress.

3)  CBDAC-- Mr. Di Marco relayed Ms. Bamberg's information regarding plans for a weekend pedestrian mall along East Ridgewood Avenue from July 10th through September 6th. No further discussions on Transit Village application.

4)  SSATF-- No activity.

5)  West Glen Avenue Sidewalks--Council resolution supporting plan underway. Mr. Rutishauser expects portions of sidewalk with manageable conditions may advance prior to sections having more challenging physical and design issues.

6)  West Glen Avenue/ North Monroe Street Signal-- Coordinated with sidewalk project.

7)  Ped-Actuated Crossing Signals (3 Locations)-- Capital budget item approved. Initial installation expected to be West Glen Avenue/ Hillcrest Road.

8)  Smart Street NJ-- Ms. Remis reports efforts continuing. Banners and similar promotional activities being considered.

9)  RHS Drop-Off/ Pick-Up-- Change in school schedule procedure appears to be operating well with no undue safety concerns. Ms. Sacks thanked the Police for enforcement [of the STOP regulations at Overbrook Road and North Irving Street with an unmarked car because students and other pedestrians cannot cross there safely, she stated] and noted the need for added information and enforcement for safety reasons along North Irving Street during sports activities. Ms. Brogan will contact the schools and Parks & Recreation to remind coaches and parents of the need to observe parking regulations near playing fields. ( NOTE: On May 24th, Nancy Bigos asked all coaches, officials and other sports leaders to remind visiting and resident coaches, participants and parents to observe all safety and parking regulations near Village and Board of Education recreational fields).



1)  Age-Friendly Ridgewood Sidewalk Audit-2021-- Ms. Brogan distributed the A-FR Report to CSAC members previously sent to the Village. She described the report and the progress made by CBD owners and the Village when the earlier audit was issued. The discussion focused on the need to maintain a safe and inviting walking environment which would enhance the attractiveness of the CBD for seniors and all pedestrians. A sustained and funded effort of maintenance and renewal by the municipality and owners will be needed. Jurisdictional responsibility questions regarding the brick border and accessible ramps at crosswalks need to be resolved.

2)  HSA Liaison-- Mary Micale, new HSA President, will be join CSAC in September replacing Kelly Buchsbaum.

3)  Maddy Fishkin-- Girl Scout Silver Project-- Ms. Fishkin, a GWMS 8th Grade Student, discussed her interest in developing a pedestrian/safety initiative. She described several areas of concern which were possible project material and asked for comments and suggestions from the CSAC. Numerous ideas were presented and discussed including examples of earlier Scout projects. The Engineering Division and Police were offered as resources for identifying potential topics and areas of interest .The CSAC consensus suggested she focus on efforts to identify problems and specific practices/locations and, in coordination with the Scout  Advisor, develop the outline of her project. Members agreed to forward suggestions to her at madelinefishkin@gmail.com and to Leila Nosrati at lnosrati@gmail.com.

4)  Bryden Place/ Oak Street-- Impacts of Glenwood Road One-Way-- The Reillys and the Keesings discussed the existing condition of  southbound vehicles traveling along North Maple Avenue turning west on Bryden Place and south on Oak Street to bypass the signal at West Glen Avenue. The current closing of the railroad crossing at the HoHoKus station and future {conversation} [conversion] of Glenwood Road to one-way eastbound raised the potential for an increase in the traffic using Bryden/Oak to bypass the signal. Various options to address the issue were presented including turn restrictions, signal timing changes and added turn lanes to control and/or reduce delays on the southbound approach to the signal. The consensus reached was to monitor the situation while the temporary closing existed and to measure the vehicle count information when the one-way became effective. Officer Tarino agreed to gather traffic count information during the closing and to conduct similar counts when the permanent rules were in effect. The operational difficulties for adding lanes, adjusting signal timings and obtaining County support for turn restrictions and enforcement were discussed. As a future consideration based on the actual experience measured when the one-way was implemented, Mr. Di Marco offered the possible conversion of Bryden Place to be one-way eastbound. If adopted, this measure would ban the by-pass movement, require little special enforcement attention, avoid the need for County approval and allow permanent adjustments, if needed, to the signal timing. It was agreed to wait until the "before" and "after" counts and observations were completed in the next few months before advancing any specific proposals.

NEXT MEETING: June 17, 2021

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MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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