20210617 - CSAC Minutes

CSAC Members/ Liaisons: Anastasia Bamberg, Sheila Brogan, Kelly Buchsbaum, Sgt. John Chuck, Charles S. Di Marco, Joyce Docktor, Councilmember Lorraine Reynolds, Christopher J. Rutishauser, PE, Barbara Sacks
Others: Robert Upton
1)  Franklin Avenue Corridor-- No advancement of review by County. Resurfacing project proceeding and may be completed first.
2)  Pedestrian/Bike SRTS Grants-- NV5 work continues. Presentation to Village Council expected on July 7th.
3)  CBDAC--Transit Village concept discussed. Pedestrian Plaza starts in July. BID discussed. Website to promote CBD activities being considered. Poster/Art promotion for empty storefronts being reviewed. 
4) SSATF-- No activities planned until regular school schedule resumes. 
5)  West Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- 2021 Capital budget includes $50,000. Sidewalk project is planned to start at North Monroe Street and proceed east. West Glen Avenue resident, Mr. Upton, expressed continuing interest in this project and has maintained contact with Mr. Rutishauser and other Village staff.
6)  West Glen Avenue/ North Monroe Street Signal--Capital funding available. Work will be coordinated with adjacent sidewalk project.
7)  Ped-Actuated Crossing Signal--Equipment for installation at West Glen Avenue/ Hillcrest Road has been ordered. 
8)  Smart Street NJ-- Ms. Remis is pursuing obtaining banners through this organization and is coordinating support/ permits, etc. with the Chamber of  Commerce and Village.
9)  RHS Drop-Off/Pick-Up-- Ms. Sacks gave a detailed report on her personal experience from May 23rd regarding a safety-related situation and the level of Police enforcement along North Irving Street during sports activities. The consensus agreed that adequate parking was available at the RHS lot and both added enforcement and education (in addition to the efforts by Nancy Bigos on May 24, 2021 as reported in the CSAC Minutes of the May 20th meeting) was desirable and needed. Sgt. Chuck will review the situation.
10) Girl Scout Silver Project-- Mr. Di Marco described the feedback provided to Ms. Fishkin suggesting concentrating on educational projects related to pedestrian safety (i.e., pedestrian and driver rights and responsibilities; commonsense measures to enhance safety and address walker and driver distraction, awareness of traffic conditions, etc.)
11) Bryden Place/Oak Street- Glenwood Road-- Rail crossing remains closed. No issues have been reported to Police. Historic traffic information is available and additional counts are expected to be collected to measure changes in traffic patterns having an impact on safety.
1)  CSAC Schedule-- The July and August meetings are cancelled. In the event an emerging issue arises during the next two months,  a meeting would be called.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, September 16, 2021-7:30 PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall
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MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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