20210916 - CSAC Minutes
CSAC MEETING-- September 16, 2021-- MINUTES
CSAC Members/ Liaisons: Sheila Brogan, Sgt. John Chuck, Charles S. Di Marco, Joyce Docktor, Robert Fuhrman, Jane Remis, Councilmember Lorraine Reynolds, Christopher J. Rutishauser, PE
Others: John Prieto
1) Franklin Avenue Corridor-- Design Elements being refined by Village staff with Bergen County including ADA-compliant features.
2) Pedestrian/ Bike SRTS Grants-- Public Information Meeting by NV5 and NJDOT held on August 12, 2021. Concept plans for sidewalk and crossing improvements were presented. Public comments were welcome. Final design expected in 2021. Construction scheduled for 2022.
3) CBDAC-- Planning Board meeting regarding the Master Plan is scheduled for September 21st at 7:30 PM The meeting may be available on-line. Residents wishing to comment must register at www.ridgewoodvillagemp.org.; No update on the Transit Village; Wayfaring signage directing drivers to the parking garage have been installed. { Information provided by Ms. Anastasia Bamberg}
4) SSATF-- Ms. Remis said updated educational and orientation information was needed for parents regarding safety procedures and protocols as normal school hours return.
5) West Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- Construction is planned to commence in 2021.
6) West Glen Avenue/ North Monroe Street Signal--Scheduled for construction and installation by Signal Division in coordination with sidewalk project.
7) Ped-Actuated Crossing Signal-- Initial installation along Linwood Avenue at Graydon Park/Northern Parkway area; equipment for the next scheduled location, West Glen Avenue/ Hillcrest Road, has been ordered.
8) Smart Street NJ--Ms. Remis reported no progress or response from Smart Street NJ. Plans for banners being pursued. Mr. Rutishauser requested details of proposed banners to allow design certification to PSE&G prior to installation on lighting stanchions.
9) RHS Drop-Off/ Pick-Up-- RHS procedures have been changed as new school year began. Discussion of the need to orient parents new to the school system and/or a new school building. No specific areas of concern available to date. Sgt. Chuck will continue to monitor and review safety operations and coordinate with BOE as needed. CSAC to be informed as needed.
10) Bryden Place/ Oak Street- Glenwood Road-- Re-designed RR crossing is open to eastbound traffic only. No circulation or safety issues have been noted by Police regarding Bryden Place/ Oak Street. An apparently unrelated condition of longer traffic queues on the eastbound West Glen Avenue approach to North Maple Avenue during morning peak hours was observed. A change in travel patterns or commuting practices was cited as a possible cause. Mr. Rutishauser will contact Bergen County to determine whether a change has been made or is desirable to the signal's timing plan.
1) Bicycles on East Ridgewood Avenue Sidewalks in CBD-- In response to a resident's suggestion, the issue was discussed. Bicycle riding on sidewalks is illegal under State law and designating a portion of the 36 foot wide roadway as a bikeway would entail numerous safety and operational issues. No practical suggestion could be developed.
2) Willard School/Morningside Area-- Sgt. Chuck described the long history of numerous traffic/ speed studies/ discussions with residents, contacts with NJ Transit, on-going Police enforcement and other measures. The general conclusion is the area is well within the norm of safe traffic conditions. The area will continue to be regularly monitored by the Police.
3) HSA Representative-- Ms. Mary Micale will be the Federated HSA liaison to CSAC.
4) Mr. Prieto discussed a number of his observations and concerns with several examples and suggestions for improving safety and walking-friendly measures in the Village. These included: better enforcement of complete stopping at STOP signs and yielding at crosswalks when pedestrians are present; monitoring and enforcement of speed limits; potential extension of "speed platforms"; and, enhanced signing.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday October 21, 2021- 7:30 PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall
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