20211021 - CSAC Minutes

CSAC MEETING-- October 21, 2021-- MINUTES


CSAC Members/ Liaisons: Sgt. John Chuck, Charles S. Di Marco, Mary Micale, Jane Remis, Councilmember Lorraine Reynolds, Christopher J. Rutishauser, PE, Barbara Sacks

Others: Alex Blake, David White, Min You



1) Franklin Avenue Corridor-- No progress to report on County review. County plans to resurface Godwin Avenue in Ridgewood next year.

2)  Pedestrian/Bike SRTS Grants-- Public comments submitted to NV5. Additional funding requested from NJDOT and may be available from other municipalities which have not used all allotted funds.

3)  CBDAC-- No report. 

4)  SSATF--Banners may be available in January. Early observations of student Drop-off/Pick-up since normal schedule has returned is better than in previous years. GWMS still has issues to resolve. Sgt. Chuck reported all crossing guard posts are now staffed except at Ridge School. RHS Drop-offs are OK; Pick-ups need some parent education (particularly for those new to the building) regarding safe practices. 

5)  West Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- Construction is scheduled for October/ November 2021. Utility and construction layout underway. The Village sent letters to affected residents on August 25th showing the design and indicating the upcoming construction plans. Mr. Blake stated that some residents (including several who signed supporting letters which he offered to present) adjacent to the proposed work questioned the design of a four foot wide sidewalk and a four foot wide tree planting strip between the sidewalk and curb.  He also stated that residents' had not been afforded an adequate opportunity to comment before Council.  An alternate design of only a sidewalk adjacent to the curb was suggested and discussed by Mr. Blake with Mr. Rutishauser. Mr. Rutishauser said the concept for the sidewalk work, all to be built within the Village's right-of-way, had been reviewed at a public Council session earlier this year and approved with the strong support for inclusion of a tree-planting area for safety and aesthetic reasons as shown on the design plans. Mr. Blake stated he and the other residents did not object to the new sidewalks-- only the design and location within the right-of way. CSAC's consensus concluded the matter was a design issue best decided by the Engineering Division.
Mr. Blake agreed to furnish Ms. Reynolds with copies of the resident's letters. Ms. Reynolds also cited several Council's meetings since late August where public comments are heard as an opportunity to address the design issues being raised. Mr. Blake was encouraged to bring comments to the Council at upcoming meetings.

6)  West Glen Avenue/ North Monroe Street Signal-- Signal Division is coordinating upgrade with sidewalk work.

7)  Ped-Actuated Crossing Signal-West Glen Avenue/Hillcrest Road--Equipment ordered-not received to date. 'Yield-To-Pedestrian' signs added as interim measure.

8)  Smart Street NJ-- No report.

9)  Bryden Place/Oak Street-Glenwood Road-- Police report no problems along the streets in question since RR-Crossing re-opened. Observed queues noted along westbound West Glen Avenue during morning peak have dissipated. No further actions are deemed to be needed at this time.

10) Willard School/ Morningside Area--Sgt. Chuck reported completion of the traffic survey of vehicle volumes and travel speeds. Approximately 9,000 vehicles in a one week period were surveyed. The average speed recorded was 26mph. During the one week study period, 13 vehicles were recorded at a speed at or above 40mph. No additional actions were deemed needed at this time.



1)  North Irving Street Parking-- Ms. Sacks reported a continuing problem with illegal parking and related safety issues along North Irving Street particularly during recreational events. Added enforcement was encouraged. Also, the benefits of a "Parking Map" were discussed.
(see ITEM 3 below).

2)  Waste Containers/ Debris in Streets-- No specific regulation exists but it was agreed that obstructing the travel way was illegal but not a widespread issue. No recommendation was suggested beyond reporting and responding to individual problems that may arise. 

3)  Parking Guide/ Map for BOE/ Rec Fields-- The availability of a Parking Guide/ Map was supported. Ms. Remis offered to work on this task with the support of Ms. Micale and Ms. Sacks . The initial discussion focused on ultimately making the Map available on the BOE, Parks& Rec and possibly Village websites for Ridgewood residents, visiting school sports teams and out-of-town participants. Ms. Brogan had expressed interest in helping the effort and it was agreed to consult with sports, Police and other entities for input.

4)  Mr. Di Marco noted the CSAC by-laws require annual election of a Chair-- which did not occur due in part to the virtual meetings held during the past year. Mr. Di Marco was nominated by Ms. Sacks. CSAC public members are asked for other nominations for Chair for 2021-2022 to be submitted to Mr. DiMarco by November 12th.  Any nominee should agree in advance to serve if elected. The election will be held by secret ballot at the November 18th meeting.


NEXT MEETING: Thursday, November 18, 2021 at 7:30 PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall.

  • Hits: 732



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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