20220217 - CSAC Minutes
CSAC MEETING--February 17, 2022--MINUTES
CSAC Members/ Liaisons: Anastasia Bamberg, Sgt. John Chuck, Charles S. Di Marco, Shayan Farooqi, HyunJu Kwak, John Prieto, Henry Ratcliffe, Jane Remis, Christopher J. Rutishauser, PE, Barbara Sacks
Others: Sheila Brogan, Jon Meyer
The recent appointments to CSAC were reviewed. New members: Mr. Farooqi, Mr. Prieto and Mr. Ratcliffe were welcomed. Each of the seven appointed members gave a brief summary of their respective backgrounds. Liaisons and representatives to CSAC were introduced.
1) Franklin Avenue Corridor-- Engineering staff met with County ADA specialist on design issues associated with the Village's final design elements. Franklin Avenue re-surfacing is expected to be advanced soon and ahead of the signal and roadway improvements in the Corridor.
2) Pedestrian/Bike SRTS Grants-- Planned sidewalk and roadway improvements are anticipated for construction in 2022 contingent on NJDOT approvals for release of funds.
3) CBDAC-- Presentation to Council by CBDAC is planned (with Guild and Chamber participation) regarding safety banners and Complete Streets.
4) SSATF-- No activity to report. Village-wide shortage of school crossing guards noted. Recruitment efforts reviewed.
5) West Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- 2021 construction completed. Capital budget request for 2022 submitted including funding in paving category. Alpine Terrace Ped-Actuated signal being considered.
6) West Glen Avenue/ North Monroe Street Signal-- Project expected to be completed in 2022.
7) Ped-Actuated Signal-West Glen Avenue/ Hillcrest Road-- Installation complete. Suggestion to BOE to have Willard School leadership publicize and promote the new crosswalk safety improvement to school students/families. Age-Friendly Ridgewood (A-FR) also promoting the improvement. Mr. Di Marco reported Ms. Joyce Docktor suggesting consideration by the Village for additional Ped-Actuated Signals in the CBD along East Ridgewood Avenue at Broad Street and Oak Street. She also reported frequent occurrences of northbound Broad Street drivers failing to stop for pedestrians particularly in the north crosswalk at East Ridgewood Avenue. Additional enforcement attention was requested.
8) Smart Street NJ-- Samples of proposed pedestrian and driver safety banners intended for display at approximately 12 locations along East Ridgewood Avenue were reviewed. Presentation to Council is desired prior to target installation date in March/ April 2022.
9) Parking Guide/ Map for BOE/Rec Fields-- Ms. Micale reported (by e-mail) to be continuing this project and has an interested volunteer to assist. The need for a base map was discussed. NJDEP and Google Maps were suggested as possible sources.
10) Morningside Road/ Hamilton Road-- No progress on design options.
11) Pedestrian Safety Program Comments--Proposal from Mr. Prieto-- Mr. Prieto's efforts were positively praised and the statement in the proposal's introduction, "We must keep the continuous improvement conversation going!" was unanimously supported and endorsed. CSAC members noted the many existing programs on the issues identified in the proposal and offered comments including, but not limited to: on-going application of the Village's commitment to the Complete Streets Initiative; educational programs on driver and pedestrian safety in the schools and other outlets; existing mechanisms to evaluate and report safety suggestions/ observations of defects; regular involvement of Police and Engineering staff to review current safety measures and emerging needs; administrative, legal and budgeting constraints; existing legal standards/ warrants governing signing, layout and location of traffic control devices; potential for liability and litigation for improper or non-standard practices; and, the requirement to furnish relevant and appropriate engineering studies applying engineering judgement.
12) Age-Friendly Ridgewood- ZOOM Discussion on Sidewalk Bicycle-Riding-- Ms. Brogan reviewed the A-FR outreach requesting interest in a discussion re: bike riding on sidewalks in the CBD. Thirty six comments were returned. The general agreement pointed to the potential for dangerous conflicts with pedestrians and a practice not to be encouraged to children. Some further discussion included; making streets more bike-friendly (i.e., the bike features proposed for the Franklin Avenue Corridor were cited); increased enforcement of bike safety rules in the CBD; use of Dayton Street for bike through-trips; one-way traffic couplet on East Ridgewood Avenue and Franklin Avenue to accommodate introduction of bike lanes ( acknowledged as a complex question with wide-ranging impacts); installing bike racks on ends of CBD along East Ridgewood Avenue at North Broad Street and at North Maple Avenue to allow bikers to secure bicycles and visit the CBD on foot. Ms. Brogan will inform respondents and others when a ZOOM conference is scheduled.
1) Ms. Bamberg asked the Police to supply recent statistics on crashes and other incidents for the next CSAC meeting. Sgt. Chuck agreed to prepare a report.
2) It was noted that, although not on the CSAC meeting agenda, the "3 E's" and cornerstones of safety ( Engineering, Education and Enforcement), emerged in the evening's discussions.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, March 17, 2022 at 7:30 PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall.
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