20220317 - CSAC Minutes



CSAC Members/ Liaisons: Anastasia Bamberg, Charles S. Di Marco, Shayan Farooqi, Michael Lembo, John Prieto, Henry Ratcliffe, Jane Remis, Councilmember Lorraine Reynolds, Christopher J. Rutishauser, PE, Barbara Sacks

Others: Sheila Brogan, Rurik Halaby, Sophie Miller


1)  Franklin Avenue Corridor--No activity to report on Corridor. Mr. Rutishauser expects Bergen County to schedule and complete the periodic resurfacing of Franklin Avenue in 2022.

2)  Pedestrian/Bike SRTS Grants-- No construction schedule from consultant, NV5.

3)  CBDAC-- Ms. Bamberg reported a recommendation to Village Council supporting continuation of Dining Corrals and summer Pedestrian Malls on East Ridgewood Avenue. A presentation to Council regarding installation of safety/business area  banners is scheduled for March 23rd. The Complete Streets Initiative was reviewed during the discussion of the Pedestrian Mall proposal. Efforts to enhance the aesthetics and safety of the pedestrian underpass at the rail station were discussed by CBDAC.

4)  SSATF-- No activity.

5)  West Glen Avenue Sidewalks--Budget approval for 2022 anticipated in April. Village-wide sidewalk program is continuing.  Additional West Glen Avenue sidewalks are included.

6)  Smart Street NJ-- Approximately 12 locations for banners attached to lighting standards are expected. Participation by businesses, Guild, Chamber and Rotary are possible. The need to coordinate the efforts with the Village Manager and Engineering was discussed.

7)  Parking Guide/Map for BOE/ Rec fields-- No report.

8)  Morningside Road/ Hamilton Road-- No progress on evaluation of Design Concepts to report.

9)  Age-Friendly Ridgewood (A-FR) -- Ms. Bamberg, Ms. Brogan and Mr. DiMarco (plus six others) joined a March 9th ZOOM meeting on the topic of Bicycle Riding and Bicycle Sidewalk-Riding in the Central Business District (CBD). The consensus agreed the practice of Sidewalk Bike-Riding was illegal and unsafe and should not be promoted. Several measures will be pursued by A-FR and others to safely enhance CBD bike riding including educational programs for parents to promote safe biking habits by children, "Learn To Ride" programs such as available in other NJ municipalities, "Walk Your Wheels" pavement signs, sponsored Bike Tours, Safety training using the School Safety Officer and additional secure bike racks in the CBD to facilitate walking through CBD. Ridgewood Cycle was suggested as a possible supporter of enhancement efforts and WorldFlats plans to add a bike rack at Walnut Street. The Easy Ride organization will be providing a bicycle program in coordination with the BOE at select Ridgewood Schools on May 14th. The Bike Lane Component of  Bergen County's  Franklin Avenue Corridor was discussed. The potential for adding concave mirrors at the "blind spots" (low points) of ramps at the railroad Pedestrian Underpass was offered.

10) Crash Statistics/Police Records-- Mr. Di Marco reported Sgt. Chuck expects to submit the report at the next CSAC meeting.



1)  CSAC Membership and By-Laws-- Since several Members/Liaisons were unable to attend the last CSAC meeting, Mr. Di Marco repeated the introductions, history of the CSAC, development of By-Laws, Council-appointed members vs. liaisons/representatives, procedures, etc. as described in the Minutes of the February 17th meeting. 

2)  Mr. Halaby raised two items for discussion: a) the poor condition of the pavement along Franklin Avenue and the shortcomings of existing pedestrian and vehicle guidance and control at Franklin Avenue and North Maple Avenue.(reference was made to the planned resurfacing and the long-term Corridor Improvements  which include modernization of signals (as described above under Item 1-Old Business) ; and b) the need to examine and implement any additional safety  measures at the intersection of East Ridgewood Avenue and Broad Street in light of the recent pedestrian/vehicle incident. He suggested the use of a Four-Way STOP.  A discussion followed of the requirements for using traffic control devices (such as Four-Way STOP control at intersections) under national and NJ State law and engineering evaluation standards as embodied in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

The discussion was limited since no factual information on the nature, physical conditions or exact location of the reported crash was available. Mr. Farooqi said a Four-Way STOP would add to a driver's decision-making requirement and could lead to a less-safe condition rather than a safer condition. 

Mr. Prieto also expressed concerns regarding the same incident and noted the need to evaluate facts prior to reaching any conclusion or recommendation for corrective actions. Mr. Prieto offered to obtain and review the Police report and return to CSAC next month with findings of facts. The consensus agreed the incidence of poor driver and pedestrian attention to safety was contributing to an undesirable pattern reducing the safety environment in the Village. Specific reference was made to actions including distracted walking and driving, failure to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, failure to give adequate advance notice of pedestrian crossing intentions, failure to make complete stops at STOP signs, Right Turn On Red when pedestrian conflicts exist and travel speeds in excess of posted limits. Increased and sustained enforcement was recommended as an immediate and helpful program.


NEXT MEETING: Thursday, April 21, 2022 at 7:30 PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall.

  • Hits: 555



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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