20220915 - CSAC Minutes
CSAC Meeting--September 15, 2022-- MINUTES
CSAC Members/Liaisons: Anastasia Bamberg, Sgt. John Chuck, Charles S. Di Marco, John Prieto, Henry Ratcliffe, Jane Remis, Councilmember Lorraine Reynolds, Christopher J. Rutishauser, PE, Barbara Sacks
Others: Sheila Brogan, Janel Clinch, Joyce Docktor, Hans Lehmann
1) Franklin Avenue Corridor-- No change in status of Corridor Review. Bergen County expecting to perform paving within a month. ADA-compliant ramps to be completed in September. Linwood Avenue paving may also be done soon.
2) Pedestrian/Bike SRTS Grants-- No Construction to date. Reviews complete.
3) CBDAC-- Arts in Streets Initiative not proceeding. Discussion of Draft Master Plan: Support for Goals and specific objectives including completing gaps in sidewalks and near schools and along SRTS; bike lanes/ dedicated sidewalks; extending use of high-visibility crosswalks; support for demonstration projects; continuing identification of areas of concern; and, engagement with public by municipal staff. CSAC members were encouraged to attend and provide comments at the Planning Board hearing scheduled for September 20th.
4) SSATF-- The consensus is to remove this item from the agenda and to consider future issues as needed.
5) West Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- Engineering Study for designs in special areas on HOLD; work may be restarted during winter after 2022 construction season ends.
6) Smart Streets NJ-- Safety Banners are in place and will be removed and stored prior to the seasonal change upcoming in Fall/Winter. A comment on the limited visibility of the banners now mounted high above the sidewalk was received. It was suggested lowering the brackets holding the banners in the future.
7) Parking Guide/ Map for BOE/ Rec Fields --Ms. Micale will be asked to follow-up on the volunteer who offered to work on this project.
8) Morningside Road/ Hamilton Road-- Engineering is reviewing three possible concepts.
9) School Bus Stop Warning Signs-- Police Department review of Newcomb Road/ Midwood Road concluded no justification for the signage based on incident experience, sight distance, low volume of traffic and low travel speeds.
10) Cross -Hatching to Improve Intersection visibility-- Engineering will Review East Ridgewood Avenue/ Broad Street; Ackerman Avenue/ Doremus Avenue.
1) Warren Place/ Vet's Field Parking Enforcement-- The continuing issue with illegal parking on Warren Place associated with the recreation field was discussed. The Police have been enforcing the rules when violations are observed or reported. It was suggested that Rec Department, Village website and BOE continue to alert residents and visiting teams of the legal parking available near Vet's Field.
2) Intersection "Blind Spots", Sight Distance Triangle/ Village Ordinance-- Mr. Prieto summitted several examples of possible violations of ordinance. Mr. Rutishauser offered to review locations noted and others that may be reported.
3) Ms. Clinch discussed a problem of loiterers at the rear of the Dayton development along South Broad Street and the observation that the loiterers, when confronted by residents, often exit the development by crossing the rail tracks. She reported the lack of a complete fence along the NJ Transit Right-of-Way and was questioning whether the Dayton site plan approval required a fence. It was concluded the issue was a security matter to be addressed with Dayton Management and the requirement for a fence could be determined by a review of the approval by the Building Department. Additionally, it was suggested that residents contact NJ Transit Police regarding the trespassing along the Right-of-Way.
4) Mr. Lehmann reported the crosswalk at South Maple Avenue and Union Street is in need of refurbishment. Mr. Rutishauser will review. Mr. Lehmann also cited high travel speeds by some drivers. The Police will examine this report for enhanced attention. He also noted frequent wrong-way driving on this one-way street and suggested additional arrows to supplement the existing pavement markings, and added "ONE WAY" and "WRONG WAY" signs.
5) Ms. Docktor discussed the pedestrian activity at last year's "Hayride" and requested a more orderly procedure to enhance safety this year.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, October 20, 2022 at 7:30 PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall.
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