20230921 - CSAC Minutes

CSAC Meeting: September 21, 2023

Members in Attendance: Sgt. John Ward RPD, Jane Remis, John Prieto, Barbara Sacks, Sheila Brogan, Anastasia Bamberg, Henry Ratcliffe, Lorraine Reynolds, Shayan Farooqi

Visitors in Attendance: Julia Bruno, Rurik Halaby, Keith Kazmark


1. Follow up on sidewalk repair at Morningside and Hamilton Road; Engineering reported via e-mail that the project was complete. Julia Bruno raised additional concerns relating to visual obstructions and speeding vehicles and the danger they pose to students. Various solutions were presented. RPD will look into furnishing police statistics and look into the possibility of additional patrolling efforts. VM Kazmark will reach out to Engineering.

2. Franklin Avenue Corridor; Bergen County to affirm Ridgewood's support for the project via Council-member Reynolds. Engineering reported via e-mail that Bergen County paved Franklin Avenue after strong encouragement from VoR residents. Engineering further reported several traffic lights were upgraded by our Traffic and Signal Division before paving was done. Rurik Halaby voiced concerns relating to Franklin and North Broad and presented various ideas as possible solutions. Pedestrian island briefly discussed at Broad and Franklin. VM Kazmark advised on the audit of lights and a review of various pedestrian signal discrepancies around the VoR.

3. Pedestrian/ Bike SRTS Grants; Engineering reported via e-mail that SRTS 2016 is still in the design stages and that we are now hoping for construction in 2024. VM Kazmark will look into this project.

4. CBDAC; Mural project for the pedestrian tunnel under the railroad will require rehabilitation of the walls at a cost of approximately $54,000. Funding from the business community is possible as reported by member Bamburg. Construction possible in 2025; Proposals relating to keeping historic character and conceptual designs are going to be considered for the pedestrian tunnel.

5. Glen Avenue Sidewalks; Engineering reported via email that Engineering met with residents to discuss how the work could be done. Ideas were presented relating to the shortening and narrowing of the walkways. Intersection of West Glen and Heights was reviewed. Various safety considerations were considered relating to S Hill Road and RPD will follow up; VM Kazmark and various VoR department personnel met at the intersection and considered additional safety measures. VM Kazmark and Council-member Reynolds briefly touched base on budgeting. Considered a possible pedestrian-signal installation.

6. Consideration of a double-yellow centerline along Bellair Road; Engineering reported via e-mail that various traffic calming techniques were possible however proposals will need significant resident support for any ideas to proceed going forward. RPD set forth speed and volume numbers were sent to Engineering. Various solutions were reviewed for the intersection of Bellair and Lincoln to slow vehicles down on Lincoln which has a 35 MPH speed limit.

7. Various Sight Triangle Intersections; Engineering reported via e-mail that letters are being sent out to VoR residents. Members voiced concerns about various intersections which should also be included in future correspondence relating to shrubs and other various line of sight obstructions.

8. Update on Kingsbridge Road pedestrian bridge; Engineering reported via e-mail that until sufficient funds are allocated by the Village Council, this project is on hold. Various ADA compliance standards and cost considerations were discussed by Members including VM Kazmark.

9. Various Intersection Proposals; RPD reported progress on East Glen Avenue & Bogert Avenue (In-Street Pedestrian Sign), Union Street (One-Way, No Left Turn/ No Right Turn) and North Walnut Street Parking practices were further discussed by Members as well. More input was needed from residents living on North Walnut as only 9 had responded to VoR correspondence. Additionally, speed radar signs and traffic safety measures were discussed relating to North Van Dien/ East Ridgewood Avenue and South Maple Avenue/ Dayton Street. Engineering reported via e-mail that Union/Dayton Street has been reconstructed and that the North Walnut Street parking restriction proposal has had more objections than support for parking restrictions.


1. Members voiced concerns new residents, new drivers, and landscapers who are unfamiliar with the Franklin Avenue extension intersection do not know to stop when approaching Irving near RHS. There was a discussion about the lack of the stop sign.

2. Discussion permitting or prohibiting speeding e-bikes and e-scooters in public parks along walking paths. Engineering reported via e-mail that an ordinance has been developed and forwarded to the Village Manager. VoR Council will vote on this ordinance on October 11, 2023. Members briefly discussed the language and possible exceptions to the ordinance in a discussion spearheaded by Council-member Reynolds.

3. Discuss potentially dangerous vehicular encounters on Berkshire near Grove due to sight issues. It was mentioned that residents are asking for a no-parking zone as a possible safety measure.

4. Discuss issues on Clinton Ave during Ridge School arrival and dismissal relating to the dangers vehicles present to children walking on the street along with various safety measures which could be taken to alleviate concerns of an incident. RPD will monitor and report back to CSAC 

  • Hits: 151



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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