Ridgewood Access Committee Meeting Minutes 20180719
Ridgewood’s Access Committee
Meeting Minutes July 19th 2018
The meeting was opened at 7:40 pm
Present: Ines Bunza, Robin Ritter, Lori Kislevitz, Joanne Van Sant
Item 1: Welcome
Ines welcomed everyone to the meeting.
The June meeting minutes were approved.
Item 2: Housing – update on housing: everything on track, resolved current issues by July 31st.
Item 3: Employment
Discussion regarding the programs offered by Friendship House included: Training certification programs are offered in a variety of skills: food services management; maintenance; computer lab inclusive of people with developmental disabilities. The discussion also included issues of transportation for the training. One suggestion to note: Bergen County Transportation: 201.368.5955.
Item 4: New Business
2018 Access Weekend: confirmed tasks: Erica will handle food; Lisa G – media; we will need a coordinator of the Resource Area, Jesse was suggested as a potential chair; Robin will continue to work with the Library programs as well as the placemats; there will not be a dance this year; a discussion was held regarding the expansion of what happens on Sunday at Friends to Friends Community Church – perhaps an afternoon program for families looking for a faith community with support to organize the day as well as increased participation of the Interfaith Clergy Ministerium.
Action items: There were no action items required from tonight’s meeting.
The Next Meeting is August 16th, 2018 7:30 1st Floor Senior Lounge
Respectively submitted, Joanne Van Sant
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