Ridgewood Access Committee Meeting Minutes 20190321

Ridgewood’s Community ACCESS Committee Meeting Minutes March 21 2019
The meeting was opened at 7:35pm.                                                                                                                                  
Present: Ines Bunza, Joanne Van Sant, Joanne Stolfo, Susan Donnelly, Lisa Gardner, Deanna Schablik, Jack Dean, Donna Siggia, Lori Kislevitz
Item 1: Welcome   
Ines welcomed everyone to the meeting.   Minutes from the January meeting were approved. Motion by Lisa, Second, Susan and motion carried.
We welcomed Donna Siggia, who is a member of the newly forming Access for All in Hackensack.  She came to see how our committee worked and to get some tips for the Hackensack group.
Item 2: Housing
Updated report was made regarding the United Way Housing.  Deputy Mayor Knudson reported to Ines that the judge had signed the forms allowing the housing to move to the next step.
Jack Dean reported that the United Way is waiting for new codes from the Fire Department as the building has the unusual designation as business/residential.  He reported that the changes may be expensive or very expensive, but won’t be known until the new codes are received.  They are not certain how these changes will impact the costs of the project.
Ines reported on the Supported Rental Assistance Program (S-RAP) in which an individual can live in participating general housing and will be supported through this assistance program.  For more information the website is: http://www.sharedhousingservices.org/
Item 3: Employment
Sherrill Curtis was scheduled to present the employment collaboration from Alpine.  The school/housing is located on Linwood and Paramus.  The plan is to partner and seek employment opportunities for the special needs community.  While this presentation was not made tonight, we look forward to a future presentation and partnership.
Item 4: New Business
Lori brought the poor experience she had with son at Valley Hospital.  She was concerned that he was in the adult ICU with staff that did not understand how to provide care for someone with special needs who does not use words to communicate.  There were many struggles and Lori offered this to the committee so we can act on recommending changes for the new hospital.  Ines mentioned that she is a volunteer Patient Care Family Advocate/Worker for special needs and may have an opportunity to provide information to the new committee she will be serving on beginning next week.  Joanne mentioned she knows a board member and will make contact with him.
Action Items:  Ines and Joanne will work on bringing in guests from Valley Hospital so parents can express their needs for quality care when someone with special needs comes to the hospital, with or without good support systems.
Ines shared a program announcement for April 6th 2019, 10-1, NJ Regional Family Support Council #2 to be held at the Elks Lodge One Fellner Place, Totowa. Public Forum & Providers Fair – RSVP to RFSPC2@gmail.com by March 30th.
Jack brought up an item for future discussion regarding the aging process of people with Downs Syndrome concerning memory and dementia.
Joanne announced that 2019 is the 25th Anniversary of the Friends to Friends Worshipping body and the 5th year as a congregation of the Reformed Church of America.  The church will be hosting celebrations in the fall and will incorporate the theme for the Sunday Community Access event.
Item 5: Old Business
Debi Glennon called Ines to state that due to health reasons she will be unable to continue as fundraiser chair for the ACCESS committee.  She has all the necessary paperwork in order to turn over to a new volunteer and will be happy to meet with them and bring them up to date on the procedures.  The work requires very little time and commitment mostly during the months of June and July.  Please let Ines know if you or someone you know is interested in taking over the responsibilities.
Please Note the change in the April meeting time due to the school vacation and Holy Week:
The Next Meeting is APRIL 25th 7:30 1st Floor Senior Lounge

Respectively submitted,
Joanne Van Sant
Community Access Committee
  • Hits: 769



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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