Ridgewood Access Committee Meeting Minutes 09192019
Ridgewood Community ACCESS Committee
Meeting minutes Sept. 19, 2019
Present: Ines Bunza, Robin Ritter, Joanne Van Sant, Erica Dunckley, Roseann McGreal, Deanna Schablik, Lori Kislevitz, Susan Knudsen, Susan Donnelly, Lisa Gardner
Item 1: Welcome:
Ines welcomed everyone to the meeting. Minutes from the previous meeting in Aug. were approved.
Joanne Van Sant asked if someone would like to step in in her place to be recording secretary. Erica Dunckley agreed to do it.
Item 2: ACCESS Weekend
We had a discussion about the tax ID form and how to properly submit the receipts with it. Lisa is handling it, and will get back to us on it.
All committee chairs reported in with updates on the weekend.
Item 3: Housing
Susan said that they have not begun construction on the Sealfon's building, but Tom Taranto has said it will be open by spring. He is not concerned about the $500,000 shortfall because he will do some fund-raising to get it.
Item 4: New Business
We discussed whether we would have an Oct. meeting. It was decided to wait until Nov.
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