20200917 - Ridgewood Access Committee Meeting Minutes

Ridgewood's ACCESS Committee 
Meeting Minutes 
September 17, 2020 
The meeting started at 7:37pm via Zoom 
Attendance: Ines Bunza, Mayor Susan Knudsen, Deanna Schablick, Jesse Schwartzman, Jan Philips, Robin Ritter, Lisa Gardner, Ashley Loria, Joanne Van Sant, Joanne Stolfo, Caroline Meier, Lauren Schechter 


1. Minutes of Regular August 2020 meeting were approved as written. R Ritter motioned to approve; L Gardner seconded.
2. Housing: Susan Knudsen reported that Housing coming along. BCUW will have applications available for interested residents in 
November/December, 2020. It was stressed that families should reach out to BCUW to indicate interest. Susan will send a link to Ines with additional information regarding BCUW. Ridgewood Access will be invited to special ribbon cutting.
3. Finances: Lisa Gardner reported that Freedom Bank will donate to virtual 2020 Access weekend. Amount of contribution is not yet known. Other donations include: Friday morning Senior program {Parks & Rec Age Friendly Ridgewood and Health Barn). Maysoon Zaid (no stipend); Total Caption (Lauren Schechter); Marlene Pillow concert {Friends of the Ridgewood Library will donate stipend); Alice Wong (Friends of the Ridgewood Library will provide stipend). Rachel Wilkins ( donated work for Entertainment Video). Rebecca Padkula and Sharon Kon (donated work for Fashion Show video). The costs associated with the weekend will be an ASL interpreter for DisabilityNisibility event on 10/9.
4. ACCESS Weekend Update:
Friday morning program: Deanna Schablick reported that the senior event is "Reflective You-Access Your Inner Self' Deanna will share flyer with all later this evening.
Crib Camp will be shown as a Netflix Movie party on Tuesday, Oct 6 @ 1 pm and Wednesday, Oct 7 @ 7pm A Netflix link will be provided to interested viewers.
Accessibility/Disablity Program (Alice Wong and Maysoon Zadid) will take place on Friday. Oct 9@ 7pm. Lauren Schechter will provide closed captions; an ASL interpreter will join the webinar.
Children's Concert with Marlene Pillow, Saturday 10/10 @ 10:30am Entertainment and Fashion Show, Saturday 10/10 Caroline reported that her deadline for Rachel is 9/11. Deadline for Rebecca and Sharon is 9/25. Caroline will get videos to Ashley by 10/5. 
Pastor Joanne indicated that the service will require an invitation. Information will be provided in the flyer. 
Next regular meeting will be November 19, 202 @ 7:30pm via Zoom Respectfully submitted, 
Robin Ritter 


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MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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