20220428 - Ridgewood Access Committee Meeting Minutes

Access Meeting: April 28, 2022 Minutes


Ines Bunza

Robin Ritter

Susan Knudsen
Lisa Gardner
Joanne Stolfo

Ashley Loria
Danielle Pagani
Lisa Trent


Meeting started at 2:08

Motion to accept minutes from March meeting- Passed


Item 1: Welcome

Ines Bunza welcomes attendees.
Looking back on Access- meetings were inclusive, informal, flexible- giving advice to parents with children with special needs, and acknowledging that the school system is helpful for Ridgewood students. It became clear that adults ages 18 & up did not have as many resources available to them. Access then morphed to provide assistance with adult services like social security, etc.

Access committee members have different backgrounds/ skills and are strongly suited to assist in a myriad of topics.

Access weekend increased visibility of Access Ridgewood- encouraged other towns to create their own committees.

Access is now an official village committee and minutes/ agenda are required.

Ines set forth a reminder that everyone tries their hardest to maintain the integrity and goodness of Access.

Robin Ritter gathered all minutes from past meetings to go on the Village website. Ines asks for patience in achieving these tasks, and kindness as we move forward and get everything done.

Ines thanked everyone for everything they did and continue to do.


Item 2: Susan Knudsen

Village housing updates: People are still moving into Ridgewood Commons.

Susan mentioned that a proposal has been included in Village board discussions to reduce the speed limit on Ridgewood Ave to 20mph and Franklin to 20mph.


Item 3: Ines & Storefront Article

Ines discussed an article regarding a bakery storefront-  A woman in Chestnut Ridge bakes out of her kitchen and employs special needs adults.

Is this something that Ridgewood would be able to implement?

Susan will do outreach and see what is available and research areas with established kitchen areas. A storefront business like this would be beneficial to Ridgewood residents and visitors as Ridgewood is known for its food, as well as a good opportunity for adults with special needs.


A storefront as proposed does not require a commercial kitchen as per the Cottage Kitchen laws.

Ines will reach out to the Chestnut Ridge bakery mentioned in the article and introduce Access to her.


Item 4: Lisa Gardner- Financial status

Status quo


No new business


No old business


Motion to end meeting: passed         


  • Hits: 377



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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