20210128 - Community Center Advisory Board Minutes

Community Center Advisory Board


Meeting Minutes: 5:00-6:00 Thursday, 1.28.2021

In attendance: Helen Leonard, Deanna Schablik, Nancy Friedman, Gwenn Hauck, Sheila Brogan, Beth Abbott, Bill Carbone, Brandon Shintani, Don and Marie Liebreich, Michael Sedon, Lisa Garvey


Helen Leonard called the meeting to order.


Deanna motioned to accept the 12/3/2020 minutes. Unanimous approval.


Discussion re: finding a new treasurer, as Lisa Garvey is moving after many years of dedicated service.

Helen reported one candidate can’t take the position because of a prohibited practice with his employer.

Helen reached out to RHS via the student HSA rep to hopefully get some leads.



Lisa Garvey suggested we purchase Quicken (for taxes) and keep a copy of the new treasurer’s computer. (She has previously used her personal Quicken).

Quick Books for Desktop Pro19

She has enabled a way that our previous financials can be downloaded/uploaded to the new treasurer’s computer.

*Ideal to find someone who already has it.

*Time: roughly 1 hour/month; more as taxes approach (complete 1099, get forms, print)

*Distribute checks to Age Friendly, insurance, year-end.


Gwenn suggested advertising with the Village — looking for people to serve on various commit- tees.

Once Lisa moves, it will create an opening. Mike Sedon will add it on by 1/29/2021, and already emailed Heather Mailender.

It’s still early enough to add on because they haven’t gone to interviews yet.

Who interviews? The mayor, Mike, Bill Carbone suggested maybe adding Helen Leonard.

Lisa offered to send over a list of requirements. She is available off and on through May and will participate if she can.


Treasurer report:

8 Dell computers purchased for the community center will be donated to the Village. ($8300.00)

$1700 left to spend.


Foundation: $5115.00 Taub : $7182.00



Out: $3000 to Ridgecrest for freezers In: $57.16 from Health Barn

Age Friendly paid them for packaging. Hold onto receipts.


The Foundation is a separate 501c3 that does not pay taxes, but must file. 1099 from bank show interest through 6/30 (secondary to annual fiscal) Deanna will keep info in files.

Community Center Manager Report:

*Approved upgrade of Zoom. Programs for seniors on Zoom now. Deanna starts them 5 minutes early - gives time for kibitzing.

With this upgrade, the meetings can be recorded and can be used later (e.g., if an instructor is out).



Sent to Heather Mailender and Dylan. Set up Zoom separately because the Ridgewood Village account is not dependable.

HILT meetings no longer have to be cut (secondary to free model available). General Meeting: 1/14/2021 (1st since March 2020)

21 showed up

Bergen County senior services - promoted all the offerings to seniors.


Senior scans: National Council on Aging. Recorded and can be replayed. Adding new classes:

Chess instruction for elementary and middle school Skate night: approved by Nancy Bigos.

DJ, hot chocolate, all grade (6-8)

4/1/2021 — Thursday. Bring your own skates/rollerblades


Hobbyists: saved to laptop. Open in media player. Teen chefs: @ Health Barn

Fly fishing: April/May (basics), also for adults omg 2 consecutive Saturday mornings.


Some instructors send links — all through Community Pass

Only 2 people paid with a check. All others paid on line. Refunds are easier for the Community Center with this set up.


Since the Community Center was repurposed in 2013, more and more people are using it.

Now it is hosting Covid vaccinations for Village employees and most vulnerable members of the community.

NJ State said planning on making it 4x larger for more people getting the vaccine in the next month.

100% of our state allotment was used.

Each week the state tracks what was distributed, how much was used.. Ridgewood consistently at 100%.


The above is a good example of why we fundraise.


HEAT in the Community Center — now that more people are using it, the village is recognizing that it is an issue. Heaters are part of signal department. Now they can be used.

Rich Colby said the system is overloaded. Jimmy O’Connell said they’re going to have to redo the system.


Civic Youth Corp:

Brandon reported they would like to expand. They brainstormed ideas to increase initiatives.

  • increase volunteers to help with the basics of Zoom

  • Walkathon - intergenerational in a park, raise money, have food available.

  • Partnerships with other groups (e.g., RHS Cares — told no bc of confidentiality concerns) If they see something they can share, they will reach out to CYC.

  • Team up with Valley to make masks - has to be NEAR future

Americorp: Presidential Volunteer Service Award.

Application was completed to make CYC eligible to nominate student volunteers for their awards. Requirements:

Member of the group for 12 month period, unpaid acts of volunteerism 11-15 year olds: 100 hours of unpaid service

16+ year olds: 250 hours of unpaid service

Gwenn completed the online course required and Brandon will now apply for the Bronze award (100 hours of service for someone 16+ years old).


Age Friendly:

Thank you to Mike Sedon who helped get the senior bus video on line. Continuing with website overhaul: new colors, photos, updated text ALL ABOUT THE VACCINE

Dawn @ health department has been great but there has been a frustrating lack of information and lack of vaccines.

Paying for driver from SHARE house & Ridgecrest residents to receive the vaccine when supply comes.


Community Coordinating Communications - get info out across platforms. Writing up sidewalks audit

NJ Futures - presenting to Council.


Odds and ends:

RE: Vaccine: So happy the town is a point of distribution. Residents 65+ can register with the Health Department via covid@ridgewoodnj.net — registrations. Waiting on vaccines.

Gwenn suggested we send flowers to Lisa when she moves on for all of her dedicated service. Age Friendly is supporting the bus for an additional day/month (last Wednesday)

Bus can take up to 4 people

Register with Beth Spinnato 9:30-11:15

Plus regular Tuesdays & Thursdays

Next meeting at 5PM, 2.25.2021 Helen adjourned.

  • Hits: 689



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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