Date:                           October 24, 2023 – Stable, 7:30pm


Attendance:                 Present:  Chair R. Brooks, A. Chauvin, V. VanDyke, F. Mortimer, S. Winograd,

D. Sayles, L. Kloak, S. Brogan, J. Morgan, J. Bostler


                                    Absent: M. Mahmoud


                                    Also Present: Director, N. Bigos, Office Assistant, D. Kat


Public Comment &     

Correspondence:        No public comment.


Minutes:                      Minutes for June 2023. Approved with motions made by F. Mortimer, D. Sayles made second motion.  All in favor.

Minutes for September 2023. Approved with motions made by D. Sayles, F. Mortimer made second motion. All in favor.


Parks Excel Sheet/

Presentation A.

Chauvin:                      A. Chauvin shared the purpose of this Parks document was to assist us better plan the Village parks and recreational amenities. This is the first draft, thoughts and feedback are welcome. Suggestions for the sheet were recommended. A. Chauvin went over the details of the spreadsheet. Discussions were had with the PRC Committee about this information.


Healthbarn:                 N. Bigos shared the Healthbarn programs are full. S. Antine would like to share her future vision with the PRC Committee in an upcoming meeting. N. Bigos shared that S. Antine undertakes all of the food shopping, cooking and prepping for the Elder Dinner.


Liaison Reports           Village Council – S. Winograd           

·       S. Winograd shared that the Adopt a Sapling program was a success, 32 saplings were planted in Area D. The Shade Tree Commission will be amending the Tree Protection Ordinance. S. Winograd discussed the sugar maple tree at Schedler. The bus station will be on the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting. The sensory free dinner at the Steel Wheel with SEPAG will be held on November 8th.


Board of Ed – S. Brogan

·       S. Brogan shared that a different vendor was used this past time to clean the high school field. L. Kloak suggested that the field lights should be turned off at night if the fields are closed. Super Science Saturday is March 2, 2024.


Open Space Committee – D. Sayles

·       D. Sayles shared the wish list from the Open Space Committee. The action items for Parks and Recreation can be reviewed and assigned in next month’s meeting.


Fields Committee – R. Brooks

·       R. Brooks shared the fields committee met on October 3rd which was a few days after the flooding so there was a lot of public comment. The top topic was field scheduling.





Shade Tree Commission – V. Van Dyke

·       V. Van Dyke did not attend the meeting.


                                   Community Center Advisory Board – L. Kloak  

·       L. Kloak shared a letter about concerns for the heat, ventilation and sound at the Community Center.


                                    Green Ridgewood – F. Mortimer

·       F. Mortimer shared that pollinator pathways were discussed.


Project Pride – N. Bigos

·       N. Bigos shared that Lorraine Reynolds has scheduled Fall Pride Day on 10/7/23 at 7:00am. S. Winograd shared the rehome a palm tree program. The kissing balls will be refurbished for the season.




Ordinance No. 3941:  N. Bigos shared this Ordinance with fees for Recreation. She requested that the committee review the fees and discussion will continue at next months meeting.


Winter Programs:        Tabled for next meeting.


Parks:                          Tabled for next meeting.                    


2024 Departmental


Budget Resources:     Tabled for next meeting.



New Business:            No new business


Next Meeting               Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 7:30p, Stable


Adjournment                10:30pm

  • Hits: 182






Date:                           November 28, 2023 – Stable, 7:30pm



Attendance:                 Present: Chair R. Brooks, V. VanDyke, F. Mortimer, S. Winograd,

D. Sayles, L. Kloak


Absent: M. Mahmoud, J. Morgan, S. Brogan, A. Chauvin


Also Present: Director, N. Bigos, Office Assistant, D. Kat, Recreation Supervisor, K. Frey



Public Comment &

Correspondence:        No public comment. Correspondence was received from resident Brian Delatorre.



Minutes:                      Minutes for October 2023. Approved with motions made by F. Mortimer, D. Sayles made second motion. All in favor.



Recreation Fees:        K. Frey shared that with all the outside vendor increases, summer camp is not as profitable as hoped. She proposed an all-inclusive price for Graydon Summer Day Camp program at $725.00. That will include camp registration for 4 weeks, all trips and special events. K. Frey shared the departmental winter recreation brochure with all and explained offerings.



Liaison Reports           Village Council – S. Winograd

·       S. Winograd shared that the Schedler plans will be sent to SHPO in late December. SHPO has 120 days to approve, deny or approve with conditions. The deteriorated condition of the barn at Habernickel Park will be on December 6th Village Council agenda for discussion and review. F. Mortimer motions PRC Board believes the barn should be condemned. D. Sayles seconds it. All in favor.

S. Winograd shared she went to the Atlantic City forum and attended a few classes.


Board of Ed – S. Brogan

·       S. Brogan – absent


Open Space Committee – D. Sayles

·       D. Sayles – no meeting.


Fields Committee – R. Brooks

·       R. Brooks shared the fields committee is going to be meeting in person once into the new year. The BOE hired a new vendor to remediate the turf fields after flooding and the field had to be cleaned twice. Master Library is moving forward; the individual handling Master Library within BOE is a temporary employee. The major change in the field policy is the field lights staying on longer all year round.





Shade Tree Commission – V. Van Dyke

·       V. Van Dyke shared the success of the fall tree planting and Adopt a Sapling program were reviewed. They are hoping to plant 50 saplings next year. Declan reported on the NJSTF conference. V. Van Dyke shared the Shade Tree Commission overview brochure with the group.


Community Center Advisory Board – L. Kloak

·       L. Kloak shared the board is considering various fundraising strategies; one idea is by selling an item, possibly a blanket at a profit. There is a need for the foundation to fundraise.


Green Ridgewood – F. Mortimer

·       F. Mortimer – no report.


Project Pride – N. Bigos

·       N. Bigos – no report.


Parks:                          No report


New Business:            No new business


Next Meeting               Tuesday, January 23, 2023 at 7:30pm, The Gatehouse, Habernickel Park Adjournment                9:15pm

  • Hits: 107




Date:                           September 26, 2023 – Stable, 7:30pm Gatehouse


Attendance:                 Present:  Chair R. Brooks, A. Chauvin, V. VanDyke, F. Mortimer, S. Winograd,

D. Sayles, L. Kloak. S. Brogan


                                    Absent: M. Mahmoud, J. Morgan


                                    Also Present: Director, N. Bigos, Office Assistant, D. Kat


Public Comment &     

Correspondence:        R. Brooks shared correspondence that was passed around to the group.


 Minutes:                     Minutes for June 2023 were tabled until October meeting.  


Liaison Reports           Village Council – S. Winograd           

·       S. Winograd shared the Schedler conceptual park plans passed internally. Plans will be finalized and sent to SHPO and hoping for a ruling in February 2024.Eco friendly turf has been researched and S. Winograd was able to provide the 3 samples at this meeting. An internal video was launched for the Schedler house. S. Winograd shared the sugar maple tree at Schedler is mature but healthy condition because the Village has invested in caring for the tree.


Board of Ed – S. Brogan

·       S. Brogan explained that the Orchard field may be out of use for the remainder this year. Aramark takes care of all the BOE fields and there was some confusion when it came to Orchard field. S. Brogan shared that the conversations about flooding continue and hopeful for some possibilities that can help. Julie Kot is the new business administrator for the Ridgewood public schools.


Open Space Committee – D. Sayles

·       D. Sayles shared the meeting was postponed for this upcoming Thursday.


Fields Committee – R. Brooks

·       R. Brooks shared the field schedule is set for fall. There has been difficulty with scheduling on Master Library. The field policy is a work in progress, there is a Field Committee meeting next week. The meeting had conversations about Orchard and Hawes fields. The next fields meeting is October 3rd at 7pm.


Shade Tree Commission – V. Van Dyke

·       V. Van Dyke shared that the Village attorney, Matt Rogers attended the meeting to explain the bylaws that the STC is permitted. They discussed the Adopt a Sapling program. The tree ordinance is being reviewed. Conversations about the budget, trifold brochure, and tree donations all ensued.


                                   Community Center Advisory Board – L. Kloak  

·       L. Kloak shared the next meeting is this coming Thursday.  


                                    Green Ridgewood – F. Mortimer

·       F. Mortimer shared the gas leaf blower initiative ordinance is in draft.




Project Pride – N. Bigos

·       N. Bigos shared that Lorraine Reynolds has scheduled Fall Pride Day on 10/7/23 at 7:00am. S. Winograd shared the rehome a palm tree program. The kissing balls will be refurbished for the season.



Field Policy:                This was previously discussed.


Fall Recreation:           N. Bigos shared the fall brochures have been mailed. The street fair was very successful with 200 vendors.


Community Center:     L. Kloak shared the Community Center brochure; mentioned the need to elevate the means to show these programs with the community.


Shade Tree

Commission:               Skipped


2024 Capital

Budget:                        N. Bigos shared that a 2024 fall planting request was submitted, for 120 trees. Also, the final phase of the CBD for the heat islands, along with a couple of side streets. The Parks department is requesting a new chipper truck and pickup truck. Operating and Capital budgets are due this Friday


New Business:            No new business


Next Meeting               Tuesday, October 26, 2023 at 7:30 pm, Stable


Adjournment                9:07pm

  • Hits: 102




Date:                           June 20, 2023 – Gatehouse, Habernickel Park 6:00pm


Attendance:                 Present:  Chair R. Brooks, A. Chauvin, V. VanDyke, F. Mortimer, S. Winograd,

J. Morgan, D. Sayles, L. Kloak. S. Brogan


                                    Absent: M. Mahmoud


                                    Also Present: Director, N. Bigos, Office Assistant, D. Kat


Public Comment &     

Correspondence:        No public comment.



Minutes:                      Minutes for May 2023. Approved with motions made by D. Sayles, F. Mortimer made second motion.  All in favor.




Schedler Property/

Update:                       S. Winograd shared there is a potential purchase of the property at 510 W Saddle River Road. There is no house but there is an easement, the contiguous property is of value to the expansion of the park and further park development.


Habernickel:                R. Brooks shared that the group observed the barn. He asked N. Bigos to gather quotes for demolition and possibilities that can replace the barn and to share this information at budget time.


Kings Pond:                N. Bigos shared the fence and stone have been installed. A park identification sign, bike racks and flagpole were next to be purchased.


Graydon Pool:             N. Bigos shared that Graydon opened on June 3rd, a breakfast for the seniors was hosted by Age Friendly and the Community Center.


Gifting Ordinance:       F. Mortimer shared the gifting ordinance has been passed and adopted.


Green Acres

Diversion:                    S. Winograd shared this will hopefully be complete by the fall of this year.           


Technology:                N. Bigos shared that Master Library has been put on hold for the summer months due to K. Frey being occupied with summer programs, daycamp and Graydon Pool.

R. Brooks suggested that a member from IT can help with inputting information in Master Library for Recreation.

S. Winograd announced that Keith Kazmark has been hired as Village Manager.


Field Policy:                R. Brooks shared the sub-committee has not yet met.


Special Events:           N. Bigos shared that July is recreation month nationally. N. Bigos and K. Frey would like to celebrate with the community and would like a proclamation prepared from our liaisons. Special events have been planned and can be highlighted throughout the month of July. Slated is: goat yoga, mermaid story time, mermaid swimming and the dog days of summer. Scribbles is the new story walk in Maple Park.





Parks Update


Citizens Park:              No update.


New Business:            F. Mortimer shared that a spreadsheet with all of the parks was put together with the group from the Open Space/PRC joint meeting.

A.    Chauvin shared the details of what this document offers.

N. Bigos shared the Village Manager requested the she represent with her at the Bergen County Open Space public hearing next Tuesday, June 27th. There are 4 areas of grants. The Village applied for 2 of the grants. N. Bigos invited the PRC Board to attend.


Liaison Reports           Village Council – S. Winograd           

·       No report


Board of Ed – S. Brogan

·       Graduation is Thursday, June 22nd.


Open Space Committee – D. Sayles

·       No report


Fields Committee – R. Brooks

·       R. Brooks shared the last fields meeting was the first time a member from Community school has attended. K. Cook is trying to organize everything for the schedule. The adult soccer team have been aided.


Shade Tree Commission – V. Van Dyke

·       V. Van Dyke shared that H. Mailander attended the meeting. H. Mailander shared with the Shade Tree Committee that the Village staff is not always available to help. They discussed the Adopt a Sapling program that will start late September. D. Madden reviewed the CBD planting with the committee.

·       S. Winograd that Monday, June 26th is mulch Monday.


                                   Community Center Advisory Board – L. Kloak  

·       L. Kloak shared the Ridgewood run was a success.  


                                    Green Ridgewood – F. Mortimer

·       F. Mortimer shared that No Mow May and tall grass in suburban lawns has no impact on the tick population.


Project Pride – N. Bigos

·       No report


Next Meeting               Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 7:30 pm, Stable


Adjournment                8:50pm

  • Hits: 261




Date:                           May 23, 2023 – The Stable 7:30pm   


Attendance:                 Present:  Chair R. Brooks, A. Chauvin, V. VanDyke, F. Mortimer, S. Winograd,

J. Morgan, D. Sayles, L. Kloak. S. Brogan, Tess Guliani, Givi, Carol Munns


                                    Absent: M. Mahmoud


                                    Also Present: Director, N. Bigos, Office Assistant, D. Kat


Public Comment &     

Correspondence:        Tess Guliani shared the new Gold Star Monument design. Tess Guliani and Lynn Brady both worked on the design. The Gold Star families are the families of those soldiers that have passed serving our country. Flyers were handed out and a power point was presented to show the Gold Star monument design. T. Guliani went into all the meaningful details of the design and it will be presented to the Village Council at tomorrow’s meeting.



Minutes:                      Minutes for April 2023. Approved with motions made by F. Mortimer, A. Chauvin made second motion.  All in favor.


Parks & Rec

2023 Dep Budget

Status:                         N. Bigos shared the 2023 municipal budgets were approved by the Village Council. Capital expenses will be moving ahead. The Kasschau Shell will be celebrating their 65th Anniversary this season.


Schedler Property/

Update:                       S. Winograd shared there is a potential purchase at 510 W Saddle River Road. There is no house on it but there is an easement, the contiguous property is of value to the further park development.


Habernickel:                N. Bigos shared that maintenance is being done at the Gatehouse. Signal is in the process of painting the exterior patio and some plumbing work will be done. Stacey has offered the donation of a retractable awning in the back of the Gatehouse to provide shelter. H. Mailander has approved. N. Bigos shared the different possibilities in the past for the barn.

                                    R. Brooks shared the barn is not in great condition. He suggested that immediate repairs should be done to ensure safety, or taken down.

                                    S. Winograd shared the details of the inside of the barn. It is being used for storage.

                                    The barn as it stands is an opportunity for the village to address.

                                    Carol Munns shared the bad condition the barn is in. The Healthbarn garden is right next to the barn, over the garden are gutters and overhangs that could possibly fall making it a hazard.


Gifting Ordinance:       S. Winograd shared it will be presented to the Village Council on June 7th and introduced the following week.


Technology:                N. Bigos shared that K. Frey has been inputting the information into Master Library. Since summer is here, she will continue hopefully welcoming youth sports schedules in hope to go live in the fall. N. Bigos and R. Brooks will meet with Keith Cook to review and update the field policy. Taking new changes in consideration.

A.    Chauvin shared the meeting will be the coming Thursday, May 25th.


Special Events:           F. Mortimer shared the first annual Hive Dive was on Sunday and a success.

V. VanDyke shared the summer camp parent orientation was held for the first time.

N. Bigos shared Project Pride planters are complete. Signal planted the planters throughout Memorial park.

L. Kloak shared the Memorial run will happen on Monday, May 29th. She encouraged the group to join and help at the water station.

N. Bigos shared Graydon is ready to be opened.

S. Brogan shared the senior breakfast will be offered on opening day at Graydon pool.


Parks Update


Citizens Park:              No update.


New Business:            No new business


Liaison Reports           Village Council – S. Winograd           

·       No report


Board of Ed – S. Brogan

·       New superintendent starts on July 15th.


Open Space Committee – D. Sayles

·       No report


Fields Committee – R. Brooks

·       Master Library was discussed.


Shade Tree Commission – V. Van Dyke

·       V. Van Dyke shared that S. Winograd brought in two interns that have been helping with community outreach. They discussed the Adopt a Sapling program, grants, community programs for trees, a shade tree brochure and the removal of trees on Dunham trail.


                                   Community Center Advisory Board – L. Kloak  

·       L. Kloak shared the middle school mixer was canceled due to lack of volunteers. 


                                    Green Ridgewood – F. Mortimer

·       F. Mortimer shared the Daffodil Festival and No Mow May have been successful.

The group discussed the No Mow May tick concerns.


Project Pride – N. Bigos

·       No report


Next Meeting               Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 6:00 pm

Gatehouse, Habernickel Park


Adjournment                10:00pm

  • Hits: 163



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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