Parks, Recreation and Convervation Board Minutes 20171128

Date: November 28, 2017
 Present:  Chair Rich Brooks, Vice Chair David Sayles, Mary Mogerley, William Riker, Lou Lembo, BOE Liaison Jim Morgan
 Absent: Village Council Liaison Ramon Hache, Parker Weil, Michael Winogard
        Also Present:Director Tim Cronin, Deputy Director Nancy Bigos
Public Comment: None
Director’s Report:October 2017 Directors Report was reviewed with motions, 1st D. Sayles and 2nd L. Lembo.  All were in favor to approve without questions or changes.
Minutes: The minutes for October 2017 were presented and approved by all, no changes.
Correspondence: None
PRC Board:
 Member Reappointments/Appointments
 There are three members whose terms will end on December 31, 2017.
 They are Rich Brooks, Parker Weil and Michael Winogard.  Rich Brooks informed us that he has already sent a letter to H. Mailander to be reappointed.  If anyone would like to be reappointed or know of anybody in the community who is like minded and would like to be a member of the PRC Board should write a letter of intent to the Village Council.  The appointments to the PRC Board are at the discretion of the Village Council. 
Schedler Park Ad Hoc Committee Report:
The Sub-Committee has been tasked with studying the site and presenting design options, along with cost and feasibility analysis.  This is to be accomplished before the end of the year so that the Village Council could consider the options ahead of budget season.  Design and costs will be included in the 2018 Capital Budget.
      • Park Cleanup Progress
The cleanup of the property is Phase I. The demolition of the garage and shed has been accomplished.  The well company was at the site today, it was discussed that there are several steps to be taken before the well is capped. 
      • Park Design
The sub-committee focused on the design and layout.  They have put together a rough draft / presentation.  At the last meeting of the PRC Board, the plan featuring the multi-purpose field sized 80’ x 60’ was favored and the 2nd choice was the plan with the field size 75’ x 50’.  The Ad-Hoc committee has decided to go with the 75’x 50’ field, which should accommodate the most children. The parking lot was moved, as well as the restrooms and field differing from the original plan presented to the PRC.  It will feature a children’s playground, 44 space parking lot, and two ADA compliant restrooms with overhang shelter, “senior friendly” walking trails, and a 6 ft. berm with tree line across top alongside Route 17.It was proposed to have fencing and trees planted along West Saddle River Rd. The committee is preliminarily recommending FieldTurf CoolPlay, an artificial grass surface that allows for significant use, has no exposed rubber and remains significantly cooler than other artificial grass surfaces.  It will maintain a green, manicured appearance and is economically sensible.  There will also be low-level parking safety lights considered.
R. Brooks discussed provisions for the PRC Board to view the new plan and have a presentation before it goes to the Village Council on December 6th.
Park Wi-Fi Update
 D. Sayles has been working towards the initiation of the public Wi-Fi program for Graydon Pool and by extension to a more prominent space within the CBD at Van Neste Square. To provide the benefit of public internet access for the patrons of Graydon Pool would present them with an added element of value and a more desirable destination for recreation.
        D. Sayles reported that the Village attorney has yet to do the requested research into liabilities of public Wi-Fi.  D. Hansen has concerns about security and liability as well. He wants to do more research and would like to wait for the attorney report. As always, the big concerns are for safeguards, especially where children are involved. 
        D. Sayles mentioned he will follow up with H. Mailander in writing instead of by phone and send weekly emails to D. Hansen and try to expedite the matters at hand.  D. Sayles also obtained copies of use agreements/disclaimers (for Wi-Fi use) from three different towns which may be referenced when composing the use agreement/disclaimer for the Village of Ridgewood.
        D. Sayles stated he should know which plan they will use (as there are several providers) soon and they will discuss funding and pricing.  He hopes that the public Wi-Fi program should be ready by April 29, 2018.
Field Policy: Field Policy Revision
 The Field Committee met to review changes to the Field Policy.  Jeff Gluck transcribed the discussed changes to the Field Policy. The revised Field Policy was sent to all the members of the Field Committee to review and will meet December 5th to vote on the changes.  T. Cronin mentioned the Board of Education is close to a decision.  J. Gluck and D. Cramblitt will present the new policy to the PRC Board and the Village Council once the Field Committee and Board of Education has voted and passed the changes to the Field Policy.
Recreation:Winter Programs/Special Events
N. Bigos shared the December 2017 Parks and Recreation brochures sent to Village residents for their perusal.  It features news and upcoming special events as well as December recess and winter offerings for our Village youth, adults and seniors. 
The Parks and Recreation brochure and website also features the NJRPA Consignment Program.  It is a service which helps residents save money on amusement tickets and winter ski resorts purchased at discounted prices.
New Business: None
Community Pass Fields and Facilities Manager Software/Community Pass Update
There was a meeting at Village Hall with H. Mailander, R. Hache, T. Cronin, N. Bigos, D. Cramblitt D. Hansen and M. Anderson to discuss Community Pass/ CapturePoint.  Community Pass is a comprehensive online recreation management solution program.  It will provide registration, management and facilities software to streamline procedures in the Recreation and Parks Departments.  The size and complexity of our recreational and sports programs have grown significantly while the tools we use have not evolved.  This is very important to help us plan and manage our fields properly.
The Council decided to proceed with CapturePoint and the Village is under contract for ten sessions.  The software program will be used for all facility use requests and will be used for field scheduling at a later date. 
Community Pass has been utilized by the Recreation Department with great success since 2004. CapturePoint and Recreation will consider the rooms and programs being used at the Stable and Community Center and jointly establish the protocols considered necessary to expand the program to meet the demands of the department and how it interacts with the public.  Reservations, scheduling, payments and permits will be made through use of this software program.
Also, looking at Graydon, there are four outside camps and in addition there are other groups, swim programs, yoga and movies as well. 
The Parks Department will probably be next to being introduced to the new software.  The larger parks are in use every Friday, Saturday and Sunday year round.  They need to be scheduled, as well as other details that need to be assigned, such as overseeing events, setup and cleanup for each event.  The organizational and reporting ability of this new program will be an asset to the department.
Finally, CapturePoint software will be used for field scheduling.  Coordinating the sporting events to fields, specific dates and times are a herculean task that will benefit greatly when the program is initiated.

N. Bigos noted that the charge for rentals could be used to help fund improvements.  They are doing research and looking into what other towns are charging, comparing fee schedules.  N. Bigos has sent this to the Village Manager for consideration. 

2018 Budget: 2018 Departmental Budget Requests
 The Parks and Recreation Department had their initial budget meeting.  At this stage the budgets are gone through and collected.  In December, there will be a meeting with the Village Manager and they will go deeper into the budget requests.  Finally, it will go to the Village Council; for approval.
 Department Succession Plan/Staffing Assignment
 When T. Cronin retires, N. Bigos will be promoted as the next Director of Parks and Recreation.
 D. Cramblitt is assimilating with other departments and learning where to go for assistance and related business.

Liaison Reports Village Council – R. Hache
 No Report – Absent
 Board of Ed - J. Morgan
 The school buildings are 100 years old, the heating and air conditioning antiquated and the maintenance costs sky high.  The facilities will require 4 million to be spent on the infrastructure and 12 million for the classrooms.  The BOE will require 60 – 80 million in total for the refurbishment.  Originally built in the 1960’s, there are lots of windows and doors.  Security needs an upgrade.  The schools need to be safe and well maintained.  The Board has to perceive how to present this to the public and is not sure how they are going to pay for the renovations as yet.
 There is a lot of publicity due to the recent fight between two students.  The BOE reviewed procedures and all policies.  It is apparent the kids did not want to speak to the adults.  Social media will not speak of this except in generalities as privacy must be protected.

Open Space Committee - M. Mogerley
Open Space did not have a meeting; there is nothing new to report.  They are   pushing for a meeting on December 4th.  They are working on a narrative derived from the Open Space Survey as well.
                                Fields Committee – R. Hache/ R. Brooks
This has already been covered.
                                 Shade Tree Commission – T. Cronin  
      • Village Tree Planting – Residential - 117 trees in progress
      • Board of Education - 34 trees
      • CBD Tree Wells -  Started today, better trees and well, the raised brick is gone, new soil and water tube device being installed
      • Adopt-A-Tree -  27 trees being planted by Conquest, plus 54 additional  trees in Village
                                 Community Center Advisory Board
Reappointments are being made, two students from each middle-school and two students from Ridgewood High School.
Community Center Foundation – Preparing a document to gift items to the Village. These include a piano, furniture, etc. this upcoming Thursday night.
 Project Pride - CBD
The CBD has been updated with new plantings and decorative banners will be hung throughout the district.  Parks Department is in the process of doing four new “test” tree wells.  They will give the new tree wells a year to see how well they fare before replacing all tree wells throughout the CBD.  This service will be bid out.
   Conservancy for Ridgewood Public Lands - N. Bigos
The annual appeal letter was mailed to previous donors for donations.
April 22, 2018 will be the Village Annual Daffodil Festival/Earth Day to be held at Van Neste Square.
                                 Ridgewood Arts Council
Nothing to report 
 Ridgewood Environmental Advisory Council (REAC)
 REAC combining with Green Team did not happen last month.  They will be discussing a merger at tonight’s meeting.  D. Sayles believes they are hesitant because they feel they may need both and are better kept as two separate entities to benefit from goals/awards.
 REAC would like to educate residents on recycling.  They distributed a quiz to visitors at the Earth Day Celebration last year and all failed to identify which products to recycle properly.
 REAC is also suggestive of town wide recycling of mulch, plant material and vegetation, kitchen scraps etc. for producing compost.  There was mention of approaching the Farmers Market to propose a deal to give them free compost in exchange for vegetable scrap.

Next Meeting:  Tim’s Retirement Celebration
Wednesday, December 27, 2017 at the Stable, 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Tuesday, January 29, 2018
The Stable at 7:30 pm  
Adjournment  9:15 PM
  • Hits: 870



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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