Parks, Recreation and Convervation Board Minutes 20181127
Date: November 27, 2018
Attendance: Present: Chair Rich Brooks, Vice Chair Dave Sayles, Mary Mogerley, Liz Kloak, BOE Liaison Jim Morgan
Absent: Village Council Liaison Ramon Hache, Lou Lembo, William Riker and Michael Winograd
Also Present: Director Nancy Bigos, residents George Wolfson and Jaime Miller
Public Comment &
Correspondence: None
Correspondence: None
Minutes: Minutes for October 2018 were approved with motions made by D. Sayles first and M. Mogerley second motion. All were in favor and minutes approved.
Presentation Presentation for New Garden at Habernickel Park – G. Wolfson and J. Miller
George Wolfson would like to completely fund and donate a new garden in Habernickel Park. This would be in addition to the bench he has already purchased and donated to the Village of Ridgewood. Jaime Miller is a graduate of the New York Botanical Gardens and has been hired to design the new garden on the existing pond’s edge in Habernickel. She began the project by doing research on the prior owners and discovered that the original owners used this location as a healing place for their son. She then began the site analysis of the wetlands and will integrate erosion control, using native plant materials to draw people into the area. There will be no trees planted; she will use native plants, shrubs and ground cover with the exception of the Japanese Primrose she will incorporate into the design. This creation will be a low maintenance, naturalized garden that will work well with wildlife and be deer resistant.
George Wolfson would like to completely fund and donate a new garden in Habernickel Park. This would be in addition to the bench he has already purchased and donated to the Village of Ridgewood. Jaime Miller is a graduate of the New York Botanical Gardens and has been hired to design the new garden on the existing pond’s edge in Habernickel. She began the project by doing research on the prior owners and discovered that the original owners used this location as a healing place for their son. She then began the site analysis of the wetlands and will integrate erosion control, using native plant materials to draw people into the area. There will be no trees planted; she will use native plants, shrubs and ground cover with the exception of the Japanese Primrose she will incorporate into the design. This creation will be a low maintenance, naturalized garden that will work well with wildlife and be deer resistant.
After viewing the design plans for the garden, the PRC Board granted approval and all moved the project go forward to be presented to the Village Council for their approval. Once approval is obtained the project should be able to start in spring/April of 2019.
Athletic Fields and
Recreational Facilities
Use Policy Final Copy Submitted to Council - If the Village Council has any addendums or changes to the Athletic Fields and Recreational Use document, it will have to go back before the BOE for approval and adoption. R. Brooks anticipates the Fields Policy to be reviewed January or February of next year.
Athletic Fields and
Recreational Facilities
Use Policy Final Copy Submitted to Council - If the Village Council has any addendums or changes to the Athletic Fields and Recreational Use document, it will have to go back before the BOE for approval and adoption. R. Brooks anticipates the Fields Policy to be reviewed January or February of next year.
R. Brooks stated he had met with R. Hache and educated him about administrative requirements and ongoing scheduling with the Fields Committee. The change to do all online will be put off until at least, next year. There are always a myriad of events going on in Ridgewood on any given night. The sophistication of events has become very complex and continues to be more so as time goes on.
Master Plan Our Village, Our Future…Master Plan
The Planning Board officially launched Our Village, Our Future to gather data and information from residents and businesses. What they feel is important will be put into the Vision Plan for the Village. This information culled from questionnaires, will be used when drafting a new master plan for the Village of Ridgewood. All municipalities in New Jersey are required to have an updated master plan every 10 years.
Master Plan Our Village, Our Future…Master Plan
The Planning Board officially launched Our Village, Our Future to gather data and information from residents and businesses. What they feel is important will be put into the Vision Plan for the Village. This information culled from questionnaires, will be used when drafting a new master plan for the Village of Ridgewood. All municipalities in New Jersey are required to have an updated master plan every 10 years.
The Planning Board has hired a consulting firm to coordinate and accomplish the master plan project. R. Hache and S. Knudsen will be heading up the committee for the Village. N. Bigos mentioned that Parks and Recreation, as well as Open Space should be consulted when they are collecting data and should have a voice while they update the Master Plan. Questions, for example “Where will they recreate?” or “How will they recreate?” is something Parks and Recreation should definitely be involved within the research.
Van Neste Park Lighting Project:
Funding has been secured and the lighting project is underway. Electrical supplies ordered and all involved know their responsibility. The project was swiftly moving forward and then leaf season began and it snowed. The goal was to have the E. Ridgewood Avenue side complete before Downtown for the Holidays celebration. This will not be possible at this time.
Funding has been secured and the lighting project is underway. Electrical supplies ordered and all involved know their responsibility. The project was swiftly moving forward and then leaf season began and it snowed. The goal was to have the E. Ridgewood Avenue side complete before Downtown for the Holidays celebration. This will not be possible at this time.
Kings Pond Park Phase I Update – the last few years the department applied to BCOS Trust Fund for 50/50 matching grant to fund the development of this park.
• The perimeter of the park will be set first by adding curbing.
• Two parking areas will be designated one at either end of the park.
• Walking path, benches and shade trees will be included.
Residents were notified and met with the Village Manager, Engineer and Parks and Recreation Director. They reviewed the plans for the park and the residents were asked to voice any concerns. The residents stated their concerns about the silt build up in the Goffle Brook and wished the brook to be dredged to alleviate this problem.
• Engineering is working to finish the various permits required.
• The willows by the stream have been removed.
• Project moving forward slowly
HealthBarn 2018 Elder Dinner - Director N. Bigos reported that the dinner was a resounding success. There were 119 people in attendance; the majority of them were from Ridgecrest. There were 21 volunteers on hand to assist and serve the dinners. The entire cost was funded by the Kapur family (of Glen Rock Jewelers) in honor of their father. Nine dinners went to St. Josephs and dinners were also sent to those who are homebound.
Bergen County
Probation Services Bergen County Probation Services has a great working relationship with the Village of Ridgewood. The people who need to perform community service have provided 160 man hours in four different workshops this year. They painted the Kasschau Band Shell, weeded and mulched Village Hall, the Gatehouse at Habernickel and the park entrance to Maple Park.
New Business None
Recreation Recreation Programs and Special Events
• Winter Programs – The first program, Soups On is filled to capacity
• Community Center/Winter Session - brochure
• HILT Newsletter – New this month, noteworthy and filled with special events
• Winter Programs – The first program, Soups On is filled to capacity
• Community Center/Winter Session - brochure
• HILT Newsletter – New this month, noteworthy and filled with special events
N. Bigos discussed the winter programs and shared copies of the winter brochures and newsletters with the PRC Board, highlighting the collection at the Stable and December Recess shows.
Liaison Reports Village Council – R. Hache
No report
Board of Ed - J. Morgan
The budget has been settled with a new teacher contract, teachers are happy.
BOE is studying the change of school days start time. They have done a lot of creative scheduling. They have also introduced a pilot program allowing freshman to leave campus.
No report
Board of Ed - J. Morgan
The budget has been settled with a new teacher contract, teachers are happy.
BOE is studying the change of school days start time. They have done a lot of creative scheduling. They have also introduced a pilot program allowing freshman to leave campus.
Open Space Committee - D. Sayles
No Report
Fields Committee – R. Brooks
No Report
Shade Tree Commission – N. Bigos
N. Bigos will be attending the next meeting.
Community Center Advisory Board - L. Lembo
. No Report
ronmental Advisory Committee (REAC) - M. Mogerley
They did not have a meeting.
No Report
Fields Committee – R. Brooks
No Report
Shade Tree Commission – N. Bigos
N. Bigos will be attending the next meeting.
Community Center Advisory Board - L. Lembo
. No Report
ronmental Advisory Committee (REAC) - M. Mogerley
They did not have a meeting.
They have merged with Green Team as neither committee has enough people. They are waiting for approval on 3 new people.
Next Meeting Tuesday, January 22, 2019 at the Stable, 7:30 pm
Adjournment 9:15 PM
- Hits: 1429