Date: June 26, 2018
Attendance: Present: Chair Rich Brooks, Vice Chair Dave Sayles, Lou Lembo, Liz Kloak, Mary Mogerley
Absent: William Riker, Michael Winograd, and Village Council Liaison Ramon Hache, BOE Liaison Jim Morgan
Also Present: Director Nancy Bigos, Girl Scouts C. Marotta and G. Chapman
Public Comment: None
Director’s Report: March and May 2018 tabled until the next meeting in September.
Correspondence: None
Girl Scout
Silver Award Presentation – Girl Scout Silver Award – Grace Chapman and Clara Marotta
C. Marotta and G, Chapman are members of Girl Scout Troop 94488. They have proposed to walk the Dunham Trail, clean up trash, identify flora and fauna to analyze and then denote with informative signs. They have contacted an ecologist, Jean Epiphan who has agreed to assist them with this project and help them identify plants and trees along the Dunham Trail.
Silver Award Presentation – Girl Scout Silver Award – Grace Chapman and Clara Marotta
C. Marotta and G, Chapman are members of Girl Scout Troop 94488. They have proposed to walk the Dunham Trail, clean up trash, identify flora and fauna to analyze and then denote with informative signs. They have contacted an ecologist, Jean Epiphan who has agreed to assist them with this project and help them identify plants and trees along the Dunham Trail.
When C. Marotta and G. Chapman have identified and researched each species they will develop a sign which will contain a picture of a leaf from the species, fun facts as well as information about each tree. After the sign has been completed it will be laminated to protect it from the elements and placed by each tree. It will not be attached to the tree in any way. When their project has been accomplished, they will continue to check the trail every three months to ensure the signs and trail remain in good condition.
Clara and Grace intend to start as soon as possible; their first step will be to meet with Director N. Bigos and Girl Scout Leader L. Fabiano, then contact the Rutgers ecologist. Once they have written all their information on google slides, they will develop the plaques/signs; their goal is to have the project completed by August.
After answering various questions from the PRC members, they were wished good luck in their endeavor.
Approval of Minutes: Approval of minutes March and May 2018 are tabled until the next meeting in September.
New Telephone
System/Stable The Stable is in dire need of a new telephone system, only one line is functioning. A new system was to be installed but that has not transpired. Work has been done on the present system but to no avail. It has been three months and the system is still deplorable. The department cannot function effectively without a working phone system. This is the busiest time of year, the pool is open, summer day camp has begun and all are enjoying various activities. If there should be an emergency and the phones are not working it could be disastrous. Several Track-it work orders were sent.
System/Stable The Stable is in dire need of a new telephone system, only one line is functioning. A new system was to be installed but that has not transpired. Work has been done on the present system but to no avail. It has been three months and the system is still deplorable. The department cannot function effectively without a working phone system. This is the busiest time of year, the pool is open, summer day camp has begun and all are enjoying various activities. If there should be an emergency and the phones are not working it could be disastrous. Several Track-it work orders were sent.
Maple Park/
Turf Replacement Project Complete
Turf Replacement Project Complete
Maple Field was dedicated last Friday evening, June 22nd. Several teams have played on the new turf and all of the sports organizations are very impressed. The new turf’s composition contains coconut shells, rubber infill and sand. This makes a tremendous difference; the turf is 10 degrees cooler, smells different and doesn’t silt up.
• Annual maintenance contract - The Fields Committee and sports groups agreed they will cover the cost of field maintenance performed by a third party of the Village’s choosing. This will allow the Village Council to earmark the money that would have been used for maintenance to be put in a fund for replacement of the turf field in the future.
• Annual maintenance contract - The Fields Committee and sports groups agreed they will cover the cost of field maintenance performed by a third party of the Village’s choosing. This will allow the Village Council to earmark the money that would have been used for maintenance to be put in a fund for replacement of the turf field in the future.
Bergen County
Open Space Grant - Filed June 18th
Application 2018 A letter of intent has been submitted to the Bergen County Open Space Committee requesting $58,500 matching funds for a 50/50 match. Phase II of the Kings Pond Park improvement plan will include; a walking path, benches, addition of shade trees, lawn play area and a small children’s playground.
The Open Space Grant for Maple Field total Phase II funding request is $117,000.00. N. Bigos went before the Bergen County Open Space Committee on behalf of the Village of Ridgewood to testify for the grant’s approval. N. Bigos believes the Village will receive the grant in August.
S. Knudsen and Ellie Gruber were also there to testify for a Historical Preservation grant intended for the Zabriskie Schedler property residence as well the James Rose Center.
N. Bigos mentioned the Ridgewood Duck Pond was discussed while she was at the Bergen County Park Commission. She stated one and a half million dollars has been designated for the Duck Pond. Plans are to demolish, overhaul and rebuild the infrastructure before going forward with the renovation and restoration of the park.
It seems that Bergen County’s focus is to change their image and is making big changes county-wide.
2018 Green Acres
Diversion Update The diversion is at a standstill. It was mentioned that a paper street by Marlborough Road, coupled with the Ross property is being considered. A playground might need to be built on the property as well, in order to satisfy the terms of the diversion.
It seems that Bergen County’s focus is to change their image and is making big changes county-wide.
2018 Green Acres
Diversion Update The diversion is at a standstill. It was mentioned that a paper street by Marlborough Road, coupled with the Ross property is being considered. A playground might need to be built on the property as well, in order to satisfy the terms of the diversion.
HealthBarn There isn’t anything to report at the moment, the Quarterly Report is due to be submitted at the end of June.
Reportedly, Stacey Antine has decided the time has come to contact her lawyers and put an end to the myriad of difficulties she has had with the neighbors on Hillcrest Rd. She has filed harassment charges and in fact, there is a court date set for July 12th. The neighbors have been taking pictures of visitors, staff and worst of all, the children entering and exiting the HealthBarn.
New Business
• A resident went to the podium at a Village Council meeting. He stated that when Graydon Pool is closed there is no communication. With the new system Director N. Bigos will send an email to all residents to inform them of the pool’s closing for the day. In addition, Graydon Pool has a flag system that was devised last year as an advisory for the residents. As a courtesy, when patrons of the pool have purchased day passes and the pool is closed due to lightning, they are given vouchers so they may return another day.
o Graydon Pool’s Master Calendar and Group Schedule for July were also made available to all residents.
Liaison Reports Village Council – R. Hache
• A resident went to the podium at a Village Council meeting. He stated that when Graydon Pool is closed there is no communication. With the new system Director N. Bigos will send an email to all residents to inform them of the pool’s closing for the day. In addition, Graydon Pool has a flag system that was devised last year as an advisory for the residents. As a courtesy, when patrons of the pool have purchased day passes and the pool is closed due to lightning, they are given vouchers so they may return another day.
o Graydon Pool’s Master Calendar and Group Schedule for July were also made available to all residents.
Liaison Reports Village Council – R. Hache
No Report
Board of Ed - J. Morgan
No Report
Open Space Committee - D. Sayles
No Report
Fields Committee – R. Hache/ R. Brooks
Village Council has not yet adopted the updated Athletic Fields and Recreational Facilities Use Policy. The BOE has approved the revised field policy. It is hoped that the revised policy will be addressed and be approved at an upcoming meeting. The PRC Board will discuss this item in September.
Shade Tree Commission – N. Bigos
No Report
Community Center Advisory Board-L. Lembo
. The pictures that were due to be removed in the Community Center are still there for everyone to enjoy.
Fields Committee – R. Hache/ R. Brooks
Village Council has not yet adopted the updated Athletic Fields and Recreational Facilities Use Policy. The BOE has approved the revised field policy. It is hoped that the revised policy will be addressed and be approved at an upcoming meeting. The PRC Board will discuss this item in September.
Shade Tree Commission – N. Bigos
No Report
Community Center Advisory Board-L. Lembo
. The pictures that were due to be removed in the Community Center are still there for everyone to enjoy.
Ridgewood Environmental Advisory Council (REAC) - M. Mogerley
No report
Next Meeting Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at the Stable, 7:30 pm
Adjournment 7:45 PM
- Hits: 1248