Parks, Recreation and Convervation Board Minutes 20180327

Village of Ridgewood Department of Parks and Recreation
 Date:   March 27, 2018
Attendance: Present:  Chair Rich Brooks, Vice Chair David Sayles, Mary Mogerley, Lou Lembo, William Riker
 Absent: Michael Winogard, Village Council Liaison Ramon Hache, BOE Liaison Jim Morgan
Also Present: Director Nancy A. Bigos
Public Comment: None
Director’s Report: November, December 2017 and January, February 2018, Directors Reports were approved.  All were in favor and there were no questions.
Minutes                    Approval of Minutes - November 2017 and January, February 2018 minutes were
reviewed with motions, D. Sayles first, and L. Lembo second motion.  All were in favor and there were no questions or changes.
Correspondence: None
PRC Board Annual Chair, Vice Chair and Sub-Committee Appointments
 R. Brooks was nominated as Chair by D. Sayles and all were in favor to have him continue in that position.  D. Sayles was nominated as Vice-Chair and all were in favor as well.
 A discussion proceeded regarding the various sub-committee appointments available. R. Brooks will continue with the Fields Committee and D. Sayles will take over coverage of Open Space.  The Ridgewood Duck Pond is going to be revamped and renovated at long last; W. Riker has volunteered to interact with Bergen County Parks regarding the restoration of the Duck Pond.  REAC and Green Team will be meeting jointly but retaining autonomy, M. Mogerley has volunteered for that position.  L. Lembo will continue with the Community Center.
 There is the possibility of a new member for the PRC Board.  There have been several applications submitted; two of the candidates are Liz Cloak and Matt Cunningham.
Outside Group 
Recognition Request for Outside Group Recognition - Ridgewood Boys Soccer Booster Association
This group is not part of the Maroons or any other RSA group.  They raise money for equipment and stipends for coaches.  Last year, they applied to have a summer camp and were denied as this is not a recognized group according to Field Policy they cannot host a camp.  The president of this association, Lori Weil met with the Mayor and received permission to have a summer camp; however it was to be for one year only. This year they wish to do a something similar but want to be a recognized group in the Field Policy.  They were denied.
 If the group were recognized they would basically be able to do whatever they wish, such as holding soccer camps without seeking permission.
 The RSA and Maroons agreed to allow them to hold a summer camp this year despite the determination agreed upon last year
 They can hold their summer soccer camp but they will not be included in the Field Policy
Parks and
Recreation   Graydon Pool/Summer 2018
N. Bigos presented the results of Graydon Pool’s 2017 season to Mayor and Council.  The Mayor lauded last season as a great success!  They went on to discuss the pricing structure for 2018.
R. Brooks pointed out that in actuality, when N. Bigos submitted the reports to the PRC Board last October the members had a different opinion after review of the numbers.  Regrettably, the incentives the Graydon ad hoc committee put forth to the public failed to sell more badges and produce additional revenue for Graydon Pool.  Many of the residents who normally buy badges bought them early to take advantage of the “early bird” discount.
Opening day for Graydon Pool is Saturday, June 2nd.
Ridgewood Duck:
Pond Ridgewood Duck Pond
 The Ridgewood Duck Pond will be revamped this year.  The Director of Bergen County Parks, James Kloth has told R. Hache that a resolution has been passed that secured $1,000,000.00 to renovate the park.  That will include the relining of the pond and re-establishing the waterway pump to feed the aquifer along with other much needed improvements.
 N. Bigos has a meeting scheduled tomorrow at 9:00 am with Ron Saborian from Bergen County to discuss the Bergen County Parks Master Plan and potential partnership.
HealthBarn 2017 Recap
• Rental brought in $44,000.00
• Co-sponsoring classes/events revenue $4,100.00
• HealthBarn donated $1,000.00 and underwrote senior meals/food
• Total of $49,500.00 revenue to Parks and Recreation operating budget
Parks a) Maple Park/Turf Replacement - Update
• After our January 2018 meeting, Ridgewood resident Tom Thurston contacted a specialist to review the statistics and facts concerning the turf field at Maple Park. The specialist sent a report to Matt Rogers providing significant information about the turf field. It was ascertained the condition of the field left the Village open to liability if any injuries are sustained.  After review of the report and determination the turf field should be closed immediately, the field has been closed by the Village Manager as of March 6, 2018.
• The Mayor and Council have given support and the department proceeded to get proposals – two proposals have been received.
• Funding has been approved and hopes are to begin in May. The project will probably not be finished until early summer.
• All games slated to be played on Maple Field are scheduled as away games.
• New Field – All sports organizations decided they will absorb the cost for an outside vendor to maintain the field.
• There was discussion of setting up a fund in advance to accumulate money towards the next field replacement.  It was also mentioned that the Sports Organizations be approached to contribute to the fund. This will be discussed at the next Fields Meeting.
 b) Schedler Property - Progress
• Phase II is the infrastructure, which is next to be accomplished.  It will start with entrance/exit, utilities, parking lot, curbs, sidewalks, sewers and berm conforms.  Conceptual paving is estimated at $850,000.00.
• Phase III will be amenities, restrooms and playgrounds.  The first playground will be for ages 0 - 2 years of age, the second playground will be for ages 2 – to 10 years. 
• Project is estimated at $2,000,000.00 and expected to take about 8 years.  There will be separate grants for other phases.
• Phase IV – A turf field will be installed (about $500,000.00)
House - will need to be made ADA compliant, there will be grants and funds for updating house
   c) Van Neste/Graydon/Wi-Fi Update
• The public Wi-Fi was approved in Capital Budget
• A big thank you to D. Sayles for assisting with the administration of this project.
• The priority will be Graydon, D. Hansen spoke favorably about the project
d) Water Fountains
• The funds were approved in the 2016 Capital Budget
• The water fountains will be dual-purpose, they are to be used as a refillable water bottle fountain as well as for normal usage
• Coaches and the Fields Committee will encourage the use of refillable bottles
• Signs will be posted to make the public aware of the new fountains usage

Daffodil Festival/
Earth Day Fair Village Annual Daffodil Festival and Earth Day Fair
 This event will be held on Sunday, April 22, 2018.  The focus and theme for this year is waste reduction and recycling, “It Takes a Village, Let’s Do It Right” and it will be held at Van Neste Square.  Apparently, the Village residents are not recycling properly and hopes are to make them aware of the new proper guidelines.  
 Recycling games will be played at their booth – “What can and cannot be recycled?”  Six relevant themes will be addressed and they are having two recycling programs for children.
 The entertainment, Blue Plate Special is already booked for the festival and there will be 25,000 daffodils planted, one for each person in the Village of Ridgewood.
 A petting zoo has also been arranged.
 N. Bigos invited the PRC Board to please attend this annual event.
New Business Skateboard Park Ordinance and Requirements
 The Village Council has approved the skateboard rules and regulations ordinance with exception of paying for membership.
Liaison Reports Village Council – R. Hache (absent)
Board Of Education – J. Morgan (absent)
                                Fields Committee  
                                Shade Tree
There are two Girl Scouts who are going to ID the 10 or so trees on Dunham Trail.
                                 Community Center Advisory Board
 Project Pride - CBD 
   Conservancy for Ridgewood Public Lands  
                                 Ridgewood Arts Council
 Ridgewood Environmental Advisory Council (REAC)  
Next Meeting  Tuesday, April 24, 2018
The Stable at 7:30 pm  
Adjournment  9:00 PM
  • Hits: 965



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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